There are several ways to sell a bike, but the main choice boils down to whether you want to sell to a shop or an individual buyer. Selling to a shop is a good choice if you want to get rid of it quickly and don’t feel like haggling over a price. Selling to an individual buyer will generally net you more money, but it will require a little more work. Before you sell a bike, clean it and determine what it is worth by using Bluebook services and searching recent sales of similar bikes.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Setting a Price

  1. 1
    Clean your bike and make any necessary repairs before trying to sell. It will be hard to figure out what your bike is worth if you don’t clean it first and inspect the parts. Use a shop rag and dish soap to wipe down the frame of your bicycle. Use a square head brush for your wheels and wipe your bike dry after rinsing the soap off. If you really want to make it ride like new, use a degreaser to remove lubricant and oil from your chain and use a waterproof lubricant to re-oil it.[1]
    • If you removed parts of your bike, like the kickstand or front brake, reinstall them before listing your bike. Just because you didn’t want a feature doesn’t mean that potential buyers won’t want it.
    • If the seat is worn down, feel free to replace it. Bike seats aren’t particularly expensive and it will make it a lot easier to sell your bike if the seat is brand new.
    • If there’s something seriously wrong with your bike, consider selling it for parts.
  2. 2
    Search for your bike model online to see what other owners sold it for. Use the name printed on the side of your bike to do a precursory search on the internet to see what your bike generally costs. Look at used bike prices on a variety of different websites like eBay, Craigslist, and local bike shop websites. You should be able to figure out a general range for what your bicycle is worth by seeing what others are willing to pay for it. In general, a new bicycle loses at least 45% of their value after 1 year of use and 2-7% for each additional year after that.[2]
    • Most bikes have serial numbers printed somewhere underneath the handle. Search your bike’s serial number if you’re having trouble finding your model.

    Tip: If there is no serial number or name printed on your bike, then you have a custom-made bicycle. These can be incredibly hard to sell unless you know what kind of parts were used to make your bike.

  3. 3
    Use the Bicycle Bluebook to check your bike’s price based on condition. Type your bike’s model into the search bar and select your bike’s specific features and condition to get a sense for what your specific bike may be worth. Compare the Bluebook value with what you saw in your initial search to get a sense for whether you will be able to sell your bike for under or over the market value.[3]
    • Bicycle Bluebook is a lot like the Kelley Bluebook for cars. They take sales data from multiple sources to determine what a specific bike is probably worth. To learn more, visit them at at
  4. 4
    Raise or reduce an estimate based on the condition of your bike. Be honest with yourself when evaluating your bike’s condition. If you have a few scrapes or dings in the paint, it can pass for a bike in good condition. If you have a wobbly rim and a bent handlebar though, you won’t be able to pretend that it is in excellent condition. Generally speaking, your bike loses 20% of its value for every condition below “new.”[4]
    • If there are any structural issues that prevent the bike from being used, consider simply selling the bike’s parts. It’ll be easier than trying to pass off a bad bike.
    • Worn bike wraps and brake pads are a tell-tale sign that your bike has been heavily used.
  5. 5
    Set your price and be open to negotiating. Once you have established a price that you think is fair is accurate, you’re ready to start selling your bike. Individual sellers and shops will typically negotiate over your price, so determine the lowest that you’re willing to sell your bike for before you list a price.[5]
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Selling Your Bike Online

  1. 1
    Compose an advert that highlights your bike’s model, condition, and features. In the headline for your ad, include your bike’s model, condition, and type. In the body, describe your bike’s specific features, like a leather seat, new wheels, and how many gears it has. Use accurate language and avoid hyperbole to convey information about your bike in a way that will help readers understand what you’re selling.[6]
    • If you don’t want to negotiate, write “price is firm” at the end of your post.
    • If your bike is in a poor condition, list it as “heavily used.”
    • Your bike’s type is either a fixed gear, mountain, folding, electric, or racing. If it has pegs, it will be considered a BMX bike.

    Tip: Take some photos of your bike with a high-quality camera and adequate lighting to make it appealing to potential buyers.

  2. 2
    Use Craigslist to sell your bike to an individual in the area. Craigslist is one of the most commonly-used marketplaces for buying bicycles. Compose your advert in a post in the “For Sale” tab and include the major intersection near your home to make it easier for potential buyers to determine whether they’re interested or not. Connect with buyers who respond to you over email to set up a sale.[7]
    • Consider taking your bike with you to a public place to reduce the odds that you are ripped off during a sale.
    • Don’t accept cashier’s checks or money orders. They are commonly used by counterfeiters trying to scam sellers out of their goods.
    • Visit Craigslist at
  3. 3
    Sell your bicycle or bicycle components on Pros Closet. Pros Closet is the largest used-bicycle marketplace on the internet. Submit a photo of your bicycle and include the model, condition, and custom options. Pros Closet will send you a price that they would be willing to buy your bicycle for. You can also sell your bike’s parts and components by shipping them separately.[8]
    • Pros Closet will pay for your shipping and give you a label. Once you’ve accepted an offer, take your bicycle to a shipping store and have them wrap it for you.
    • Pros Closet’s offers are good for 3 days, so don’t submit your photos and information thinking that it’ll be a backup option while you try to sell it elsewhere.
    • Visit Pros Closet at
  4. 4
    Use Facebook groups to try to sell your bicycle. There are probably several local bicycling groups on Facebook. Search for a group and join it. List your bike along with photos and explain why you’re selling your bike to coordinate a sale with a local biking enthusiast.[9]
    • The benefit of using Facebook is that you know a person’s name and can seek references when negotiating with them.
    • Visit Facebook at
  5. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Selling Your Bike to a Store

  1. 1
    Go to a local bike shop and see if they’ll purchase your bike. Any local bike store that sells used bikes will be interested in buying your bike. Clean it up and take it over to the shop. See what they’ll offer you for it. You can try to negotiate the price, but a bike shop is likely not going to wiggle much on their offer.[10]
    • A bike shop is a good place to sell your bike if it’s a high-end model but you don’t know a whole lot about how to communicate or highlight the bike’s features to a potential buyer.

    Tip: A bike shop is going to offer you less money than an individual seller, but it can be an easier option if you’re just trying to get rid of your bike quickly.

  2. 2
    Visit a used sporting goods store and sell it there if you don’t live near a bike shop. If there aren’t any bike shops in your area, see if there are any sporting goods stores that buy and sell used bikes. They won’t know as much about used bike prices, so take a print out of your bike’s Bluebook value and some examples of other similar bikes that have been sold to support your proposal.[11]
    • A used sporting goods store won’t be as knowledgeable about what they’re buying, so it’s a good option if you have a custom or cheap bicycle since they may give you a higher offer than a bike shop would.
  3. 3
    Take your bike to a consignment store to have them sell it for you. Consignment shops make money by selling other people’s goods and taking a percentage of the sale (usually 5-25% depending on the item). If you’re willing to wait for a while, consignment shops are a good option if you’re hoping to fetch a higher price. Take your bike to a consignment shop and tell them what you’re hoping to get for it.[12]
    • Consignment shops are a great choice if you don’t want to negotiate with strangers.
  4. Advertisement

About This Article

Eric McClure
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Eric McClure. Eric McClure is an editing fellow at wikiHow where he has been editing, researching, and creating content since 2019. A former educator and poet, his work has appeared in Carcinogenic Poetry, Shot Glass Journal, Prairie Margins, and The Rusty Nail. His digital chapbook, The Internet, was also published in TL;DR Magazine. He was the winner of the Paul Carroll award for outstanding achievement in creative writing in 2014, and he was a featured reader at the Poetry Foundation’s Open Door Reading Series in 2015. Eric holds a BA in English from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and an MEd in secondary education from DePaul University. This article has been viewed 13,546 times.
4 votes - 75%
Co-authors: 3
Updated: September 23, 2019
Views: 13,546
Categories: Bicycles | Selling