If you’re a woman on the go, you may want to ensure you have the necessary supplies you need throughout the day in your purse or backpack. Ensure you’re always prepared by making your own emergency bag for everyday, without spending a lot of money. You can create your own bag or purchase a container and then decide which emergency items you would like to include in your emergency kit.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Making a Bag

  1. 1
    Buy supplies for the bag. If you are looking to spend very little money on the emergency bag, you can use household supplies to make your own bag. You will need the following supplies:[1]
    • A square potholder
    • A large button
    • 6” embroidery ribbon
    • 10 snack size zip-loc bags
    • Tape
    • Embroidery floss
    • A sewing needle
    • Access to a sewing machine
  2. 2
    Find an empty work area. Once you find an area where you can put together your bag, lay the potholder so the inside of the holder is facing towards you, with the pocket or flap on the potholder on the outside.[2]
  3. 3
    Layer the zip lock bags on top of each other. Start by placing one zip lock bag on right side of the potholder so the zipper part of the bag is facing towards the right edge of the potholder. Keep the baggie in place with a piece of tape on the top and the bottom of the baggie.[3]
    • Continue to lay the bags on the right side until there are five baggies on that side. Use tape to keep them in place.
    • Repeat this on the left side of the potholder so there are five baggies on that side. In total, you should have five baggies on the right side and five baggies on the left side.
  4. 4
    Sew the bags down the middle of the pot holder. Once the baggies are secured with tape, use a sewing machine to make a zig zag stitch down the middle of the potholder and down the middle of the overlapping baggies. This will allow the potholder to fold over in the middle and keep the baggies in place.[4]
  5. 5
    Attach the button with embroidery floss. Use the embroidery floss and a needle to attach the button to the outside of the potholder. Place it on the outside edge of the potholder and loop the floss through the buttonholes to sew it on.[5]
    • You can then make a loop with the embroidery ribbon on the other edge of the potholder so you can slide the button into the loop to close the bag.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Using an Existing Bag or Buying a Bag

  1. 1
    Repurpose an existing bag or container. If you have a small soft bag or a square tin or container that you already own, you may want to repurpose it and use it as your emergency kit. Look for a bag that has a zipper or a secure enclosure and that can fit several items at a time.[6]
    • If you want to use a hard container, such as a square tin, make sure the container has a secure latch or lid and that it can fit several items.
  2. 2
    Buy a bag or container. You can find small soft bags at your local drugstore or your local supply store that are specifically made for emergency kits. Small make-up bags also work well as emergency bags.
    • Look for a bag or container that has several compartments or pockets. This will allow you to keep your items separate from each other and ensure the emergency kit stays organized and clean.
  3. 3
    Make sure the bag is durable and waterproof. Whether you decide to use a bag you already own or buy a bag for the emergency items, you should make sure the bag is made of durable material. Look for bags that are made of synthetic material, like plastic, with woven edges that are not sharp or scratchy. Synthetic materials are durable and waterproof, which will ensure the emergency items will not be damaged if the bag gets wet.
    • Avoid flimsy material like cotton, as it is not waterproof and can tear easily. If you do use a cotton bag, make sure it is thick and has padding so it will hold its shape.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Choosing the Emergency Items

  1. 1
    Make sure you have a supply of feminine products. One of the essential items in your emergency kit will likely be feminine products like tampons, pads, and panty liners. You should try to keep at least three to four of each item in your emergency kit in the event you need one or a friend needs one.[7]
    • You can save space in your emergency kit by stacking the pads and panty liners and pressing them down so they are more compact. You can also use tampons that are small and compressed so they do not take up too much space in your emergency kit.
  2. 2
    Include first aid items like bandages and medication. Other key items in your emergency kit may include band-aids and emergency medication like Advil, Tylenol, and Midol.[8]
    • Try to include band-aids of different sizes and shapes so you have options in the event you get a small cut or scrape.
    • Place three to four pills of each medication in your emergency kit so they are easy to access in the event you develop a headache or experience period cramps and discomfort. Make sure you label each bag of pills so you do not get confused and take the wrong set of pills or mix them up.
    • You may also want to include a small package of tissues or wet wipes to use in the event of a cut or scrape, or in the event of a makeup mishap or a touch up.
  3. 3
    Add in gum, a toothbrush, and floss. Keep your teeth fresh by including on the go items like gum, mints, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss. You can keep these items together in one area or section of your emergency bag so they are easy to reach and use.[9]
    • Look for a travel sized toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss as your local drugstore. These are often cheaper than regular sized items and will fit easily in your emergency bag.
  4. 4
    Include other supplies like hair elastics, tweezers, and a nail file. If you tend to use hair elastics throughout the day, include a small supply of hair ties in your emergency kit. You can also include a small pair of tweezers and a nail file to touch up your look throughout the day.[10]
    • Put other small makeup items, like lip balm, travel lotion, or a cover up stick, in your emergency kit if your lips or hands tend to get dry and you like to touch up your makeup throughout the day.
    • You can also include q-tips and makeup remover or face cleanser if you like to have these items on hand in the event you need to wash your face or re do your makeup.
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Co-authors: 14
Updated: April 25, 2022
Views: 29,943