The sauna, a small room used as a steam or hot air bath, was invented in Finland hundreds of years ago. While they offer relaxation and relief for aching muscles or congestion, saunas can be expensive to use at gyms or health clubs. But, if you crave the warmth and relaxation saunas offer, you’re in luck. With just a few items you already have, you can create a sauna environment in your own bathroom. You will only need a few minutes to gather what you need and start reaping the benefits of a steamy sauna environment.[1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Preparing the Space

  1. 1
    Raise the upper range of your hot water heater. To increase the amount of hot water available for your sauna, temporarily increase the upper range of your hot water heater to around 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
    • Be sure to turn down your hot water heater to the accepted safety range of 120 degrees to 130 degrees Fahrenheit after your sauna to avoid burns and scalding.[2]
  2. 2
    Select a bathroom. You should choose the smallest bathroom in the house, because it will be easier to trap the heat and steam in there than in a larger room.[3]
    • Since you want to recreate the high temperature environment of a sauna as much as possible, choose a bathroom that is in a warmer area of your house if you can.
  3. 3
    Clean the space. Nothing can ruin your relaxation faster than looking around and seeing dirty laundry or messy countertops. Wipe down all of the surfaces in your bathroom and remove any extra clutter or dirty clothes and towels from the room.
    • Store necessities like cotton balls and Q-tips in simple, coordinated baskets or canisters reminiscent of a high-end spa.[4]
  4. 4
    Dim your bathroom lights and light some candles. You can recreate the relaxing ambiance of a sauna or spa environment with the removal of harsh light and the calming scents of a vanilla, lavender, or lemon candle.
    • Other aromatherapy scents that may calm you include rose geranium, chamomile, and clary sage.[5]
    • If you don’t want to deal with candles, aromatherapy oils can be placed in the tub or in a diffuser. Essential oils in a variety of fragrances, including jasmine, rose, and sandalwood, are widely available.
  5. 5
    Close the bathroom doors and windows. To keep as much steam as possible in your bathroom, you also need to cover up cracks and shut the door to your linen closet, if there is one in your bathroom.
  6. 6
    Use towels to cover leaky areas. Place rolled up thick, heavy towels along the bottom of your bathroom door. This is especially important when the weather is cold outside.
    • If there is a closet inside your bathroom, place rolled towels along the bottom of that door as well.
    • The more you insulate, the more you can replicate a sauna environment.
  7. 7
    Close window shades or drapes. Then, use towels to cover any drafty areas around the windows.
  8. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Experiencing the Sauna

  1. 1
    Shower before you begin your sauna. It’s a good idea to start clean to enhance your sauna experience.
    • Showering will remove any greasy film on your skin, which could hinder the sweating process.[6]
    • Cleansing will also remove any makeup or products that could sweat down your face and into your eyes, thus irritating them.
  2. 2
    Remove jewelry and glasses or contacts. Taking off these items can help you relax even further.
    • Your jewelry could become uncomfortably warm in your sauna environment.
    • Glasses will become foggy and will be relatively useless while you enjoy your sauna.
  3. 3
    Close or plug your bathtub drain and turn on the hot water. You are now ready to experience your sauna at home.
    • Have the hot handle turned as high as possible.
    • You can either turn on the lower faucet or use the shower to fill the tub.
    • If you’re using aromatherapy oils, you can put a few drops in the tub. The scent will disperse throughout the room.
    • Keep your shower curtain or door open to let the heat and steam fill the room.
  4. 4
    Turn off the water after 15 minutes or when your tub is about half full. If your hot water runs out before this time, turn off the water. You don't want to dilute the steam with cooler water.
  5. 5
    Sit next to the tub and enjoy the steam that has filled the room. You can lean over slightly to inhale steam that may be coming off the water of a filled tub.
    • This is a good time to close your eyes and detach from everything.
    • The Finnish sauna tradition promotes well-being and relaxation, so try to use this time to decrease your own stress level.[7]
  6. 6
    Follow your sauna with a lukewarm or cool shower. This will help gradually lower your body temperature. It also mimics the way people typically follow time in a sauna with a cool-down phase, either in a cold pool or shower.
    • Once you have cooled down, continue your shower by washing yourself as usual, utilizing shower gel or soap.
    • Follow up your shower by applying moisturizer or lotion to further treat and condition your skin.
  7. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    What can I do if I don't have a bathtub?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can use the shower instead, but that fills the whole room as opposed to just the area around the tub.
  • Question
    What can I do if i don't have shower and bathtub?
    Community Answer
    Your task is a bit more difficult, then. You could build a sauna: put a wooden crate in your bathroom with tepid stones in it...but that's not the easiest thing. Perhaps you could use the bathroom of a family member or close friend instead?
  • Question
    Can this cause damage?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes. You could get mold in the walls, or get chipped and/or peeling paint from the steam if you do this a lot. Turn on the fan in your bathroom if you have one.

Tips and Warnings

  • Keep a cool, wet washcloth nearby during your sauna experience. You can use this in case you start to feel too hot or lightheaded.
  • Make sure you drink lots of water after your sauna to replenish fluid lost through sweat.[8]
  • Leave the room if you start to feel very dizzy or lightheaded. Listen to your body and don’t push it to last longer.
  • Do not use drugs or alcohol while in a sauna. You may not realize you are becoming overheated. If you are taking prescription drugs, discuss using heat or steam rooms with your doctor.
  • Pregnant women and people with heart problems should consult with their doctors before using commercial or homemade saunas.

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119 votes - 82%
Co-authors: 9
Updated: December 1, 2022
Views: 347,304
Categories: Bathrooms | Spa Treatments
Article SummaryX

If you want to create a sauna environment in your bathroom, you’ll need to raise your water temperature and seal the area so steam can build up. To start, raise the temperature on your hot water heater up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Just be sure to turn in back down when you’re done to avoid burning yourself. Seal up your bathroom by closing any doors or windows. You’ll also want to place a thick, roll-up towel along the bottom of the bathroom door so the steam can’t escape. When your bathroom is set up, fill the bathtub halfway with hot water, and sit on the edge of the tub to soak in the steam. If you’d like, you can light some candles or add essential oils to the water to help you relax. To learn how to cool down after sitting in your sauna, read on!

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