In grammar, parallelism means that the words in a sentence or a paragraph are balanced and have a similar structure. Using parallelism makes your writing sound more polished, helps clarify your meaning, and emphasizes the ideas you're trying to communicate. You can create parallelism through the use of symmetry in your sentence structure, as well as by repeating words and phrases throughout your paragraphs.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Figuring out the Basics

  1. 1
    Imagine each sentence as an equation that has to be balanced. In math, the goal of an equation is to make both sides as balanced as possible. When you’re writing, imagine that your words need to be similarly balanced. For instance, the sentence, "For my birthday, I want presents and to eat cake,” is unbalanced, because “presents” is a noun, but “to eat” is a verb.[1]
    • The correct way to write the sentence would be to say, "For my birthday, I want presents and cake," since "presents" and "cake" are both nouns.
    • However, you could also say, "For my birthday, I want to open presents and to eat cake," since "to open" and "to eat" are infinitive verbs.
  2. 2
    Use the same parts of speech throughout a sentence to make it parallel. If you're listing a person's best qualities, for instance, don't mix adverbs and adjectives, or nouns and verbs. Whether you're writing about an object or listing items in a series, your sentence will make more sense if you're consistent with the types of speech you use.
    • For example, you wouldn't say, "Sarah loves her cat, her soft blanket, and to watch TV," since "cat" and "blanket" are nouns but "to watch" is an infinitive verb. However, you could say, "Sarah loves her cat, her soft blanket, and watching TV," since "watching" is a gerund, or a verb that acts as a noun.
    • To make this sentence even more balanced, you would say, "Sarah loves her cat, her soft blanket, and TV," since these are all nouns. It is always helpful to prioritize sentence clarity when creating parallelism in a sentence.
  3. 3
    Check verbs to ensure they're in the same tense and form. In order to be parallel, the verbs in your sentence should be in the same tense. Also, avoid mixing gerunds, such as “eating,” “playing,” or “running,” with infinitives like, “to talk,” “to go,” or “to follow.”[2]
    • For instance, the sentence “She loved riding horses, hated math, and wishes she could travel more,” mixes past tense ("loved" and "hated") with present tense ("wishes"). Instead, you would say, “She loved riding horses, hated math, and wished she could travel more,” which are all in the past tense.
  4. 4
    Make sure nouns have the same number. When you're using nouns to refer to general ideas, make sure you're using all singular or all plural nouns. This will make you sound more authoritative, and it help the reader understand what you're trying to say.[3]
    • For instance, it sounds strange to say, "Cats and a dog make great pets," since the word "cats" is plural and "a dog" is singular. Instead, you would say, "Cats and dogs make great pets," since both "cats" and "dogs" are plural.
    • If you're referring to specific items, such as "My living room has a couch, two chairs, and a throw rug," it's fine if the noun numbers don't match.
  5. 5
    Be consistent when listing items in a series. One of the most prevalent uses of parallelism is when you're writing a list. Whether you’re detailing a list of objects or you’re writing a list of descriptive words, your sentence will be stronger if each item follows the same structure. For instance, the sentence, “Kate is fast, efficiently, and courteous,” doesn’t sound correct, because the word “efficiently” is an adverb, while the other words in the list are adjectives.[4]
    • To correct this, the sentence could either be written, “Kate is fast, efficient, and courteous,” which uses all adjectives, or “Kate works quickly, efficiently, and courteously,” which uses all adverbs.
    • Another incorrect example would be, “He wanted to drive cars, go on trips, and being famous,” since the first 2 items in the series are infinitives and the third is a gerund. Instead, you would say, “He wanted to drive cars, go on trips, and be famous,” which uses all infinitives.
  6. 6
    Use parallelism on either side of a conjunction. Conjunctions are words like "and," 'but," or "or." When you separate two elements with a conjunction, they should follow the same structure. For instance, “rest and relaxation” is correct because both words are nouns, but “rest and relaxing” is not, since one side of the conjunction is a noun and the other is a verb.[5]
    • Similarly, “I loved seeing you and having met your mother,” is not balanced, since "loved" is in the past tense and "having met" is a perfect participle. Instead, say “I loved seeing you and meeting your mother,” so that both sides of the conjunction are in the past tense.
    • Sometimes the conjunction can be replaced with a semicolon, such as in John F. Kennedy’s famous quote, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” In this case, the parallelism is created by the repetition of the sentence structure.
  7. 7
    Match up parts of speech when comparing and contrasting items. When you compare objects using words like “greater than,” “less than,” “as much as,” “better,” or “worse,” the objects on either side of the comparison should follow the same grammatical structure. If you use verbs, they should be the same tense.[6]
    • For instance, you could say, “Flying is much faster than driving,” in which case both items or gerunds. You could also say, "To fly is much faster than to drive," so that both elements are infinitives. However, it would be incorrect to say, “Flying is much faster than to drive,” since "flying" is a gerund and "to drive" is an infinitive.
    • The same rules apply for correlative conjunctions, including “either/or,” “neither/nor,” “both/and,” and “not only/but also.”
    • For example, you would say, “You can choose either having a party or going on a trip,” in which cause both items are gerund phrases, rather than “You can choose either having a party or to go on a trip." In the second example, "having a party" is a gerund phrase, but "to go on a trip" is an infinitive phrase.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Writing Parallel Sentences and Paragraphs

  1. 1
    Isolate each part of the sentence if you're not sure if it's correct. When you're trying to determine whether a sentence is parallel or not, try isolating each individual element. Then, rewrite the sentence with only that section.[7]
    • For instance, in our previous example, “Kate is fast, efficiently, and courteous,” both the sentences “Kate is fast,” and “Kate is courteous,” make perfect sense, since they have a subject, a verb, and an adjective.
    • However, the sentence “Kate is efficiently,” doesn’t make sense, since "efficiently" is an adverb. The simplest way to fix this sentence to change the adverb “efficiently” to the adjective “efficient.” Since “Kate is efficient,” is grammatically correct, you know that “Kate is fast, efficient, and courteous,” is a parallel sentence.
  2. 2
    Repeat key words and phrases to create cohesive paragraphs. The overuse of repetition makes writing seem boring, but when used thoughtfully, it can add emphasis to your most important ideas. If you want your writing to be really clear, if you want your writing to have a strong impact, and if you want your writing to be unforgettable, you should use this form of parallelism.[8]
    • One of the most famous examples of this type of parallelism is Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech. By repeating the phrase "I have a dream," he created a dramatic effect that still moves people today.
    • Another example is found in Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address: "This nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." The repetition of "the people" emphasizes President Lincoln's belief that the United States should represent all Americans.
    • A bad example of this would be something like, "Before I went to the store, I put on my socks. After I put on my socks, I put on my shoes. After I put on my shoes, I got my keys. After I got my keys..." The repetition here doesn't serve to highlight a particular point, and it gets boring quickly.
  3. 3
    Omit repeated words in a series to make your writing more concise. When you’re listing a series of similar items, especially infinitive verbs, you may notice some repetition, particularly of the word “to.” It’s up to you whether to leave the repetition in place, but removing it can make your writing seem more streamlined.[9]
    • The sentence, "He likes to run, to dance, and to sing,” is correct, since the verbs are all infinitives, but “He likes to run, dance, and sing,” is more to the point.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can I get another example of parallelism?
    Top Answerer
    I woke up, got out of bed, ate breakfast, and drove to work.
  • Question
    The persons who inherit are the brothers and sisters (whether of full- or half-blood), who share equally. Does this mean that there is no distinction between the full- and the half-blood?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. It makes sense from the testator's point of view: he or she is related just as much to your half-brother or -sister as to you.

About This Article

Christopher Taylor, PhD
Co-authored by:
English Professor
This article was co-authored by Christopher Taylor, PhD and by wikiHow staff writer, Amy Bobinger. Christopher Taylor is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Austin Community College in Texas. He received his PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. This article has been viewed 24,808 times.
6 votes - 87%
Co-authors: 8
Updated: October 15, 2022
Views: 24,808
Categories: English Grammar