The Department of Motor Vehicles, or DMV, offers rewarding and challenging job opportunities. Positions at the DMV can include working with motor vehicle registrations and renewals, licensing and permits, motor vehicle inspections, investigative work, or higher level management positions. This guide offers an introduction to what the DMV does and how to apply for a position at DMV offices in your area.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Understanding What the DMV Does

  1. 1
    Recognize the variety of DMV positions available. Many people think about the DMV as a place where people only go to obtain a driver’s license or renew a vehicle registration, but DMV offices often have a larger scope than people realize. In fact, a state or area’s DMV usually has more face-to-face contact with citizens than any other state agency.[1] Although DMV jobs vary widely depending on the state and specific area, here are a few of the common responsibilities of DMV offices in the U.S.:[2]
    • Educating and promoting public safety
    • Protecting citizens’ identities
    • Preventing and investigating fraud and auto theft
  2. 2
    Learn about the organization of the DMV in your state or area. Before deciding to apply for a DMV job, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the organization of the DMV in your region. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you begin to research DMV offices and services:[3]
    • Not all U.S. states use the term “DMV,” but there is generally a state-level agency that coordinates these services.
    • In Hawaii, services are supervised by each county rather than the state.[4]
    • Some states, like Mississippi, split up driver licensing and motor vehicle registration into separate divisions or agencies.[5]
  3. 3
    Conduct research on the DMV website for your state or county. This will help you better understand how the DMV in your area provides services to the public and you can learn about the types of jobs that might be available. Having all the facts will help you to decide if working for the DMV is a possibility that you wish to further explore.
  4. 4
    Visit your local DMV offices. Taking a trip to the local DMV offices will help provide you with a sense of the workplace environment so you can decide if it is a good fit. It also offers another opportunity to learn about the types of jobs available in your area and the services offered through the agency.
    • DMV offices are often very busy locations, so it’s best to just sit in the waiting area and observe unless you have business to conduct there or have a scheduled appointment with a staff member.
    • It’s also a good idea to go during the busiest times to see what it is like to work in these offices and how employees and customers interact with each other.
  5. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Determining if a DMV Job is the Right Fit

  1. 1
    Be prepared to deal with difficult situations and unhappy customers. Many customers at the DMV are there because they have to be, not because they want to be there. As a result, they often arrive unhappy and are impatient with waiting in line and dealing with bureaucracy.[6]
  2. 2
    Consider your customer-service skills. Working for the DMV, regardless of the type of position, requires strong customer-service skills and a high level of patience and diplomacy. During the course of a typical workday, DMV employees will be interacting with people who are frustrated about waiting in long lines.
    • Meeting with customers all day is typical of a position at the local DMV regardless of which division or department one is working within.
    • A great deal of patience and fortitude is required.
  3. 3
    Evaluate your phone skills. Speaking on the telephone with customers all day is one possible job at the local DMV. This type of work will require tact and good listening skills in addition to being polite and courteous.
  4. 4
    Contemplate whether you would like an office position or work that typically involves being outdoors for most of the day. Some DMV jobs, such as motor vehicle inspections, will entail having to be outside during all types of weather. Consider your preferences.
  5. 5
    Assess your computer skills. Many jobs at the DMV involve work with computers. You may also be required to learn how to use new, job-specific software.
    • This software can be frustrating and difficult to operate.
    • Even if you are good with computers, you still need excellent customer-service skills.
  6. 6
    Move forward with applying for a DMV job. If you still think the DMV is a good fit for you, begin the process of researching and applying for positions.
  7. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Applying for Jobs at the DMV

  1. 1
    Locate available jobs. Use the instructions provided on state or local DMV websites to search for available jobs. This website will help direct you to DMV offices in your area. Once you locate a DMV-related job you have an interest in, be sure to read the job description and duties carefully to make sure it seems like a good fit and you are qualified for the position.
  2. 2
    Complete the application process. Follow the application instructions, making sure you submit all required materials. Here are some helpful tips that state DMV websites in Florida and Virginia recommend to prospective applicants: [7] [8]
    • Carefully review the job posting to make sure you are familiar with required qualifications and responsibilities.
    • Adapt your application and supporting materials such as a resume to the specific position for which you are applying.
    • Emphasize the higher-level skills and duties acquired through your previous employment.
    • Highlight training you have received that might be relevant to the position.
    • Make sure all parts of the application are completed.
    • Check your application before submitting.
  3. 3
    Take required exams. Many states, such as California and New York, require applicants for certain DMV positions to complete a civil service examination or specialized DMV examination depending on the position. Information about these exams is often posted on the specific state DMV website.[9] [10]
    • Call or check your local DMV branch's website for information about upcoming exam dates.
    • If you pass the exam, you are often placed on a list of eligible applicants and will be considered for current or future positions.
  4. 4
    Wait to hear back. Waiting to hear back about your application can be stressful, but many DMV offices provide you with an application confirmation number so you can research the status of your application online. It’s also a good idea to regularly check your email and voicemail to see if someone has contacted you requesting additional information, setting up an exam, or scheduling an interview.[11]
  5. 5
    Apply for other positions. If you are not selected for the position or feel it was not the best fit for you, don’t be discouraged. Research and pursue other career options through the DMV or different organizations.
  6. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can a 67 year old apply for a DMV position or is there an age barrier?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can definitely apply! There's no age barrier as long as you're capable of doing the job.
  • Question
    Can a person in a wheelchair work at the DMV?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can work at the DMV if you are a person on a wheelchair. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 makes it against the law to discriminate against people who need certain accommodations.
  • Question
    Can I work for the DMV if my license is suspended?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, as long as you have a valid government-issued ID. However, the reason for your license being suspended will be reviewed and may impact your chances of being hired.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 17 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 87,430 times.
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Co-authors: 17
Updated: December 19, 2022
Views: 87,430
Categories: Job Search
Article SummaryX

The DMV have a variety of different jobs, from customer service and phone operators to vehicle inspectors. For any role at the DMV, you’ll need computer and telephone skills, and you’ll need to be able to calmly deal with unhappy customers. If you’re interested in working for the DMV, check its website for vacancies in your state. Submit your application with a strong resume to highlight any relevent customer service experience or computer skills you have. In many states, you’ll also need to complete a civil service exam and pass a background check before you’re offered a job. To learn more about your local DMV services, read on!

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