Depending on your school, you might have a personal locker, or share with another student. You might have a locker barely big enough for your textbooks, or one that can hold your backpack, coat, and gym bag with ease. There are several storage tools you can buy so you can fit more stuff, but the best way to avoid chaos and lost supplies is not to stuff it to full, and to clean it out often. Decorating your locker can be fun, and doesn't have to limit your space as long as you stick to flat pictures and posters attached with magnets.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Setting Up Your Locker

  1. 1
    Clean your locker. Before you put anything in a new locker, or before you reorganize an old one, make sure it's clean. Toss out any trash or old assignments. Wipe the inside with a slightly damp cloth, paper towel, or wet wipe.
  2. 2
    Add a locker shelf. Locker shelves are cheap wire racks that can give you a lot of extra storage space. You can find them at department stores and hardware stores that sell school supplies.
    • Measure the width and height of your locker first before you buy a locker shelf.
    • You can also make a jank "DIY locker" out of three small planks. Lean two of them against the right and left walls of your locker, and place the third on top of them.
  3. 3
    Put in small containers. Pencil cups are great for keeping track of all your small school supplies. Find a strong magnetic cup to save the most space by keeping it up near the top, attached to the side of the locker. Otherwise, keep it up on top of your locker shelf.
  4. 4
    Get more space with locker hooks. Some lockers already have built-in pegs or hooks for hanging your backpack, coat, or lunchbox. If yours doesn't, magnetic hooks probably won't be strong enough to hold these heavy objects. However, you can use them to hang light fabric bags, keys, and other small objects to make better use of the space at the top of your locker.
    • You can sometimes find "locker ladders," or hooks with fabric pockets hanging down from them.
  5. 5
    Attach a whiteboard or schedule. If you think a place for reminders would be useful, buy a magnetic whiteboard and keep it on the back or side walls of your locker. Otherwise, just put a copy of your schedule, or other papers you look at daily. Use tape if your school allows it, and magnets if not.
    • Whiteboards are also useful if you share the locker with someone else, so you can trade messages.
  6. 6
    Set aside a mirror and light (optional). A magnetic mirror at eye level lets you check your appearance and reapply makeup during the day. If your locker is dark, a "locker light," reading light, or small, magnetic lamp can make it easier to find supplies. Set these aside and add them after stocking your locker with supplies, so you can find an out-of-the-way spot where textbooks and lunchboxes won't break them.
    • Use a low-power light or a light with a self-timer to avoid starting a fire or melting supplies.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Stocking Your Locker

  1. 1
    Keep school books on the lowest shelf. Store heavy textbooks, binders, and notebooks on the lowest shelf of your locker, since they're the heaviest objects. Keep these organized based on when you need to use them, so you can quickly grab the ones you want.
    • Try not to use two notebooks or binders with the same color, and label everything clearly.
    • Shelve your books with the spines upright. Don't stack them, which makes it hard to grab one quickly and keep them organized.
  2. 2
    Store extra school supplies higher up. On the top shelf of your locker, or in a magnetic pencil cup, store extra pencils, pens, and erasers. You can add optional supplies like sticky notes, white-out, or extra pencil lead, but try to limit yourself to one container to save space.
  3. 3
    Add toiletries. Put in some deodorant, body spray, breath mints or gum, or whatever toiletries you use daily or would want in an emergency. You might use hand sanitizer, lip balm, moisturizing lotion, makeup, and hair bands, clips, or scrunchies.
    • If you are female, feminine hygiene products are always a good idea to keep around. Even if you do not need them yourself, your friends might ask for one in an emergency.
  4. 4
    Store tidy food in your locker. Put in tightly wrapped food only, so there are no crumbs or smells that could attract animals. Granola bars are east, compact energy boosters, while chocolate are candy can help your mood on a rough day. Keep your lunchbox in your locker if there's space on the top shelf, but avoid cramming it somewhere where the food inside could leak out and stain your supplies.
    • If you have night classes, include something more substantial such as a microwavable noodle box.
    • A water bottle can be useful, if you have the space and remember to fill it up daily.
  5. 5
    Make a small emergency pouch. Put in a coin purse, pencil box, or other small container at the back of your locker. Stock this with items you don't use often, but could really regret not having access to. For instance:
    • a small container of over-the-counter pain relievers
    • enough spare cash to buy a lunch or take a bus home
    • USB keys
  6. 6
    Keep spare clothes in your locker if possible. If you have the space, roll up a spare T-shirt and/or sweatshirt in case you get caught in the rain. You may also need to store your gym clothes here, although some schools provide a second gym locker. Store these at the bottom of your locker, underneath your lowest locker shelf, or hang them up at the back if there are spare pegs.
    • If you have a large locker and are bundled up for winter weather, put down a fluffy towel so you can store wet boots, hats, and mittens at the bottom of your locker without flooding the locker or floor below.
  7. 7
    Stock an exam kit. Exam season can sneak up on you, and you might be too busy to organize this kit at the time. Unless your locker is already packed with stuff, add a sealed zipped lock bag with supplies that you could take into a test:
    • Several pencils, several pens, a pencil sharpener, and a good eraser
    • A cheap calculator, if your teacher allows it
    • Blank index cards, for tests that allow notes
    • Cough drops and tissues in case you need to take a test while sick
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Decorating Your Locker

  1. 1
    Stick to a few, light decorations. Start decorating only after you've got everything else into your locker. Now that you can see how much space you have left, go easy and give yourself plenty of space on the walls. Assume your locker will become more full as you get busy and add more assignments to it. You don't want bulky or heavy decorations that will fall down and get mixed into your supplies.
    • Avoid using anything magnetic on the door of your locker. Magnets can easily be knocked off and drop your belongings all over the floor.
  2. 2
    Decorate with scrapbooking paper. If you want to make your locker more interesting with "wallpaper," scrapbooking paper from a craft store will work fine and can easily by attached with magnets.
  3. 3
    Keep pictures safe. You can pick up a photo album from a dollar store or thrift store, cut out the pockets, and use them to keep pictures safe in your locker. Use flat magnets to hang up these pictures, since bulky or oddly shaped magnets can be damaged when you toss heavy books into your locker. Use tape only if your school allows it.
    • To be extra safe, keep copies of precious pictures at home or on your phone.
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  • School administrators can search your locker. Do not keep anything there you would not like them to find.

  • Each school has its own regulations about what is allowed in lockers. Most schools don't allow you to permanently alter your locker with glue, paint, or nails. Some do not allow stickers, tape, makeup, food, lights, or sharp objects. Check your school's policies or ask a teacher.
  • Leaving food wrappers, trash, or food in your locker can attract bugs or rodents.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 10 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 23,499 times.
61 votes - 77%
Co-authors: 10
Updated: March 9, 2023
Views: 23,499
Categories: Lockers