Matball, also known as big base kickball, is an indoor team game where players try to score runs by going around the bases after kicking a ball. Unlike kickball, the bases are large floor mats and any number of players can stay on them at the same time before running to the next one. Players on defense can tag runners out by catching the ball, throwing it at the runner, or touching the players with it. Once you split up into teams and set up the field, you’re ready to play!

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Setting up the Game

  1. 1
    Lay out 4 floor mats 45 ft (14 m) apart in a diamond shape. Find an open indoor area, such as a gymnasium, to play your game. Choose floor mats that are at least 2 by 4 feet (0.61 m × 1.22 m) so there’s room for multiple people to stand on them. Set one of the bases down on the floor and designate it as home base. Put the bases 45–50 feet (14–15 m) away from one another so they form a diamond like a baseball field.[1]
    • You can buy floor mats online if you don’t already have them.
    • The bases in counterclockwise order are home, first, second, and third. The mat for second base is straight ahead of home.
    • You can play matball outside, but the floor mats could get dirty throughout the game depending on the weather.
  2. 2
    Mark the pitcher’s mound halfway between home and second base. Put a piece of tape or rubber base on the floor so it’s about 30 feet (9.1 m) in front of home base. The player who’s pitching must stand on or directly behind the mound when they roll the ball to the kicker.[2]
    • Other players on the defensive team must stay behind the pitcher’s mound until a player kicks the ball.
  3. 3
    Split your group into 2 teams of at least 8 players. Divide your group of players into even teams so there are at least 8 players per team. There are no limits for the maximum number of players for a game of matball. Try to balance your teams so they have a similar skill level. Avoid playing matball with any fewer players since it will be difficult to score and field with a low player count.
    • If you’re playing with a gym class, split the class in half.
    • If you’re playing matball in an intramural league, there may be a maximum number of players you can have on your team. Check with the intramural rules before assembling your team.
  4. 4
    Determine who will be the umpire. The umpire decides who’s out and clarifies any rules during your game. If you’re playing for a gym class, your gym teacher will usually be the umpire. If you don’t have a supervisor or teacher, you can either choose to rotate players to be umpire each inning or you can use the honor system for calling outs.[3]
    • Make sure everyone is familiar with the game’s rules before you start so no one is confused when you’re playing.
  5. 5
    Flip a coin to see who plays offense first. Assign one of the team's heads and the other team tails and then flip a coin. Whatever side lands face-up determines the team that plays offense for the first half of the inning. Line up the offensive team near home plate in the order they want to kick before you start the game.[4]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Playing Offense

  1. 1
    Kick the ball forward when it’s pitched to you. Stand on the home base mat and wait until the pitcher rolls the ball to you. When it gets close, take 1-2 steps forward before kicking the ball with your dominant foot. Use the side of your foot when you kick the ball so it goes into the field toward the defensive team. Try to aim the ball near bases that don’t have any of your team’s players on them so they’re less likely to get out.[5]
    • You are allowed 1 strike if you don’t kick the ball on the first pitch. After the second pitch, you must either kick the ball or you will be called out.
    • If the ball is bouncing during the pitch, you may ask them to pitch it again for you. This does not count as a strike.
    • If the ball hits the ceiling when you kick it, the ball is dead and you are automatically out.
    • Determine with your group if you’ll allow bunting during the game. Bunting is when you kick the ball lightly so it doesn’t travel far so you’re more likely to get on base.
  2. 2
    Run toward the first mat and stop on it to be safe. After you kick the ball, run as fast as you can toward first base. Only focus on running toward the first base mat rather than looking at the ball since you could get distracted. When you get to the mat, touch it with at least 1 of your feet to be safe. Once you’re standing on the mat, the next person in your team’s lineup kicks the ball to continue the game.[6]
    • If someone catches the ball or touches you with the ball before you touch the base, you’re out and must go back to the lineup.
    • Be careful not to run past the mat since you can still be tagged out if you aren’t touching it.
    • Do not dive or slide into the mats since you could hurt yourself.
  3. 3
    Advance to the next base when the ball isn’t near it. Unlike kickball, you do not have to run to the next base when the next player kicks the ball and more than 1 player can be on the same base at a time. Wait until the ball is kicked away from the base you need to get to before you start running. When you step off of the mat, you must run to the next base and cannot return to the one you just left.[7]
    • If you’re still on a base when you’re next in your team’s lineup, then you are automatically out and need to return back to your team. You do not get to kick even though you would be next in the lineup.
    • Try to run to the next base with another player on your team since it’s more difficult for the defensive team to get everyone out at the same time.
  4. 4
    Score a run by getting back to home base. Try to run around all of the bases in counterclockwise order to get back home. Once you touch home base, your team scores 1 run. After you score, get back in your lineup order so you can kick again when it’s your turn.[8]
    • If you want to make your game more difficult, have players go around the bases twice before they score a run. Make players who are on their second time around the bases carry a flag or rag so you aren’t confused about who’s scoring.
  5. 5
    Go back to your team’s lineup if you get tagged out. While you’re running between the bases, the defensive team will try to get you out by throwing the ball at you or touching you with it. Stay aware of where the ball is at all times, and dodge the ball if you see it coming near you. Try ducking out of the way or side-stepping out of the defender’s way to avoid getting touched. If they’re able to tag you, then return to your team’s lineup and mark 1 out for your team.[9]
    • The umpire has the final decision about whether someone is out or safe. Don’t argue with their decision.
  6. 6
    Switch sides after your team gets 3 outs. After someone gets tagged out for the third time in an inning, stop playing and change sides. Whatever team was playing offense switches to defense and vice versa. If there are people on base when your team gets its third out, then they must return to the lineup without scoring.
    • If a player scores when the third out is called, the run doesn’t count and the point is lost.
  7. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Fielding the Ball

  1. 1
    Stay behind the pitcher until the player kicks the ball. Spread your team out behind the pitcher’s mound to get even coverage of the field. Have at least 1 person near first, second, and third base so they can be close enough to tag players. Don’t stand in front of the mound before the player kicks the ball since it makes the game less fair. Once all players are behind the pitcher, the game can continue.[10]
    • There is no catcher in matball, but players can move into a catching position after the player kicks the ball.
    • You can either designate 1 player as the pitcher for the whole game, or you can rotate between team members each inning so everyone has a chance to try.
  2. 2
    Roll the ball toward the kicker if you’re pitching. Stay on the pitcher’s mound or directly behind it when you’re pitching or else it won’t count. Roll the ball in a straight line toward home base so it doesn’t bounce. Try rolling the ball fast so the person kicking doesn’t have a lot of time to prepare. After you roll the ball, keep your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands up so you’re ready to play defensively.
    • You can fake a pitch if you want to try and get another runner off of the base. Go through the motions of pitching without letting go of the ball to fool the runner so you can get them out.
    • If you pitch the ball and it bounces multiple times, you may need to pitch it again.
  3. 3
    Try to catch the ball once it’s been kicked to get the kicker out. After a player kicks the ball, watch where it’s going and try to get under it if it’s near you. Call out, “I got it!” when you’re about to catch the ball so other defensive players don’t go after it. If you catch the ball before it touches the ground, then the player who kicked it is out.[11]
    • After you catch a ball, check if there are other players running between the bases since you can get them out on the same turn.
  4. 4
    Touch runners with the ball to get them out. When a runner is off the base, pass the ball to a player close to them so they’re able to tag the person running. When a player isn’t touching the base and they’re near you, either hold onto the ball and touch the player with it or throw the ball at them to get them out.[12]
    • You cannot stand directly in the way of the runner when they’re to get to the next base.
    • The runner is still out even if you throw the ball and it bounces before hitting them.
    • Don’t throw the ball at someone’s face since you could hurt them.
  5. 5
    Return the ball to the pitcher after the kick to continue the game. If a kicking player is safe on a base or you got them out, throw the ball back to the pitcher. Once the pitcher has the ball, offensive players can’t move until the next player kicks the ball. Wait until all of the defensive players are behind the pitcher before rolling the ball to the next kicker.
    • If the offensive team got its third out, then you do not need to return the ball to the pitcher since you’ll immediately change sides.
  6. 6
    Play the game for 7 innings or 40 minutes. Once both teams have an opportunity to play offense and defense, the inning is over. Continue alternating between offense and defense until you play each side 7 times. If you’ve already been playing for 40 minutes, then finish the inning you’re currently in before tallying up the final score.
    • You can play for as many innings if you want if you’re just playing for fun.
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wikiHow Video: How to Play Matball


  • Avoid kicking the ball toward the ceiling since it’s an automatic out and you could damage lights or vents.
  • Matball is not a contact sport. Don’t try to run into anybody else during the game since you could hurt someone and will need to sit out for the rest of the game.

Things You’ll Need

  • 4 floor mats
  • Kickball
  • Tape or rubber base

About This Article

Hunter Rising
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising. Hunter Rising is a wikiHow Staff Writer based in Los Angeles. He has more than three years of experience writing for and working with wikiHow. Hunter holds a BFA in Entertainment Design from the University of Wisconsin - Stout and a Minor in English Writing. This article has been viewed 68,124 times.
8 votes - 90%
Co-authors: 11
Updated: May 17, 2022
Views: 68,124
Categories: Games | Team Sports
Article SummaryX

Matball, also known as big base kickball, is an indoor team game where players try to score runs by going around the bases after kicking a ball. Unlike kickball, the bases are large floor mats and any number of players can stay on them at the same time before running to the next one. To set up Matball, lay out 4 floor mats 45 ft (14 m) apart in a diamond shape. You'll want to choose floor mats that are at least 2 feet (0.61 m) by 4 feet (1.22 m) so that multiple people can stand on them. Then, mark the pitcher's mound half way between home and second base with a piece of tape. Create 2 teams of at least 8 players - there is no maximum number of players in a game of matball. Determine who will be the umpire - this person will decide who is out and clarify rules during your game. Then flip a coin to determine what team plays offense first. Players on the defensive team must stand behind the pitcher's mound until a player on the offensive team kicks the ball. The offensive team starts by kicking the ball forward when it is pitched to them. You are allowed 1 strike if you don't kick the ball on the first pitch. If you miss the kick on the second pitch, you are out. If you make contact with the ball, run toward the first mat and step on it with at least 1 foot to be safe. If someone catches the ball or touches you with the ball before you touch the base, you're out and must go to the back of your team's line. Advance to the next base if the ball isn't near it. Unlike kickball, you do not have to advance to the next base when the next player kicks the ball. You cannot move bases once the pitcher on the defensive team has the ball. If you're still on a base when you're next in your team's lineup, you are automatically out, you forfeit your turn to kick and must return to your team. The offensive team can score a point by getting back to home base. Continue to play until the offensive team gets 3 outs. Play continues for 7 innings or 40 minutes, whichever comes first. The team with the higher score at the end of the game wins!

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