It’s finally happened: that pair of underwear you’ve had for years is now hanging on by a single thread. It’s time to get rid of them, but simply chucking those old undies and sending them to a landfill can’t be the answer, right? So how can you dispose of your old underwear and bras in an ethical and eco-friendly way? Turns out, there are lots of ways! Read on: we’ve compiled a thorough list of ideas for sustainably disposing of your old undergarments, from donating to recycling to repurposing.

Things You Should Know

  • Donate your old underwear and bras to nonprofits or recycling programs.
  • Use old underwear as cleaning rags or pillow stuffing, or repurpose them into dog toys.
  • Shred and compost underwear that are made of natural fibers like cotton, hemp, or silk.

  1. Give your secondhand items to someone in need. Even if you think an item has fulfilled its use, there are many organizations that want your used clothing, and that includes underwear and bras! Contact donation organizations to see what they’re looking for.[1]
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Recycle those babies.

  1. Take your unwanted undergarments to a textile recycling center. Textile recycling centers are dedicated specifically to recycling old clothes and other textiles and turning them into new products (sometimes even brand new underwear!). Contact your local council to find out if you can recycle your textiles locally, or bring your unwanted garments to a national or global textile recycling organization.[2]
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Host a clothing swap.

  1. It’s the Tupperware party of sustainable living. If your undergarments aren’t too worn and torn, invite a group of friends over for a fun night of food, music, and new-to-them clothes. Who knows, an article of clothing you’ve gotten tired of might just be exactly what your friend is looking for.[4]
    • Of course, your friends might not want to wear your used underwear (although who knows, your mileage may vary), but an old bra can find a second life in the hands—erm, on the chest, technically—of a new owner.
    • A clothing swap acts as a win-win-win: you’ve not only disposed of your unwanted items in an environmentally responsible way, you’ve made someone else’s day and saved money you otherwise might have spent on new clothes.[5]
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Sell bras and unused underwear online.


Make reusable menstrual pads.

  1. What better material to use as a pad than your old underwear? Create your own reusable sanitary napkins using old cotton undies, a few extra household objects, and a bit of sewing. Just make sure your underwear is 100% cotton (or another natural material), as synthetic material could cause itching or infection.
    • Making your own pads is better for you than buying disposable pads. Disposable pad manufacturers use potentially harmful chemicals in their products (and this includes menstrual products labeled "organic," "natural," or "for sensitive skin"). When you make your own reusable pad out of your old underwear, you know exactly what's in it.[8]
    • And it's not only healthier to use reusable pads (just make sure you're washing them well!), it's cheaper in the long run, and better for the environment, as reusable menstrual pads cannot be recycled.

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This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Dev Murphy. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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Co-authors: 3
Updated: November 2, 2022
Views: 3,012