Being noticed by the popular group might be something you want to achieve to be popular yourself. You can try to get noticed by popular kids by getting involved in school and by making sure you are likable and approachable. Just remember that what is most important is that you are true to yourself.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Getting Involved at School

  1. 1
    Befriend a popular person. Choose to sit next to someone in class who seems nice and friendly and is friends with the popular crowd. Forming a friendship with a popular classmate may open up the way for you to join the entire group. Start friendly conversations with them and try to build a friendship with them. Ask them if they want to study with you or do something with you after school.
    • If you don't feel a friendship with them forming, don't force it. You either genuinely click with someone or you don't.
  2. 2
    Approach their friend group. Once you have established a firm friendship with one of the popular people, gradually begin to approach them when they are all together. An easy first step is to say hi to your friend when they are with their group of friends. Eventually you can start to be more friendly with all of them, and slowly start to form relationships with the popular group.
  3. 3
    Participate in new activities. You should not change who you are or what you enjoy, but if you want to get noticed by popular people you might consider trying a new activity. Many popular people play sports, do dance, or are cheerleaders, but everyone is different. Consider trying a new activity that the popular people are involved in. They might notice you if you are involved in the same activities as them.
  4. 4
    Join leadership or student government. A great way to get noticed at school is to join leadership or student government. Running for a class position and being involved in spirit activities is a great way to become well known at school. The popular kids are likely to notice you if are planning school functions, spirit assemblies, and making speeches in front of the school.
  5. 5
    Be vocal in class. When you are in class, participate. You should not try to be a teacher's pet and suck up to the teacher. However, sometimes you should raise your hand and answer and ask questions. This is a good way for other kids, including popular kids, to notice you.
  6. 6
    Be known for a positive accomplishment. It will not only bring you good attention but also capture the eyes of the popular groups. You could be the intelligent student who wins awards, or the jock that excels in sports. Find an activity that you are good at, and do it. Being successful will get you noticed and respected.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Being Likable and Approachable

  1. 1
    Take care of your personal hygiene. It is important to be hygienic if you want to make new friends. Take showers and use deodorant daily. Make sure to brush your teeth twice a day. Brush your hair daily and find a hairstyle that compliments you.
  2. 2
    Be yourself. Don't change who you are to fit in and don't do anything you don't want to do. You will be more confident and happier if you act like who you really are. Accept your personality and physical traits and all the things that make you who you are. It is better to form genuine friendships with people rather than try to become someone that you aren't. Be you and if someone doesn't like it than that is their fault.[1]
  3. 3
    Find a style that works for you. Put effort into your clothes, but don't change them to be someone you are not. Focus on how you want to feel and find a style that you like from there. Look online or in magazines for style inspiration. Go through your closet and decide what you want to keep and what you don't want. Don't worry about trying to find clothes that are expensive. You can find plenty of stylish clothing at inexpensive or even used clothing stores. What is most important is that you feel comfortable and confident in your clothes.[2]
  4. 4
    Be confident. Try your best to be confident and you will be more likeable and more likely to get noticed by popular kids. Tell yourself positive affirmations, walk and speak confidently, and listen to upbeat music. Work on loving yourself and being confident in who you are.[3]
    • Avoid being arrogant; otherwise, people may dislike you.
  5. 5
    Be friendly and outgoing. Being social to everybody will make you stand out to popular kids. If you are very shy, start off small and work your way up. Start by befriending people in classes who are not popular. Go to a small event or club meeting at school to practice socializing with new people. Try not to be insecure when you talk to new people, just be yourself.
    • Use positive language when you talk to people.
    • Join in on new social activities even if it is just for a couple minutes to help you gradually get more comfortable.
  6. 6
    Still be friends with your other friends. If you successfully get noticed by the popular kids and start making friendships with them, don't forget about your other friends. Stay true to who you are and be friends with everyone, even if they are not popular.
  7. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    What to do if you're scared to talk to a popular person?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you are shy around popular people, work your way up. Practice socializing in smaller groups and with people you feel more comfortable approaching. Remember just because someone is popular does not make them special. They are just like everyone else, so there is no reason to be scared of them.
  • Question
    I want to be popular but not leave my unpopular best friend. How can I go about this?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Being popular means that you are well known at school not that you have to leave your best friend behind. You can befriend popular kids, and still be friends with your best friend. If the popular kids are mean to your best friend than they are not your real friends and you should not be friends with them.
  • Question
    What should I do if the popular kids bully me?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    I am very sorry that you are being bullied by the popular kids. You should not try to make friends with anyone who is mean. You should look at How to Stop Being Bullied for help.

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Co-authors: 136
Updated: December 14, 2022
Views: 260,220
Article SummaryX

The key to getting noticed by the popular kids at school is being outgoing and putting yourself out there. Try starting a conversation with a kid who seems fun or interesting and talk to them about something you have in common. You can also join a sports team or extracurricular club that popular kids like for extra opportunities to hang out with them. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, since they’ll be more likely to be friends with you if you’re genuine. It’s natural to feel a bit nervous when meeting new people, but try to act confident so they’ll feel more relaxed around you. Don’t worry if you don’t click instantly, since you’ll have plenty more opportunities to make friends if you keep putting yourself out there. For more tips, including how to get noticed during class, read on!

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