A huge part of being a good employee is listening to your boss and coworkers. Being a good listener is a little more complex than simply hearing what someone has to say, though. Thankfully, there are several approaches you can take to being the best listener you can be! Here are some effective methods to improve your listening skills in the workplace.


Use positive body language.

  1. Nod along when your coworkers speak to stay engaged. You can also lean towards them when they're speaking. Both work to help you concentrate on what your colleagues are saying. Encouraging body language like this also shows your coworkers that you're invested. This can make them feel more comfortable talking to you and sharing ideas.[1]
    • If your boss presents a new assignment during a meeting, nod along to show that you're really listening.
    • When your colleague pulls you aside to discuss a project you're working on together, lean towards them (without invading their personal space) to actively listen to their ideas.
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Steer clear of distractions.

  1. Stay present when someone is speaking to you. During meetings, you may be tempted to look at your phone, check emails, or zone out completely. Try your best to stay focused so that you can hear everything your colleagues have to say. Switch your phone to the "Do Not Disturb" setting, turn off email alerts, and quiet any thoughts about what you're going to make for dinner. It will be much easier to listen without these interruptions.[3]
    • If you really struggle to stay present in meetings, for example, try taking notes. This can help you stay actively engaged.
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Picture what your colleague is saying while they speak.

  1. This is a great trick to help you focus. As they speak, imagine the images that correspond to what they are saying. When you catch your mind drifting, return to those images. This will help you actively engage with what your boss or coworker is saying, and can be a great tool if you struggle to stay present.[5]
    • If your coworker is going into plans for an upcoming event, picture the event in your head. Maybe she's talking specifically about hiring a catering company or food truck service. Picture the food truck, the guests, and the food itself!
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Restate what the speaker said.

  1. Do this to fully comprehend what your coworker or boss said to you. After a new task has been assigned to you, for example, rephrase the instructions. This shows that you were really listening and that you're taking the time to know for sure you that heard their words correctly. It even helps you deepen your understanding, as formulating what they said in your own words can help improve your comprehension.[7]
    • Preface your words with something like, "Just to make sure I understand you correctly..." and follow that with your interpretation of what they said.
    • This also gives them an opportunity to correct you if you misunderstood something they said.
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Ask questions to fully understand something.

  1. This helps you comprehend and retain information. If someone explains a new concept to you, think of any questions you have and ask them. This will help you clarify anything you're unsure about and actually remember the information down the line. It's also a great way to show your colleagues that you're really considering what they have to say.[8]
    • Ask questions that start with "How," "What," and "Who." If you're delegating responsibilities for a project, you could ask, "Who will be responsible for inputting the data in the spreadsheet?"
    • It's better to communicate too much than not communicate enough.[9]

Provide feedback.

  1. Sharing your point of view helps you become more invested in the work. If you simply take everything as it comes and don't tell people how you feel, you might not listen as closely. Listen attentively in meetings and be forthcoming about your thoughts on the matters your colleagues discuss. You can even (respectfully) provide alternative solutions if you think of any. Participating like this will improve your listening skills and can also make a potentially boring meeting a little more interesting.[10]
    • Let's say your boss wants to hire a band to play at a special event your company is planning. Maybe before this job, you worked in the music industry. Bring up your relevant experience and expertise!
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Validate your colleagues' concerns or comments.

  1. Part of being a good listener is making people feel heard and supported. To improve your listening skills in the workplace, practice looking at things from your coworkers' points of view and affirming their perspectives. Use phrases like "I totally understand" and "that's completely fair." This is a meaningful way to improve your listening skills, as you need to genuinely concentrate on what someone has to say in order to understand their viewpoint.[11]
    • Let's say your coworker expresses her anxiety about meeting a certain deadline. Say something like, "I totally understand, but you work so hard! I'm sure you'll be able to do it."
    • Validating your coworkers' feelings can also help build a sense of community in your workplace.

About This Article

Lauren Krasny
Co-authored by:
Executive, Strategic, & Personal Coach
This article was co-authored by Lauren Krasny and by wikiHow staff writer, Madeleine Criglow. Lauren Krasny is a Leadership and Executive Coach and the Founder of Reignite Coaching, her professional and personal coaching service based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She also currently coaches for the LEAD Program at Stanford University Graduate School of Business and is a former Digital Health Coach for Omada Health and Modern Health. Lauren received her coaching training from the Coach Training Institute (CTI). She holds a BA in Psychology from the University of Michigan. This article has been viewed 9,488 times.
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Co-authors: 10
Updated: December 1, 2021
Views: 9,488
Categories: Finance and Business