Getting a dazzling smile with Crest 3D White Strips is a cheap alternative to professional whitening treatments, but how do you do it safely and correctly? If you follow the instructions closely, applying the strips is a breeze—just stick them on, wait 30 minutes, and peel them off for a brighter smile. In this article, we’ll walk you through the best way to apply Crest 3D White Strips and dive into how often you can wear them for the best results. If you’re ready to smile with confidence, keep reading!

Things You Should Know

  • Press the strips to your teeth so they’re lined up with your gums. Fold the excess behind your teeth and press to the backside.
  • Leave the strips on for 30 minutes. Then peel them off and rinse out your mouth or brush your teeth.
  • Wear 1 set of strips daily for 10-14 days per treatment. Most Crest White Strip treatments are safe to use up to 2 times a year.
  • Read the instructions for your specific product. Overuse could result in tooth sensitivity or damage.

Peel one strip off the plastic sleeve.

  1. Use the pre-cut slit to pull open a packet of strips. You’ll see 2 White Strips stuck to a clear plastic sleeve—a short strip for your lower teeth and a longer strip for your top teeth. Pull either one off first (you’ll come back for the other one later).[1]
    • Wait to lift the strip from the liner until you’re fully ready to stick it on your teeth.
    • Wait at least 30 minutes after brushing your teeth to apply White Strips. They’ll stick better if your teeth aren’t glossy and smooth after a brush.[2]
    • If you need to brush beforehand to remove food particles, use a wet toothbrush with no toothpaste or use a fluoride-free toothpaste.[3]
    • Floss beforehand to make sure the strips stick to your teeth and not food particles or plaque.[4]
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Align the edge of the strip with your gum line.

  1. Be extra careful not to let the strip overlap onto your gums. Hold the ends of the strip and raise or lower the strip so the top edge is at or slightly away from your gum line. Make sure the center of the strip is right over the space between your front two teeth.[6]
    • The whitening ingredients on the strip can irritate your gums’ soft tissue.[7]
    • To help center the strip, pinch it at the middle to create a small crease, then pull the strip flat again. Center the crease on your front teeth.
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Press down and fold the strip around your teeth.

  1. Hold the strip against your teeth with your fingers for 2-3 seconds. Start in the center of the strip, then press the ends to make sure the strip is secure. Fold the excess over your teeth and press it against the back of your teeth. Press firmly to create a strong bond between the strip and your teeth.[8]
    • Use your fingernail to press the strip into the crevices between your teeth for the most even coverage.[9]
    • Apply the second strip the same way after you’ve secured the first one to your teeth.
    • A strong stick keeps the whitening agents trapped against your teeth.

Leave the strips on for up to 30 minutes.

  1. Check the directions on the box for the exact timing. Some strips for sensitive teeth might have a shorter application time, while products like the Supreme FlexFit strips go on for 60 minutes. Wait to smoke, eat, or drink until after you’ve removed the strips.[10]
    • Sit back and relax while the strips are in. There’s no recommended time of day to wear them, so go about your regular routine until it’s time to take them out.
    • If you’re wearing high-adhesive strips like Classic Vivid or Professional Effects, you can drink water without loosening the strips or swallowing the whitening gel.
    • Do not wear the strips for longer than the recommended time in the instructions. Overexposure to the bleaching agents could cause sensitivity or tooth damage.
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Apply the strips daily to complete the treatment.

  1. Read the directions for your specific product (most last 10-14 days). For example, Classic Vivid White comes with 10 sets of strips, whereas the Glamorous White comes with 14. Don’t worry about counting the days—if you’re wearing 1 set daily, you’ll know the treatment is done when you run out of strips.[15]
    • White Strips are meant to be used every day for the best results.[16]
    • You’ll start seeing results after 2-3 days, even if the full whitening isn’t complete until after the treatment is finished.
    • It’s OK if you miss a day—the impact on your results will be small as long as you’re wearing the strips consistently afterwards.
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Apply White Strips twice a day for faster whitening.

  1. Wear up to 2 sets per day, back-to-back or separated by a few hours. Wear the strips for the full 30 minutes (or other recommended time) both times.[17] Check the instructions on the box for how frequently you are able to use the strips. If you're unsure, once a day is plenty.[18]
    • Only double up on strips if you want to cut down the number of days you have to wear them.
    • Your chances of side effects, like tooth and gum sensitivity, increase when you wear strips more than once per day.
    • Do not wear more than 2 sets of White Strips per day.

Do a full whitening treatment up to twice a year.

  1. It's normal for the whitening effects to start fading after 6 months. Almost all Crest strips are safe to use 2 times a year, either back-to-back or separated by a few months. If you’re using the Supreme Flexfit White Strips, only use 1 box per year. [19]
    • Products that are safe to use twice a year include 3D White Classic Vivid, Glamorous White, 1 Hour Express, Gentle Routine, Shimmer White, Professional Effects, and 3D White Whitestrips with Light strips.
    • Practice good dental hygiene and use products like whitening toothpaste or baking soda to keep your teeth white between White Strip treatments.
    • Prevent tooth stains by limiting dark drinks and foods, avoiding citrus after whitening treatments, and quitting smoking.
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    Am I supposed to brush my teeth after using Crest White Strips?
    Lewis Chen, DDS, FICOI, FIADFE Dr. Lewis Chen is a licensed Dentist in both New York and New Jersey, specializing in providing high-quality oral care in the form of preventative care. He holds an Economics degree from New York University. Dr. Chen earned his doctorate at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. He graduated top of his class with the highest honors and distinction and was nominated and inducted into the only renowned, national dental honor society, Omicron Kappa Upsilon (OKU). He then completed a comprehensive training program at the Bronx VA Medical Center and, shortly after, decided to pursue multiple practice ownership and management. Dr. Chen has acquired numerous accolades over the years, including New York Academy of Dentistry Exemplary Professional Conduct Award, Academy of General Dentistry Outstanding General Practitioner Award, American Academy of Implant Dentistry Award, and Pierre Fauchard Foundation Award.
    Lewis Chen, DDS, FICOI, FIADFE
    Licensed Dentist
    Expert Answer
    Read the instructions on the box. If it mentions you can brush your teeth, you can. If not, I'd skip it. The big mistake that people make with whitening strips is not following the instructions down to the letter. These things really won't work if you don't follow the steps.
  • Question
    How often should I use Crest 3D White Strips?
    Lewis Chen, DDS, FICOI, FIADFE Dr. Lewis Chen is a licensed Dentist in both New York and New Jersey, specializing in providing high-quality oral care in the form of preventative care. He holds an Economics degree from New York University. Dr. Chen earned his doctorate at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. He graduated top of his class with the highest honors and distinction and was nominated and inducted into the only renowned, national dental honor society, Omicron Kappa Upsilon (OKU). He then completed a comprehensive training program at the Bronx VA Medical Center and, shortly after, decided to pursue multiple practice ownership and management. Dr. Chen has acquired numerous accolades over the years, including New York Academy of Dentistry Exemplary Professional Conduct Award, Academy of General Dentistry Outstanding General Practitioner Award, American Academy of Implant Dentistry Award, and Pierre Fauchard Foundation Award.
    Lewis Chen, DDS, FICOI, FIADFE
    Licensed Dentist
    Expert Answer
    From what I've seen, most of my clients have had the best results when using them twice a day.
  • Question
    Why do my whitening strips always slide off of my teeth?
    Lewis Chen, DDS, FICOI, FIADFE Dr. Lewis Chen is a licensed Dentist in both New York and New Jersey, specializing in providing high-quality oral care in the form of preventative care. He holds an Economics degree from New York University. Dr. Chen earned his doctorate at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. He graduated top of his class with the highest honors and distinction and was nominated and inducted into the only renowned, national dental honor society, Omicron Kappa Upsilon (OKU). He then completed a comprehensive training program at the Bronx VA Medical Center and, shortly after, decided to pursue multiple practice ownership and management. Dr. Chen has acquired numerous accolades over the years, including New York Academy of Dentistry Exemplary Professional Conduct Award, Academy of General Dentistry Outstanding General Practitioner Award, American Academy of Implant Dentistry Award, and Pierre Fauchard Foundation Award.
    Lewis Chen, DDS, FICOI, FIADFE
    Licensed Dentist
    Expert Answer
    Your teeth probably aren't totally dry. You really need totally dry teeth to get the whitening strips to adhere properly.


  • Do not overuse White Strips. Overuse might result in the erosion of your protective enamel layer, which could cause tooth loss.[21]
  • Do not wear White Strips for more than the recommended number of minutes per treatment.[22]

About This Article

Co-authored by:
Licensed Dentist
This article was co-authored by Lewis Chen, DDS, FICOI, FIADFE and by wikiHow staff writer, Dan Hickey. Dr. Lewis Chen is a licensed Dentist in both New York and New Jersey, specializing in providing high-quality oral care in the form of preventative care. He holds an Economics degree from New York University. Dr. Chen earned his doctorate at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. He graduated top of his class with the highest honors and distinction and was nominated and inducted into the only renowned, national dental honor society, Omicron Kappa Upsilon (OKU). He then completed a comprehensive training program at the Bronx VA Medical Center and, shortly after, decided to pursue multiple practice ownership and management. Dr. Chen has acquired numerous accolades over the years, including New York Academy of Dentistry Exemplary Professional Conduct Award, Academy of General Dentistry Outstanding General Practitioner Award, American Academy of Implant Dentistry Award, and Pierre Fauchard Foundation Award. This article has been viewed 171,013 times.
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Co-authors: 5
Updated: December 13, 2022
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