Riding buses in Melbourne is an easy task, which saves money when fuel prices are high, and emits less carbon dioxide - therefore it is more environmentally friendly!


  1. 1
    Know where you're going. Now, go onto Public Transport Victoria's Website (PTV) and use the Trip Planner to plan your trip.[1] Or if you know the specific bus company or bus route number, you can go to the company's website. You can get bus timetables usually from the bus company's depot in hard copy, or online at Metlink or the company's website.[2] You can also get Local Government Area maps from your local railway station or online. If you have a smart phone you can download the PTV app, which has timetables for almost every single public transport service within Victoria.[3]
  2. 2
    Find your bus stop. Ensure you are at your bus stop about 5 minutes earlier than the scheduled time, as buses are only contracted to pull up on time at major time points.
  3. 3
    Wait in a calm and orderly manner. If it's night, try to find a bus shelter with lights. If its raining, try to find a bus shelter.
  4. 4
    When you see the bus and the bus can see you, hail the bus by putting your hand out and clearly signalling the bus. Hail the bus until the bus driver acknowledges you by turning the buses turn indicator light on. If the bus is not the bus you're looking for (different route), signal the driver either by standing back or signalling 'No' with your hand or head.
  5. 5
    When the bus pulls up and the doors are open, board the bus. If there are other passengers getting off the bus, give way to them. If you are a disabled passenger in a wheelchair, or a different passenger with ramp accessibility needs, the driver should pull the ramp out for you.
  6. 6
    If you have a ticket (Myki), validate it by touching onto the validator (the green machine. Hold the myki card on the green myki reader until you hear a beep and see a green light to touch on. If you see a red light please try to touch on again. If you still get a red light, your myki has no money and will need to be topped up OR it is expired or has a problem. Call myki on 13 6954 (13 myki) or simply go to the nearest manned railway station office/attendant who will usually be able to fix it for you on the spot, or issue you a new one and transfer any remaining funds over. [4]
  7. 7
    If you do not have a ticket, buy one before getting on the bus. With Myki, most busses are no longer are equipped to buy tickets on the bus - buy a myki beforehand and keep it topped up / regularly check its balance.You can buy/top up a Myki at any Melbourne railway station, also most bus interchange hubs have Myki machines where you can buy and top up myki cards at.[5]
  8. 8
    Once you have boarded the bus, sit down if there are any seats. If you are sitting in the front seats (middle seats on some older Volvo buses) which has a sticker on the top, by law, you are required to free the seat for elderly, pregnant or disabled passengers, on request.
  9. 9
    To get off the bus, you must pull the cord or push the STOP button before your stop - you need to give the driver enough notice.
  10. 10
    When getting off, get off in an orderly manner. It is courteous to signal the driver in thanks or thank the driver verbally.
  11. 11
    If you have a Myki remember to TOUCH OFF YOUR MYKI CARD! If you don't the next time you touch on your myki card to a Public Transport Victoria service you will be charged the fare you should have paid on your previous journey![6]
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How to ride a tram in Melbourne?
    Top Answerer
    Follow pretty much the same steps in this article. Trams also use Myki and you will need one before getting on a tram as they usually won't accept cash or any transaction for reloading your Myki. The only real difference between using trams and busses in Melbourne is trams can be slightly more busier and tend to come to more abrupt stops. Busses are generally more comfortable to ride on.


  • When getting off the bus, if you intend to cross the road, do so after the bus has left. People can't see you with a bus next to you.
  • When crossing a road, look both ways!
  • Being an annoyance on a public bus is an offence. This includes, but is not limited to, putting on music (i.e. through speakers).
  • An authorised officer has the power to ask to see your ticket, report you to the DoT for a fine if you are doing something against the law, ask you for your details and arrest you until Police arrive if you fail to comply. Note that an authorised officer may not always be in uniform, but they will always show you their badge. On demand, they must also show their ID card.
  • Buying a concession fare without a concession card can result in a fine.
  • Eating, drinking, smoking, vandalizing or littering on the bus can result in a fine.

Things You'll Need

  • Yourself
  • Money
  • A destination to go to
  • Internet (optional)
  • Valid Myki card

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 15 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 32,770 times.
30 votes - 90%
Co-authors: 15
Updated: January 27, 2023
Views: 32,770
Categories: Bus Travel | Destinations