George Foreman grills are some of the most popular cooking appliances available because they make delicious food quickly without taking up a lot of space. Using the grill is fun, but cleaning it takes a bit of time. If your Foreman has removable grill plates, washing them is incredibly easy. Cleaning Foreman’s without removable plates is a little tougher, but you have a few options to choose from!

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Cleaning a Foreman Grill with Removable Plates

  1. 1
    Unplug the Foreman after using it. Give it about 10-15 minutes to cool down. If the grill is still hot after that time, wait a little longer to avoid any injuries.
    • If you want to play it safe, put on some oven mitts before you go through the rest of the cleaning process.
  2. 2
    Remove the grill plates one at a time. This is where the oven mitts come in handy. Once you’ve taken the plates out of the grill, place them on your counter.[1]
    • You should lay out paper towels so you don’t risk the grill plates damaging any part of your kitchen counter.
  3. 3
    Wash the grill plates in the dishwasher for the easiest option. The plates are completely dishwasher-friendly, so you don’t need to change any settings or add any more dishwasher detergent to get them clean. If possible, wash the grill plates with a smaller load to give them the best chance to get clean.[2]
    • While using a dishwasher will clean the grill plates, soaking them separately lets you clean them completely.
  4. 4
    Soak the grill plates in soapy water if you don't have a dishwasher. Fill the water to the halfway point of the sink and add a few drops of dish soap. Keep your grill plates completely submerged in the water and let them sit for a few minutes.[3]
    • You can use a bathroom sink to do this if your kitchen sink does not have room.
  5. 5
    Dry the grill plates with a towel before reattaching them. Use a soft towel to scrub away any excess food particles or soap. Once the plates are completely dry, reattach them to your Foreman Grill.[4]
    • Since the Foreman has electrical wiring inside of it, you must wait for the plates to dry before putting them back in the grill. The wiring can short-circuit if it comes into contact with the water.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Washing a Grill without Removable Plates

  1. 1
    Put damp paper towels on your grill once it has cooled down. This helps lift the grease that accumulates on the grill. Place three layers of lightly damp paper towels on the grill plates, as just one paper towel will be ineffective.
    • Don’t do any of this until you’ve unplugged the grill and waited a few minutes for it to cool down. If you put paper towels down when the grill is still hot, it could cause a fire.
  2. 2
    Close the grill to let the paper towels absorb the grease. The paper towels will loosen the grease and make it easier to scrub away. To save time, set this up right before you eat. By the time you’re done, you’ll be able to remove the damp paper towels and the grill will be ready to clean. The grill should be warm when you do this, but if it is too uncomfortable to touch, wait for it to cool off a bit more.[5]
    • Even though you don’t want to put paper towels on a hot grill, you do want your Foreman to be somewhat warm when you layer the paper towels on it. The mix of the grill’s warmth and the paper towels’ moisture is necessary to lift the grease out of the grill plates.
  3. 3
    Spray the grilling surface with water as an alternative to using paper towels. This is another way to clean your Foreman if you don’t want to put paper towels in it. Fill a spray bottle with water, and start spraying the grilling surface once you’ve unplugged the grill and made sure it’s turned off.
    • The grill will still be hot, so be careful not to burn yourself.
    • If you do not have a spray bottle, you can put a wet paper towel ball between metal tongs and wipe down the surface this way. This allows you to get in between the ridges and reach the more obscure areas of the grill.
    • Don’t directly pour water onto your grill, as this can damage its electrical wiring if the water finds its way under the grill plates.
  4. 4
    Chip away at fat and food chunks with your plastic scraper. The scraper comes with the Foreman grill. If you’ve lost it or do not have one for some reason, use a plastic spatula to get rid of the excess food chunks.[6]
    • Make sure you use a plastic scraper, as metal can damage the Foreman grill.
  5. 5
    Use a wet sponge to wipe away any loose debris. Add warm water and a small amount of soap to a sponge, rag, or paper towel to get rid of any residue that is still on your grill. Wipe the inside of your grill thoroughly.
    • Take time to wipe all parts of the grill, as grease can get anywhere. You want your grill looking fresh and clean for the next time you use it!
  6. 6
    Pour grease out of the drip tray and wipe it down by hand. The drip tray catches the excess grease that comes from your food, so there’s a good chance it’s full once you’re done cooking. Pour the grease into your sink and use a rag with warm water to scrub away the remaining residue.
    • You can use a paper towel to clean the drip tray instead of a rag if you’d like.
    • The drip tray should be clean once you’ve wiped it down. However, if you want to play it safe and make sure it’s as clean as it can be, stick it in the dishwasher after you’ve cleaned your grill.
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Updated: September 28, 2020
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