Is your boyfriend sick and you can’t be by his side to help out? It can be hard to think of ways to make him feel better when you’re far apart, but sometimes simply reaching out to let him know you care can make a world of difference. Here are some ideas for texts to send your beau when he’s feeling under the weather.


Offer to do a grocery run.

  1. You can drop off groceries by his front door. Falling behind on errands can be really stressful, especially if you don’t know when you’ll feel well enough to grab the things you need. Running out and grabbing necessities like laundry detergent and toilet paper will be a big help.[3]
    • “I’m running to the grocery store later today! Can I pick anything up for you?”
    • “What’s on your grocery list? I’ll send everything over.”
    • If you don't hear back, have a few of his favorite foods (non-perishables only) delivered to his house and instruct the delivery service to leave the bags on his doorstep. Text your boyfriend to let him know the food is on the front stoop whenever he's ready to grab it.
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Send him a care package.

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9 votes - 89%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: September 20, 2022
Views: 114,109
Categories: Relationships