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Looking good at a pool party requires internal and external self care. With exercise and healthy eating, you can ensure that you are looking and feeling your best in your swimming suit. Secondly, skincare and personal pampering routines can make your skin, hair, and nails shine. Finally, planning what to wear ahead of time can minimize stress on the day of the event. Read on to learn more!
Prepare in advance.
Start using bronzers, or tan outdoors.
Do crunches everyday to tone your body.
Ten a day should be enough. However, if you really need some toning, try ten crunches every 3 hours, if you can handle it! Don't do them directly after eating.
- You should also try dancing or other cardio. If you can, do about 20 crunches every 3 hours, and two hours of light-medium cardio a day!
Use face masks to rid yourself of blemishes.
Masks that include bananas, honey, yogurt, and/or avocado work well. Don't use anything that you might be allergic to. Wash your face correctly, and never apply too much makeup at a time. Exfoliate with sugar and cinnamon every night before bed to invigorate your skin, remove dead cells, and also, calm it down to improve circulation.
Whiten teeth with strips, or good brushing habits.
Prepare your outfit.
Start using lotion everyday.
Start this at least 7 days before the party. Jergens and Aveeno are the best. Vaseline/Petroleum Jelly is another intense moisturizer that can be used on elbows and knees, or any other particularly dry areas. They use natural ingredients and really revitalize your skin so that it glows and shimmers!
Start eating healthy meals.
Get your nails done!
Pamper yourself.
Do this the day before the party. You need to remove all unwanted hair, either by waxing, or shaving with a good lotion. Deep condition your hair with Suave, Tresemme or Biolage. Exfoliate with cinnamon, sugar and lemon juice. Wash thoroughly, and then go to bed about 10 hours before you have to be awake.
Eat well on the day of the party.
Take care in getting ready.
Look in the mirror as you're getting ready. Put on your bathing suit, and then moisturize your skin. Apply some beach-like and preppy makeup, and then put on a cute little cover-up. Don't apply too much makeup. You want to aim for that natural look. If you don't want to wear a cover up, here are some other options:
- Short-shorts, a summer halter, and low wedge flip-flops.
- A micro-mini (cotton or terry cloth), graphic tank top, flip flops.
- A terry cloth mini dress, and flip flops!
Style your hair in a cute way.
Head out for the party about 30 minutes before.
Community Q&A
QuestionHow do I do this in one day?Community AnswerEat healthy food so you won't appear bloated, take a bath, shave, and moisturize. Get plenty of sleep and be confident!
QuestionI am in 5th grade and I want to impress my crush. Someone else who likes him will be there too. My mom won't let me buy a bikini, what can I do?Community AnswerBe yourself and don't worry about the other girl. Try to talk to your crush for a while about his interests. Don't worry about your swimsuit, just be confident!
QuestionI have to impress my crush. I wear glasses and I look good when I have glasses on, but not when I take them off. What can I do?Community AnswerIf it's a pool party, get yourself some cool sunglasses! Also, I suspect you look just fine without glasses; you just aren't used to seeing yourself without them.
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About This Article
wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 34 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 110,513 times.
110 votes - 79%
Co-authors: 34
Updated: June 16, 2022
Views: 110,513
Categories: Theme Parties