A Fighter is a role that carries a mix of capabilities in battle, including defensive and offensive stats. Even though Fighters aren’t known for being the starters in team fights or the one with most damage, their skills may soon turn into a major threat. This wikiHow will tell you how to master this role quickly.


  1. 1
    Choose your fighter. Fighters aren’t seen as a banning threat in Ranked Games, but some can avoid being reliable at most (Freya, Yu Zhong, and Aldous). Try to choose one that can rely on you as a main.
    • If you rely on Crowd Control, use Freya, Alpha, Martis, Lapu-Lapu, Silvana, or Chou.
    • If you rely on both defensive and offensive skills at once, use Khaleed, Roger, Masha, Argus, or Balmond.
    • If you rely upon severe damage that builds within each level, use Jawhead, Sun, X.Borg, Thamuz, Leomord, Aldous, or Dyrroth.
    • If you are stuck on what hero you want to use, check the Meta.
  2. 2
    Rely on the EXP lane. The EXP lane is a way to level yourself quicker and to access your other skills as well. The game recommends you to be in the top lane or in the EXP lane.
    • The siege/cannon minions carry this buff, so take it as a precaution.
  3. 3
    Select an important skill. First of all, this may be well needed in early team fights and can be a way to pulverize your lane clearing and the higher chances of getting First Blood. Try getting a defensive skill first (Balmond's 2nd skill, Badang's 1st skill, or Guinevere's 2nd skill) if acted from the enemy, or an offensive end (Alpha, Lapu-Lapu, and Argus can be better helped out with their 1st skill).
  4. 4
    Do sudden ganking. Ganking is a way to interrupt team fights as a way to introduce yourself. Heroes like Guinevere and Badang have blink skills that can be a sudden playthrough for a team fight, so use your skills wisely!
  5. 5
    Be sure not to solo late in the game. Unless you want to let your team stall the enemies with a team fight, you will be wasting your chance to earn more EXP to enhance your skills or win a free kill if you decide to solo late in the game. Avoid this step if you are more focused on pushing your lane.
  6. 6
    Upgrade your Fighter emblem. Emblems can tune-up your heroes and can go unnoticed at most during the game. Make it a surprise to other enemies as well!
    • In the third section, use the Festival of Blood. This gives you 10% spell vamp early in the game and can be increased with Bloodlust Axe or slaying enemies, which can be helpful to heroes that rely on defending at the same time (Balmond, Khaleed, and Yu Zhong).
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  • Don't use inexperienced heroes right into the game, including Freya and Martis. They have been known to be controlled hard into the system, and mastering them may require you to play Classic mode.

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Co-authors: 5
Updated: March 18, 2023
Views: 10,984
Categories: Online Games