If you’ve accidentally gotten paint splotches on your leather sofa or favorite jacket, removing them may seem like a hopeless prospect. But getting paint out of leather isn’t as hard as you might think—provided you take action soon enough. Paint is much trickier to deal with once it’s had a chance to dry, so time is of the essence if you don’t want the surface be marked by a permanent stain. A little bit of soapy water or olive oil will usually be enough to erase most messes. When it’s not, you can chip away at the paint with an edged tool before cleaning and drying it like normal.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Cleaning Wet Paint Using Soap and Water

  1. 1
    Blot at the paint with a paper towel. Press the paper towel into the affected area to soak up as much of the wet paint as you can. This will minimize the severity of the stain it leaves behind. Work from the outside of the spot inward, folding the paper towel periodically to make sure you’re using a clean section.[1]
    • Don’t wipe or scrub the spot, as this will only spread the paint around and enlarge the stain.[2]
    • An absorbent towel will work even better for soaking up the wet paint. Dig out an old one, however, because it will likely be permanently stained afterwards.
  2. 2
    Mix up a gentle soap solution. Add a few drops of a mild liquid dish soap to a container of warm water and stir. For best results, use a standard detergent or even hand soap—anything stronger may damage the leather.[3]
    • Avoid soaps and detergents that are advertised as “extra strength” or contain “grease-fighting” agents. These typically contain harsh additives that can strip the color the color from dyed leather and cause cracking or splitting.[4]
    • Soap and water will be useful for cleaning most water-based paints, including interior color and arts and crafts paint.[5]
  3. 3
    Go over the stain with a stiff-bristled brush. Dip the brush into the soap solution, then shake off the excess water. Wet the paint spot and begin scrubbing it gently. After a few minutes, wipe the area with a clean towel and resume scrubbing. Repeat until the stain has been removed completely.[6]
    • An old toothbrush or nylon dish scrubber will work well for this purpose.
    • Use just enough force to coax out the stain. Otherwise, you may leave noticeable scratches or scuffs.
  4. 4
    Dry the leather with a towel. Since leather is a natural material, it’s especially susceptible to water damage. You’ll want to make sure that you’ve dried the surface thoroughly once the paint is all gone. If you don’t, the residual moisture can cause the leather to crack, split or blister.[7]
    • To dry leather safely and effectively, pat it with a microfiber towel or soft kitchen sponge.
    • Consider treating the surface with a specialty conditioner. A good leather conditioner will enhance the color and texture of leather items while protecting them from spills and other accidents in the future.[8]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Cleaning Wet Paint Using Olive Oil

  1. 1
    Drizzle a little olive oil onto the stain. After dabbing at the worst of the mess with a washcloth or paper towel, pour the oil directly onto the leftover stain. For most paint stains, you’ll only need to use about a nickel-sized amount.[9]
    • If the paint stain is located on a slanted or irregular surface of the leather, such as the back of a couch, you can apply the oil using a washcloth.
    • Olive oil is a surprisingly efficient remedy for treating oil-based paint stains—you’re essentially fighting oil with oil.
  2. 2
    Rub the oil in with your fingertips. Massage the pads of your fingers into the stain using a circular motion. The added friction will serve to further loosen the paint. You should be able to observe the paint residue dissolving more or less immediately.[10]
    • For heavy residue or paints of contrasting colors, it may help to work the oil in with a brush to allow it to penetrate deeper.
    • Scratch at drying flakes lightly with your fingernail to scrape them off before they harden.
  3. 3
    Let the oil sit for 2-3 minutes. As it sets in, it will begin to emulsify the paint, breaking it down so that it can be lifted away with ease. The longer the oil sits, the more thoroughly it will work.
    • Olive oil is perfectly safe for occasional use on leather. There’s no risk of staining, fading, discoloration or any other destructive side effects.
  4. 4
    Wipe off the leather. Go over the leather a few times with a clean, dry cloth to remove the remaining paint and excess oil. When you’re done, the leather should be blemish-free and shine like new. Follow up by treating the surface with a trusted leather conditioner, if desired.[11]
    • Make sure there’s no oily mess left on any part of the leather. If loose paint runs, it may streak.
    • As an added bonus, the olive oil will soften, polish and add a coat of natural waterproofing to the leather.[12]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Removing Dried Paint

  1. 1
    Scrape away the paint with a sharp object. Tilt the edge or corner of your tool to wedge it underneath the dried paint. Work slowly and carefully so as not to scratch or gouge the leather. The idea is to use the scraper to wear down the paint very gradually, making as little contact as possible with the leather itself.[13]
    • To prevent unnecessary damage, equip a utensil with a blunted edge, such as a palette knife, butter knife or even a metal cake server.[14]
    • Wear down the paint a one small section at a time. This process will require a little bit of patience.
  2. 2
    Spray the paint residue with a mild acidic cleanser. Combine warm water with fresh lemon juice in a spray bottle and shake well. Mist the stain lightly, keeping the cleanser away from other parts of the leather as best you can. As the paint absorbs the solution, its hold on the surface will begin to weaken..[15]
    • You might also use white vinegar, citric acid or heavily diluted rubbing alcohol.[16]
    • The acidity of the cleaning solution will eat away at hardened residue while leaving the leather unharmed.
  3. 3
    Scrub and repeat. It may be necessary to use a little extra elbow grease to remove a stain that’s been dry for a long time. If the paint is still giving you trouble, try pressing into the spot firmly and swirling the cloth, concentrating the pressure under the tip of one finger. Slowly but surely it will give way.[17]
    • Be sure to wipe away the cleanser promptly. When left for too long, lemon juice can have a bleaching effect on dark-colored leather.
    • Reapply the cleaning solution and repeat as many times as needed until the spot has disappeared.
  4. 4
    Clear away the last traces of paint. Once the stain is gone, wipe the affected area with a damp cloth or sponge. There should be no paint or solution remaining on the surface when you’re done. Towel off the leather and handle it delicately until it’s had a chance to dry completely.
    • Finish by rubbing in some leather conditioner or moisture-resistant oil for added protection.
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How can I spot clean leather?
    Susan Stocker
    Susan Stocker
    Green Cleaning Expert
    Susan Stocker runs and owns Susan’s Green Cleaning, the #1 Green Cleaning Company in Seattle. She is well known in the region for outstanding customer service protocols — winning the 2017 Better Business Torch Award for Ethics & Integrity —and her energetic support of green cleaning practices.
    Susan Stocker
    Green Cleaning Expert
    Expert Answer
    Pour a little hot water into a bowl and add 2-3 squirts of dish soap. Mix the soap and water together and dip a microfiber cloth into your cleaning solution. Then, rub the dirty area gently with your cloth until the dirt disappears. Dry the leather with a clean cloth when you're done.


  • Abrasives like sandpaper and steel wool may seem like a practical way to break up dried paint, but they’ll take the smooth finish right off the leather.
  • Never attempt to use a substance like acetone, mineral spirits, bleach or ammonia to take paint off of leather. These products are almost guaranteed to dull and discolor genuine leather where they’re applied.

Things You'll Need

  • Water
  • Mild liquid dish detergent or hand soap
  • Olive oil
  • Fresh lemon juice or similar acid
  • Stiff-bristled brush
  • Edged scraper
  • Soft washcloth or sponge
  • Microfiber towel
  • Paper towels
  • Spray bottle
  • Leather conditioner (optional)

About This Article

Susan Stocker
Co-authored by:
Green Cleaning Expert
This article was co-authored by Susan Stocker. Susan Stocker runs and owns Susan’s Green Cleaning, the #1 Green Cleaning Company in Seattle. She is well known in the region for outstanding customer service protocols — winning the 2017 Better Business Torch Award for Ethics & Integrity —and her energetic support of green cleaning practices. This article has been viewed 42,591 times.
3 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 7
Updated: November 3, 2020
Views: 42,591
Article SummaryX

To best way to clean wet paint off of leather depends on whether it's water- or oil-based paint. If it's water-based paint, start by blotting up as much of the paint as you can with a paper towel. Then, gently scrub the stain with a stiff-bristled brush and soapy water until the paint is gone, wiping the area periodically with a clean towel. If the paint is oil-based, pour olive oil onto it and wipe the oil and paint away with a cloth. To learn how to clean dry paint off of leather, scroll down!

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