Batch files are DOS command line commands batched together. In Linux they are known as shell scripts, and follow a completely different syntax. Early Windows users had to use a batch file (autoexec.bat) to allocate a drive letter to their CD-ROM's, in order to install Windows from CD. Batch files are not so crucial nowadays, although still supported by newer versions of Windows.

Under Windows XP/2000+, batch files (*.bat) run in a special window (aka Command Prompt) created by c:\window\system32\cmd.exe (this could be called in some instances). Commands can be typed in individually, or listed sequentially in a batch file, requiring use of batch file language. This How-To will tell you how to create and run a Microsoft batch file, giving a simple backup as an example.


  1. 1
    Open your text editor. Expect to use keys A-Z/0-9/, the symbols (!$| etc), and Enter. Most commands do not check entry for upper/lowercase, so for the moment don't worry about CAPS (or cApS). Each command (and its parameters) goes on one line. Open a command line window (cmd.exe) to test the commands you want to run. Arrange your windows so you can see them both.
  2. 2
    Start writing the file. To start writing the file, most people start with @echo off as it stops each command being printed as it is processed. It reduces clutter on the user's screen.
      : @echo off
  3. 3
    Hit Enter. Remember to press Enter after each command.
  4. 4
    Welcome the user to the program. Type:
      : echo Welcome to the Backup Script!
  5. 5
    Hit Enter again.
  6. 6
    Leave a blank line for neat spacing then continue typing yet another line.
      : echo.
  7. 7
    Press Enter one more time.
  8. 8
    Program what options you want the person who runs your program to see. This code below gives the user a choice. Either they press F, or N, or they press Q or CTRL-Z which cancels the whole script.
      : choice /C:FNQ /N Select [F]ull Backup or [N]ew files only. Press [Q] or [CTRL-Z] to exit.
  9. 9
    Create commands for each choice. If the user presses Q the program returns a "3", and goes to section "end". If they press N the program returns a "2", and goes to section "small_backup". If they press F, the program returns a "1", and goes to "full_backup". "Errorlevel" is not an error message as such, just the only way to set output from the CHOICE command.
      : IF errorlevel 3 goto end
      : IF errorlevel 2 goto small_backup
      : IF errorlevel 1 goto full_backup
  10. 10
    Create those sections referred to above. Type:
      : :small_backup<br>
      : echo.
      : echo.
      : echo You chose to backup NEW files. Hit any key to start or ctrl-z to cancel.
      pause >nul
      xcopy c:\mydirectory d:\mybackup /s/m/e
      goto end
      : :full_backup<br>
      : echo.
      : echo.
      : echo You chose to backup ALL files. Hit any key to start or ctrl-z to cancel.
      pause >nul
      xcopy c:\mydirectory d:\mybackup /s/e
      goto end
      : :end
      : exit
  11. 11
    Create the directories referred to above, and copy a few small test files into the source directory ready for testing. Later you can change those directory names to suit your real <my documents="">.
  12. 12
    Save the file in Notepad as "mybackup.bat".
  13. 13
    Double-click the file to run it.
  14. Advertisement
Method 1
Method 1 of 1:

Examining the Full Code

  1. 1
    Practice your copy and pasting skills on the following text.
         @echo off
      echo Welcome to the Backup Script!
      choice /C:FN /N Select [F]ull Backup or [N]ew files Backup, or ctrl-z to exit.
      IF errorlevel 3 goto end 
      IF errorlevel 2 goto small_backup
      IF errorlevel 1 goto full_backup
      echo You chose to backup NEW files. Hit any key to start or ctrl-z to exit.
      pause >nul
      xcopy c:\mydirectory d:\mybackup /s/m/e
      goto end
      echo You chose to backup ALL files. Hit any key to start or ctrl-z to exit.
      pause >nul
       xcopy c:\mydirectory d:\mybackup /s/e
      goto end


  • The CHOICE command is not included in Windows XP Home nor Professional and will cause the batch file to close abruptly without prior notice.
  • While the commands shown here are pretty harmless, use of certain system commands in batch files are potentially dangerous or possibly deadly to your device if misused.

Things You'll Need

  • A text editor such as Notepad, or a programmer's editor such as HTML-Kit. Programs that embed further information in files (like Word) are not suitable.
  • Access to a Command Prompt. Click <start><run>, and type "cmd". Or access the feature under <accessories> in the Start Menu.
  • Some files that you can do a test backup on. Try with a small directory with few files, until you get going.

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Updated: August 17, 2022
Views: 278,447
Categories: Programming