Scared that you might download the virus that's going to destroy your computer? Wondering whether the file you're downloading is safe or not? This could be the article that saves your computer's life.


  1. 1
    Assess what you're downloading. Are you downloading pornography or a warez (cracked) program? Or are you downloading an add-on to help improve your Mozilla Firefox experience? There's a much greater chance that the pornography and warez software is going to contain a virus hidden in the download. What's the file? That's your first clue. If it is illegal or suspicious looking, it's probably dangerous.
  2. 2
    Look over the site. It may seem superficial, but if you're downloading a file from a very basic site there's a higher chance that the site will have a virus hidden in its downloadable files than from a site that looks like it's been made from years of dedicated web designers.
  3. 3
    Consider who you are downloading the file from. Think about it logically, if you're downloading something from Microsoft, it's not likely that you're downloading a virus. What's the context? That's the key.
  4. 4
    Are there other people that have downloaded the file? If there's a forum attached to the site that has people saying they've downloaded said file and have not experienced any problems, chances are, you aren't going to be downloading a Trojan or worm.
  5. 5
    Look at the size of the file. If it's too small for what it is, it's junk.
  6. 6
    Watch out for executable files, such as '.exe', '.bat', '.pif', and '.scr'. If you download one of these you are, potentially, opening yourself up to anything on that file once you activate it. Try scanning it with a virus checker or any other software that is like it - just to be on the safe side. One common trick used by crackers is to have a 'double extension' such as '.gif.exe'. Said file is actually an .exe, not a .gif.
  7. 7
    Is the file signed? If you are downloading an executable (.exe) program on Windows, running it will usually open a license warning. If the executable is unlicensed, it is most likely a threat to your computer and privacy. (Note that not all unlicensed executables are bad, nor are all licensed executables good. If unsure, refer to the Tips section.)
  8. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Is it okay to download a mod for Minecraft that has a warning saying it could harm my computer, but it does not have .exe .bat .pif or .scr?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you right click on the file once downloaded, there should be an option to scan the file using your anti-virus software. If the file is genuine and safe, the scan will come up clear. If it isn't, remove the file and scan your computer with your anti-virus software to have it remove any malware.
  • Question
    Is Sony Vegas safe to download?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, its created by SONY. But if you download a cracked version of it, that could be infected with malware.
  • Question
    Is DeviantArt considered to be a safe website?
    Community Answer
    DeviantArt itself is safe, but some images may be offensive and download links may contain viruses.


  • If you downloaded something suspicious and ran it, download and install an appropriate program to find any threats on your computer. Avast, AVG, or Malwarebytes are good and free programs.
  • If you're totally worried and don't know whether you should trust the file or not, don't. There's no point downloading something if you don't trust it.
  • Some software that looks and is legitimate can actually be hacked. When in doubt, always scan the file for viruses!

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Co-authors: 27
Updated: April 1, 2022
Views: 450,982
Categories: Internet Security