If you've a sprite on Scratch, you might like to animate it as the next step in your learning. This article explains what you need to do to make a sprite developed on Scratch move.


  1. 1
    Go to the scratch website at https://scratch.mit.edu/.
  2. 2
    Make a new document. Click on the Create icon at the top of the screen.
  3. 3
    Place 4 when space is pressed blocks onto the workspace.
  4. 4
    Change where it say space by clicking on the text. On the first one, change it to up arrow, on the next one change it to down, change the next one to left and the final one to right.
  5. 5
    Underneath the move up block, add a point in direction 0 motion block, and a move 10 steps block. Now the sprite can move up.
  6. 6
    Repeat this step on each block, but change the direction where the sprite is looking.
    • Down = 180
    • Left = -90
    • Right = 90.
  7. 7
    Shift the sprite. Now the sprite can move wherever you want!
  8. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How can I make your spirit character go up?
    Community Answer
    Your character can go up with this code: When green flag clicked forever if up arrow pressed change y by 10.
  • Question
    What if I want the user to be able to move it?
    Community Answer
    If you want the sprite to move, then use the following code: When green flag clicked forever if up arrow pressed change y by 10, if right arrow pressed change x by 10, if left arrow pressed change x by -10, and if down arrow pressed change y by -10. [If you want it to go faster or slower, change the numbers in code.]
  • Question
    How to sprite left to right?
    Biebie Heirou
    Biebie Heirou
    Community Answer
    "Change x by" . Use the change x by block to change the sprite horizontally.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 49,944 times.
96 votes - 27%
Co-authors: 7
Updated: February 19, 2022
Views: 49,944
Categories: Animation