You might fall in love with a book and recommend it to your friends. As a film producer, however, you can bring the story to a much larger audience as a movie. To buy the film rights, you need to first find out who owns them—not necessarily an easy task, especially if the book is older. Then you need to draft an options contract, which you can do with the help of a lawyer.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Finding the Rights Holder

  1. 1
    Identify the copyright holder. Look inside the book and see who is listed as the copyright holder. It should be printed on the opposite side of the title page.
    • The person who owns the film rights might not be the same person who has the copyright in the book. In fact, many publishers retain these rights. However, the author sometimes keeps them, so you might as well start there.[1]
  2. 2
    Find out if film rights have been assigned. The author might have signed the film rights over to another producer already. The U.S. Copyright Office should have a record if they have been, so search their records at</ref></ref>
    • You can search both before and after 1978. If the book was published before 1978, you should search both time frames.
    • You’re out of luck if the author has already assigned film rights to another producer.
  3. 3
    Confirm the author still holds the rights. An author might have transferred the film rights recently, so you need to call them up and check.[2] Find the author’s phone number by checking the copyright registration or by contacting the book publisher.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Negotiating the Contract

  1. 1
    Tell the author you are interested in their work. You might need to negotiate with the author’s agent, especially if the author is well-known. However, independent self-publishers and less known authors frequently don’t have agents. Introduce yourself and explain you want to make a film of their book.
  2. 2
    Set the length of your option. As a producer, you won’t buy the film rights right off. For example, you probably don’t know if you can even get financing for the project. Instead, you’ll buy an “option,” which gives you the exclusive right to buy the film rights in the future. The option lasts for only a certain amount of time, usually 12-18 months.
    • Try to get an 18-month option, which will give you extra time to pull together financing for the film.[3] The author might disagree, but you should push to get as lengthy an option period as possible.
    • You can also get the right to one or two extensions of the original option period.
  3. 3
    Negotiate the option fee. You probably need to pay for the option. There’s no formula for how much you should pay, but you should begin by assessing the book’s popularity. A hot bestseller probably has many people bidding, so you might need to offer high five figures or even more.[4]
    • However, a book that’s been out for a while might only cost you $5,000 for the option.
    • With more obscure books, you might not have to pay any money. Instead, you can promise to do your best to get the film made.[5]
    • Talk to other film producers to see how much they have paid for options.
  4. 4
    Agree to a purchase price. This is the amount you will pay for the rights if you ultimately exercise your option. Negotiate this amount at the same time you negotiate the option so that you can include it in your option agreement. Generally, the amount you pay will be based on the written direct budget. The usual formula is 2.5%, and the option price is usually set off against the purchase price.[6]
    • Remember to include a floor and a ceiling. For example, your budget might end up being tiny, which means the author will walk away with peanuts. You can protect against this by setting a minimum, say $7,000.
    • Also set a maximum amount in case your budget is much higher than you expect.
  5. 5
    Determine the author’s cut of net profits. Authors typically get around 5-10% of all net profits (and not only the producer’s share).[7] You’ll also need to agree on how to define net profits. There are two standard ways:
    • The definition used by the picture’s domestic theatrical distributor.
    • The definition provided by the picture’s financers.
  6. 6
    Negotiate other rights. Think ahead about what other rights you should negotiate at the same time as your option. At a minimum, you’ll want to include the following:
    • Rights to sequels. You might buy the rights before a book is even published. If it turns out to be a smash hit, then the author will probably create sequels, and a different producer might scoop up the film rights them.
    • Reversion rights. After you exercise your option, you might hit a snag and not make the film. Authors don’t want to wait around forever, so they want their rights to revert to them. You can set a deadline for getting the film made, such as seven years, and also require the author to reimburse you for expenses.[8]
  7. 7
    Discuss how the author will be credited. You have many options for crediting an author, and this may be a sticking point for some authors. Consider the following:[9]
    • You give an on-screen credit that reads something like, “Based on the book Poison Ivy written by Michelle Jones.” This credit might have its own screen as part of the opening credits or just be part of the credit roll at the end.
    • Some authors might also want credit in the paid advertising.
    • If the author is famous enough, their name might be included in the title of the move, e.g., Sidney Sheldon's Bloodline.
  8. 8
    Identify how you exercise your option. You need to give the author notice that you’re going ahead and exercising your option to buy the rights. Generally, you can exercise your option by sending the author a written notice or just staring principal photography.
  9. 9
    Ask the publisher to sign a release. Sometimes publishers hold onto the rights of books they publish. Before signing an option agreement, ask the publisher to sign a release. This document will confirm the publisher doesn’t have any rights you are seeking.[10]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Writing Your Option Agreement

  1. 1
    Hire a lawyer. The producer drafts the contract, so you should work with a lawyer experienced in entertainment law. Get referrals from other producers, or contact your nearest bar association and get a referral.
    • A lawyer will be a big asset when you negotiate, too, so bring them on board early.
  2. 2
    Use a sample if drafting your own. Not all producers can afford a lawyer, so you might need to draft the option agreement yourself. Luckily, the American Bar Association has a sample option purchase agreement. Use it as a guide when drafting your own.
  3. 3
    Remember to include warranties. Your contract will lay out the terms of your agreement. However, you also want to include warranties from the author. For example, get the author to warranty the following:[11]
    • The book doesn’t infringe any copyrights.
    • The book doesn’t invade anyone’s privacy.
    • The book isn’t obscene and doesn’t contain defamatory material.
    • The author hasn’t sold the film rights to anyone else.
  4. 4
    Include a clause prohibiting injunctive relief. An injunction is a court order telling you to stop doing something. If you get in a dispute with the author, they can sue for an injunction that prohibits the movie from being distributed. No distributor will touch your movie unless you include a provision telling the author they can only sue you for money compensation.[12]
  5. 5
    Add boilerplate. Every contract contains boilerplate provisions that are meant to protect your rights. Make sure your contract contains the following provisions:
    • Merger clause. You want to state that the contract contains the entire agreement and replaces all prior negotiations.
    • Choice of law provision. If you get in a contract dispute, a judge needs to apply some state’s law to the dispute. You can choose any state’s law, although most people choose the law of the state where they are located.
    • Partnership provision. Make sure the contract states you are not forming a partnership by signing this agreement.
  6. 6
    Review and sign the contract. Negotiate all main issues before writing your contract. Once finished, let the author and their lawyer/agent review it. If they have major changes, you should discuss them further.
    • After all parties sign, give a copy of the contract to the author and their agent. Keep your original in a safe place, such as a safe deposit box, or give it to your lawyer to hold onto.
  7. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    The book that I would like to make into a movie is an autobiography of a man. However, the author has died. How do I get an option?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The author passed his rights to someone as part of his estate. You should contact the publisher as a starting point. If you can't get anywhere that way, reach out to a lawyer, who can research who inherited the dead man's intellectual property.
  • Question
    Do you have to be a certain age to buy the rights to a book?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You need to be 18 to enter a valid contract. If you're younger than that, meet with an attorney to discuss your options.
  • Question
    How can I find someone to turn my published book into a screen play?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You will have to contact a writer, or find someone in the movie industry to set you up with a script/screenplay writer.

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59 votes - 95%
Co-authors: 8
Updated: January 8, 2023
Views: 132,529
Categories: Filmmaking