You might have heard the constant people telling that "We need a Tank". The tank can be reliable in many ways, including to take more damage and to assist in team fights. Sometimes, it can be used in the wrong way, but this wikiHow can make you feel like a professional.


  1. 1
    Choose the tank you want to main. Since tanks can't rely on the same situation, you need to select on to main for. Epic players and above have to rely on the Draft Bans for some heroes, and it can be confusing if you get your hero banned.
    • If you want to rely on Crowd Control, you should use Tigreal, Gatotkaca, Ruby, or Belerick.
    • If you are focused on supports, use Lolita, Minotaur, Hylos, or Uranus.
    • If you're focused on a strong playthrough, use Barats, Hilda, Alice, or Grock.
    • If you are stuck on what to main, check the Meta and see if a hero gets popular quickly.
  2. 2
    Try to be close to your Marksman. Despite being squishy for many reasons, your Marksman can deal massive amounts of damage at once. You should be used as a shield to manage and earn damage.
    • If your Marksman is a jungler or decides to get important stuff first, you should go to the Red Buff and attack it before it reaches one HP bar.
    • Try going to the bushes while your marksman clears a lane. This will make sure sudden ganking doesn't occur.

    Remember: DO NOT get the last hit on the creep, since you may hear trash-talking in the process! Just apologize.

  3. 3
    Buy Roaming Equipment. This will let you level your ally quicker. This will impede your EXP level but will let you earn a +12 advantage on EXP.
  4. 4
    Quick-chat your allies. Teamwork can help with anything and the system can tell what you want to see. Communications can start a team fight to attack the Lord!
    • Don't spam the quick-chat multiple times, as it can annoy certain players or can call you a troll.
  5. 5
    Join Teamfights when necessary. Since tanks aren't prone to kill enemies quickly, you should gank when needed. Use your skills to make a big difference when trying to push the lane!
    • Jump in when necessary. Avoid losing HP for doing your own battle while everyone else retreats.
  6. 6
    Level your Tank Emblem. This is important since it increases your hero little by little. You should be able to make certain sections for different tank heroes.
    • For the third level for the Tank Emblem, try to get Concussive Blast. This is a popular, yet efficient power that can help within any situation.
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  • Tanks should not feed. While it is fine in the early game, avoid losing lots of HP and recalling constantly.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 11,900 times.
7 votes - 85%
Co-authors: 2
Updated: March 17, 2023
Views: 11,900
Categories: Online Games