It might seem like you need all sorts of special items to create your own black nail polish, but you probably have everything you need already. If you need some black nail polish in a hurry, then you can easily whip one up with clear nail polish and some black eyeshadow. If you are searching for an all-natural alternative to black nail polish, then there is a simple recipe you can try. Or, if you just want to create a custom black color using some black nail polish and other colors in your collection, then you can do that too!

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Using Eyeshadow

  1. 1
    Choose a black eyeshadow and clear nail polish. To create your own black nail polish, all you will need is a pan of black eyeshadow and some clear nail polish. Make sure that you choose a black color that you will like on your nails.[1]
    • If you want a matte black look, then go for a matte black nail polish. If you want something shimmery, then go for a shimmery black nail polish.
    • Choose a clear or matte top coat for the nail polish. If you use a clear coat, then your black nail polish will be slightly shiny. If you choose a matte top coat, then your nail polish will be matte.
    • You will also need a small container to mix your ingredients together and a stick to mix them with. Try using a Popsicle stick or a cuticle stick.
  2. 2
    Scrape some of the eyeshadow into a dish. When you are ready to start mixing, begin scraping the eyeshadow into your dish. You will need about one to two teaspoons. Use the Popsicle stick to scrape off the top layer of the eyeshadow.[2]
    • You may want to get a special black eye shadow for the purpose of making your black nail polish, or at least use one that you will not mind breaking into pieces.
  3. 3
    Add corn flour for a matte polish. If you want to create a matte polish and you did not use a matte clear coat polish, then you can add a couple of teaspoons of corn flour. The corn flour will give the nail polish a matte effect.[3]
    • If you want to add corn flour then add it to the dish now.
    • Keep in mind that the corn flour might lighten the black color a bit. If you want a true black nail polish, then you may want to skip the corn flour.
  4. 4
    Mix in the clear nail polish. Next, pour in the clear coat nail polish and begin mixing the nail polish in with the eyeshadow. Stir the mixture until there are no lumps and the color looks even. This might take a few minutes.[4]
  5. 5
    Transfer your nail polish to the empty bottle. After you have combined the nail polish and eye shadow, it is ready to use! Transfer it into an empty nail polish bottle and try it out. You can use the clear coat nail polish bottle that you emptied to make the black nail polish.[5]
    • You can use a small funnel or just pour slowly.
    • Make sure that you leave a little space in the bottle for shaking the nail polish.
    • You may not be able to fit all of the nail polish into the container. If there is any nail polish that will not fit, then you can sue it right away or just dispose of it.
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Making a Natural Black Nail Polish

  1. 1
    Warm up three tablespoons of olive oil. Olive oil makes up the base of this all natural nail polish. Heat up three tablespoons over low heat in a small pan.[6]
    • The oil just needs to be slightly warm, not hot. Remove it from the heat once it is warm.
  2. 2
    Add ½ teaspoon of charcoal powder or eye shadow. Charcoal can provide the color for your natural black nail polish or you can also use some natural black eye shadow, if you have some. Stir the charcoal or eye shadow into the olive oil until they are well combined.
    • You can also use ½ teaspoon of alkanet powder if you want to make a natural red nail polish. [7]
    • If the charcoal or eyeshadow does not fully dissolve in the olive oil, then you may want to strain the mixture through a cheese cloth to prevent a gritty texture. However, if the powder seems to have fully dissolved, then you can skip straining it.
  3. 3
    Stir in ¼ teaspoon of beeswax. Beeswax will help to ensure that your nail polish will stay put on your nails. Stir ¼ teaspoon of beeswax into the olive oil mixture and return to the heat for a few minutes until the beeswax melts.[8]
  4. 4
    Add a few drops of vitamin E oil. Finally, you can finish up your natural nail polish by adding a few drops of vitamin E oil from a vitamin E capsule. This will add some extra moisturizing properties to the nail polish.[9] Puncture a vitamin E capsule with a pin and then add a few drops to the other ingredients.
    • Stir the vitamin E oil in with the other ingredients until well combined.
  5. 5
    Wait until the polish cools to paint it onto your nails.[10] Allow the natural black nail polish to cool down for a few minutes before you apply it to your nails. It may not be as black as traditional nail polish, but it is much easier on your nails.
    • Wipe away any of the natural polish right away if it gets on your skin. It may stain your skin.
  6. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Mixing a Custom Black Color

  1. 1
    Consider what shade of black nail polish you want to create. You can also create a custom shade of black nail polish if you like by mixing black nail polish with another color.[11] Some good color combinations include:
    • Black + a few drops of White = Greyish Black
    • Black + Red = Burgundy Black
    • Black + Blue = Bluish Black
    • Black + Silver = Metallic Black
  2. 2
    Mix the colors in a small bowl. Once you have decided on the shade of black nail polish that you want to create, you can mix your black nail polish with the second color you have chosen. Try adding a just a few drops of the second color at first and then add more until you achieve your desired shade.[12]
    • Use a popsicle stick or cuticle stick to stir the nail polish colors together.
  3. 3
    Transfer the new color to an empty nail polish bottle. After you have achieved your desired shade of black, you can transfer your new custom color to an empty nail polish bottle.[13] It is ready to use whenever you want to try it!
    • Make sure that the nail polish bottle is clean or the leftover polish may alter your custom color.
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Bluish black what colors do they look like together?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    A sort of dark Navy. Depending on how much black and blue you put in.

Things You'll Need

Method 1

  • Black eye shadow
  • Clear top coat nail polish
  • Corn flour (optional for matte finish0
  • Dish to mix in
  • Stick to mix with
  • Empty nail polish bottle

Method 2

  • Olive oil
  • Charcoal powder (from capsules) or natural black eyeshadow
  • Beeswax
  • Vitamin E oil (from capsules)
  • Small pan to heat and mix materials
  • Stick to mix with
  • Empty nail polish bottle

Method 3

  • Black nail polish
  • Other nail polish color(s)
  • Dish to mix in
  • Stick to mix with
  • Empty nail polish bottle

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5 votes - 60%
Co-authors: 2
Updated: January 10, 2022
Views: 41,814
Categories: Nail Polish