Being "single-minded" has to do with the power of focus. Your ability to focus is ultimately your biggest ally in accomplishing tasks and projects. With practice this is an ability one can develop. Your level of achievement and success depends upon it.


  1. 1
    Define "single-minded": It is an adjective meaning: 1) Determined 2) Having one overriding purpose or goal. 3) Steadfast; resolute. Now let's define "focus". 1) The concentration of attention or energy on something. The opposite of this would be "absent-minded", "scattered", or perhaps just "distracted."
  2. 2
    Know that there are good forms of "single-mindedness" and bad forms. Here's the difference.
    • The bad single minded: When one becomes so preoccupied with a task that they lose all grip with their daily responsibilities and accountability to others, this is obviously a form of self delusion. We often label these personality types as "self-centered" or "self obsessed", carrying a negative connotation. Often people that are mentally ill or mentally challenged will be seen doing the same movements over and over. This is hardly the "single-mindedness" we are after.
    • The good form of "single-minded" is the ability to block out distractions and erroneous thoughts in order to concentrate better. Your desire to become more single-minded will enable you to finish projects with more efficiency in less time.
  3. 3
    Practice the common methods and some not so common methods to develop your power of focus:
    • Creating the environment is step 1. If it's a task where you are seated at a desk then you will need to clean the desk area and become more organized. At that time a new project starts with a "clean slate." Let's suppose you are trying to quit smoking. Create the environment to allow this to be possible. In other words on your quit date the house and car you occupy need to be "smokeless" in every way. No ashtrays, lighters, etc.
    • The power of "intention". This is a slightly different perspective than mere goal setting. Intention means on the deepest level figure out exactly what is you intend on creating, then affirming this to yourself and visualizing an approximate end result, i.e. being a non-smoker, finishing a work assignment, writing a college thesis, etc.
    • Set and setting. In other words "where" are you most likely be able to focus or accomplish your goal? With what external conditions around you are tolerable to your concentration abilities? For example if your intention is to be a non-smoker then you are more likely to succeed hanging out in a local gym, vs. the local bar. If you are trying to finish studying for college exams, you may want to create privacy vs. the kids running around and playing in your study space.
    • Set small steps and short term goals. Do this in writing in outline form. Breaking down the steps can help the mind from not getting overwhelmed.
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  • Don't rely on externals such as caffeine or the assorted "energy" drinks, as they may temporarily create some focused energy, they all have a "crash," meaning even less concentration!
  • Don't fall into the trap of making "single-mindedness" turn to obsession. The key to long term success is finding your own perfect balance.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 10 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 99,679 times.
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Co-authors: 10
Updated: August 22, 2019
Views: 99,679