Indian elementary schools are quite different from schools of other foreign countries. Moving from another country's school to an Indian school can be a very unnerving experience. Sometimes it can be terrifying and you could be the odd one out. In this case, it is important to at least know beforehand how to act.


  1. 1
    Observe dress styles. Most elementary schools in India have uniforms and it is compulsory to wear them. Huge earrings, sparkly necklaces, bracelets, and anklets are prohibited. It might seem a little strange that Indian elementary schools are so strict in dress codes, but in India, it is quite common. It may take time to adapt. Sometimes, during special occasions and festivals, you are free to wear coloured clothing but again, some (not all) schools don't allow revealing clothes.
  2. 2
    Don't wear makeup. This is a strictly enforced rule: no makeup allowed. This means you are not supposed to wear lipstick, blush powders (normal powders are allowed), eye shadow, etc. Kajal is allowed in some schools, but other schools don't even allow them. However, don't feel shy to wear these during special occasions.
  3. 3
    Interact with your peers. Most students are very friendly, and they will help you to get adjusted. In return, help them and be understanding. Don't be mean to them. In elementary schools, there aren't any "cool kids" or the "it fashion". Some kids gossip, but it is usually about some other student and not about popular culture such as celebrities.
    • Besides, you come to school to learn, not to get others or yourself into trouble. If your classmates are nice to you, be nice to them in return.
  4. 4
    Know the expected behaviour with teachers. This is very important. Students in all Indian elementary schools greet their teachers like "Good morning Ma'am" or "Thank you Sir". They don't greet teachers like 'Hey Miss Ria' or like 'Bye, Mr. John'. You are not allowed to criticize teachers, but you can politely express your opinion of them.
  5. 5
    Complete all your homework, projects, and assignments on time, every time. Do not procrastinate or slack off. Playing video games or playing with your friends is less important than your studies. You will fall behind your other classmates who are hard-working and try their best on all assignments, homework, and projects. You don't want to have the worst grades, right? That would not look good on your grade report.
  6. 6
    Watch the teacher's behavior with you. Most teachers are very nice and understanding, so they don't yell at you unless and until you make them to do that. Whatever it is, remember this: no matter how disrespectful you are, unruly you are, or disobedient you are, teachers are not allowed to practice corporal punishment.
    • Some teeny weeny slaps are fine, but when it becomes too much, report that again to the school's office. However, this does not mean you push the limits of the teacher.
  7. 7
    Attend all of your classes. In Indian elementary schools, you don't move from class to class for every period. This often happens in American middle schools. Instead, teachers will come to your own classroom. You are strictly not allowed to go outside the class without the teacher's permission for any reason. You can also find that it is nearly impossible for elementary and middle school students to bunk classes here.
  8. 8
    Do not eat anything inside the classroom, until you have the teacher's permission or unless it is the lunch and break periods. Do not eat your lunch or a small snack inside the classroom, as that is prohibited. Unless the teacher agrees to it or if it is lunchtime or break, you shouldn't eat during class.
  9. 9
    Finally, enjoy yourself and don't worry about rules and regulations because they aren't as bad they sound, instead it is only for your own welfare. Be confident, because, one fine day, you might be saying all this to a student new to an Indian elementary school!
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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 16 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 8,965 times.
25 votes - 68%
Co-authors: 16
Updated: September 24, 2022
Views: 8,965
Categories: Surviving School