No one likes mosquitoes, but not everyone likes using store-bought products, which often contain harmful chemicals. Fortunately, there are a number of plants you can add to your garden and yard to naturally and safely repel mosquitoes. Continue reading this article to learn about the many ways in which plants can be used to keep mosquitoes away from your living environment.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Growing Plants, Flowers, and Herbs

  1. 1
    Grow catnip in your yard if you don't mind cats. Some people find that catnip is even better at repelling mosquitoes than chemicals, such as DEET. Best of all, catnip is safe. It can even be grown next to plants that typically attract mosquitoes as a deterrent. Keep in mind, however, that the catnip will attract cats into your yard.
    • Catnip is an aggressive grower, like a weed. Be sure to keep it reined in, or it will take over your flowerbed.
  2. 2
    Grow citronella in your garden or yard. Citronella masks the surrounding scents around your home and garden that attract mosquitoes, preventing them from coming too near.
    • If you live in warm climates where frost does not occur, plant citronella directly into the ground behind your other plants. Citronella can grow to a height of up to between 5 and 6 feet (1.52 and 1.82 meters) and forms in large, grassy clumps.
    • If you live in a cold, freezing climate, plant citronella in large planters. This way, you can move the planters indoors during freezing temperatures and harsh weather conditions.
    • Verify that the citronella plants you use are called Citronella winterianus or Cymbopogon nardus, as opposed to plants labeled "citronella-scented," which may not be authentic citronella plants.
  3. 3
    Try growing other herbs that repel mosquitoes. Not only will you have something that you can use in your cooking, but you will be keeping the mosquitoes away. Many herbs also develop small white or purple flowers. Here are some popular herbs that keep mosquitoes at bay:[1]
    • Basil
    • Garlic
    • Lavender, Lemon balm, and Lemongrass
    • Peppermint
    • Rosemary
  4. 4
    Plant ageratum. These small blue and purple flowers are hard, suitable for just about any climate. The plant grows up to 18 inches (45.72 cm) tall, making it ideal for the back of flowerbeds. It needs partial or full sunlight.
    • Ageratum secretes a scent considered offensive to mosquitoes.
  5. 5
    Plant marigolds on the border of your lawn or garden. The smell that these flowers emit will prevent mosquitoes from entering a specific area, functioning similar to a border.
    • Plant marigolds in areas with fertilized soil that can be exposed to full sunlight at all times.
  6. 6
    Try some other flowers that are known to repel mosquitoes. They will add color and fragrance to your yard, while keeping mosquitoes at bay. Consider planting some of these flowers into flower pots, and placing them near doorways and windows. Flowers that repel mosquitoes include:[2] [3]
    • Geranium
    • Mums
    • Pennyroyal
    • Tansy
  7. 7
    Plant horsemint if you live in dry climates or near a coast. Horsemint works similarly to citronella, but can withstand dry weather, sandy soil, and salty air.[4]
    • Grow horsemint in either a shaded or sunny area with enough room to allow the plant to grow between 2 and 3 feet (60.96 and 91.44 cm) in both width and height.
  8. 8
    Consider some wild plants. There are many other wild plants that also repel mosquitoes. If any of these plants are native to the area you live in, consider planting some in your garden. You may already have some growing in or near your garden.
    • Cedar trees
    • Mugwort and Nodding onion
    • Pineapple weed
    • Snowbrush, Sweetfern, and Sagebrush,
    • Wild bergamot, Wormwood, and Vanilla Leaf
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Using Plants to Make Sprays and Rubs

  1. 1
    Crush and rub certain mosquito-repelling plants onto your skin. This is great if you are going some place where your mosquito-repelling plants won't be present, such as on a hiking trip. You may want to do a small patch test first on your inner elbow, however, to ensure that you are not allergic to the plant. Keep in mind that these plants will only protect you for 1 to 2 hours.[5] Consider crushing and rubbing any of these plants on your arms and legs:
    • Catnip, Citronella, Clove
    • Eucalyptus
    • Lavender or Lemon balm
    • Pineapple weed
    • Sagebrush
    • Tea tree
    • Vanilla leaf
  2. 2
    Make a mosquito-repellent with fresh basil, water, and vodka. Pour ½ cup (120 milliliters) of hot water over a handful of fresh basil leaves. Wait 2 to 4 hours, then pour the liquid into a spray bottle. Discard the leaves. Add ½ cup (120 milliliters) of vodka. Close the bottle and shake it to mix. [6]
    • Be sure to squeeze the basil leaves to get every last bit of liquid out.
    • You can also use catnip and rosemary instead of basil. Let the herbs step for 1 hour instead.
  3. 3
    Try some mosquito repelling potpourri. Take some of the herbs or flowers mentioned in the section above, and dry them out. Tie herbs into bundles, and hang them from doorways and windows. Separate the petals from the flowers, and arrange them in pretty bowls. Leave these bowls on windowsills and deck tables where mosquitoes are likely to be present.[7]
    • To release the mosquito-repelling sent, simply rub the herbs or petals between your fingers.
  4. 4
    Use some rosemary in your cooking. The next time you decide to barbecue, sprinkle some rosemary onto your chicken or steak. Not only will you be flavoring your meal, but you'll be keeping those pesky biters at bay.[8]
  5. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    What smell do mosquitoes hate the most?
    Ritu Thakur, MA
    Ritu Thakur, MA
    Natural Health Care Professional
    Ritu Thakur is a healthcare consultant in Delhi, India, with over 10 years of experience in Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga, and Holistic Care. She received her Bachelor Degree in Medicine (BAMS) in 2009 from BU University, Bhopal followed by her Master's in Health Care in 2011 from Apollo Institute of Health Care Management, Hyderabad.
    Ritu Thakur, MA
    Natural Health Care Professional
    Expert Answer
    Essential oils from certain plants will help keep mosquitoes away, like lavender, citronella, tea tree, sweet basil, eucalyptus, peppermint, and clary sage oil.


  • Never keep marigolds in areas close to your windows, patio tables, and other areas you may dwell often, as the bright colors of marigolds will often attract wasps.

About This Article

Ritu Thakur, MA
Co-authored by:
Natural Health Care Professional
This article was co-authored by Ritu Thakur, MA. Ritu Thakur is a healthcare consultant in Delhi, India, with over 10 years of experience in Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga, and Holistic Care. She received her Bachelor Degree in Medicine (BAMS) in 2009 from BU University, Bhopal followed by her Master's in Health Care in 2011 from Apollo Institute of Health Care Management, Hyderabad. This article has been viewed 502,027 times.
4 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 17
Updated: June 28, 2021
Views: 502,027
Categories: Mosquito Control
Article SummaryX

If you want to keep mosquitos away from your house, grow some plants, flowers, and herbs that are known to repel mosquitoes, like catnip or citronella. These plants will give off a scent that keeps mosquitoes from coming close to your yard. Consider growing basil, garlic, or lavender, as these herbs will not only repel mosquitoes, but they can be harvested and used in cooking. If you want to add a pop of color to your yard or garden, plant mosquito-repelling flowers like marigolds, geraniums, and mums. For more tips, including how to make mosquito repellents and sprays from plants, read on.

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