Getting free makeup may seem like a dream, but it is actually pretty easy to score lots of great samples and even some full sized ones. You can get free makeup by visiting makeup counters in department stores, visiting makeup company websites, and clipping coupons in your Sunday paper. Keep reading to learn about some strategies for getting free makeup.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Getting Free Makeup from Department Stores

  1. 1
    Visit your favorite makeup counter in a department store. Before you go, you may want to check the local papers and online to see what promotions are available. For some freebies, you may need to schedule a makeover or visit during a certain time, so just check to see what promotions local department stores are running at their makeup counters.
  2. 2
    Talk to the salespeople. You will probably encounter some high pressure sales people, but resist the urge to ignore them. Be polite and friendly. Smile at them and listen to their sales pitches. Nod occasionally to acknowledge that you understand what they are saying.
  3. 3
    Ask for samples. After you have listened to some sales pitches, let the salesperson know that you are really interested in some of the products he or she has shown you, but that you would like to try them out a bit more before you decide if you want to buy them or not. Then, ask if they could give you a sample.
    • Try saying something like this: “Thanks for telling me about these products. I am really interested in some of them, but I’d like to try them out a bit more before I decide if I want to buy them. Could I please have a small sample of the products you showed me?”
  4. 4
    Thank the salesperson either way. Most of the time, the salesperson will say yes and give you some samples. But if he or she says no, simply thank them and move on. Don't get angry or discouraged, just try to get samples from a different makeup counter instead.
  5. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Getting Free Makeup Online

  1. 1
    Enter contests. Watch for contests and giveaways run by online magazines. For example, Allure magazine offers regular full size product giveaways to its subscribers. Many magazines run monthly giveaway contests, so even if you don’t win something the first time, keep entering!
  2. 2
    Like and follow your favorite makeup brands on Facebook. Many makeup brands have Facebook pages and they will give you free goodies simply for liking their pages. Some also have regular giveaways where you can win premium products.[1]
  3. 3
    Visit the Walmart and Target Sample Spots. Walmart and Target have special pages within their websites where you can sign up to receive samples. Check out both sample spots and sign up to receive their samples. Keep in mind that the samples may not always be makeup.[2]
  4. 4
    Sign up for rewards programs to get a free birthday gift and premium samples. Some makeup stores have rewards programs that will earn you a free birthday gift as well as other special privileges like invites to special events, premium samples, and coupons. You can sign up for many rewards programs online and redeem your offer for a free birthday gift in the store any time during your birthday month.[3]
    • Sephora offers a free birthday gift and premium samples to all of its Beauty Insiders.[4]
    • Ulta offers a free birthday gift to all of its rewards members. [5]
  5. 5
    Contact your favorite makeup companies to ask for samples. Use the “Contact Us” section of your favorite makeup company’s webpage to ask for samples. Some companies will give you samples if you just contact them, tell them how much you love their products, and ask nicely.[6]
    • Be polite and friendly when you ask. Say please!
    • Say that you really like the company’s products and that you would like to know if they would be willing to send you some samples.
  6. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Using Coupons to get Free Makeup

  1. 1
    Buy a paper on Sunday to get the coupons. The Sunday paper has the best coupons. Buy yourself a copy and go through the coupons. Clip any makeup coupons that you find. Keep track of the expiration dates on the coupons you find.[7]
  2. 2
    Visit coupon websites. Get more coupons for makeup by visiting coupon websites like Print any makeup coupons that you find. Check back regularly because these websites add new coupons all of the time. Keep track of the expiration dates on the coupons you find.[8]
  3. 3
    Watch for sales. Now that you have some good makeup coupons, watch the local ads for sales on those products. You may not end up getting all of the items for free, but you will come close if you use your coupons when the store has those items on sale.[9]
    • Read the fine print on your coupons before you go to make sure that you will be able to use them.
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can I go dumpster diving for makeup?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    I wouldn't recommend dumpster diving at all. It sounds like an easy way to get a nasty infection.
  • Question
    Should I go dumpster diving in a shop's private dumpster for their merchandise?
    NY Blossom
    NY Blossom
    Top Answerer
    It's not recommended to look in the dumpster for merchandise. You don't know who used it, why it was thrown out, or what kind of germs it has.


  • Beware of internet scams. Don't sign up for any freebies, giveaways, or contests that ask for your bank account or credit card information. If a website asks for any type of payment info then you will probably be charged for their services and it is not a free product situation. Close the window and don't go back to that website.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 12 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 104,378 times.
20 votes - 85%
Co-authors: 12
Updated: February 5, 2023
Views: 104,378
Categories: Makeup
Article SummaryX

To get free makeup, visit the Target and Walmart sample pages, where you can sign up to receive free makeup samples. Alternatively, sign up for a rewards program with your favorite store to get free makeup on your birthday. Additionally, follow your favorite brands on Facebook, since makeup brands often give away free samples to followers. You can also contact makeup companies through their website or call them directly to ask if they can send you free samples. For tips on how to get free makeup with coupons, keep reading!

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