You've signed up for the Marines, and unsurprisingly, you're a little worried about boot camp. It's a big thing to take on! There's no doubt boot camp will challenge you both mentally and physically. However, you can survive, as long as you're ready to learn discipline and work as a team with your fellow recruits.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Preparing Yourself for Boot Camp

  1. 1
    Learn to swim before boot camp if you don't know how. You will most likely wash out of boot camp if you can't swim. Passing a swimming exam is a major part of getting through boot camp. Though they will send you through remedial training if you don't pass the first time, make it easier on yourself by learning to swim before camp.[1]
    • Washing out means you fail your training and aren't advanced into the Marines.
  2. 2
    Overcome your fear of heights, if applicable. Part of boot camp is learning to rappel properly. If you know that's going to be an issue for you, you may want to take a few classes ahead of boot camp so you're more ready when the time comes. The more familiar you become with heights, the better off you'll be.[2]
    • Exposing yourself to your fear can help you lessen it overtime. However, if you're fear is overwhelming, you may want to work with a therapist to help overcome it.[3]
  3. 3
    Arrive in good physical condition. If you're not in good physical condition when you arrive at boot camp, you're just making it harder on yourself. There's no doubt you'll be in good condition by the end if you make it, but you don't want to fail in the middle because you couldn't keep up.[4]
    • Prepare ahead of time by doing regular cardiovascular exercise, as well as strength training, to improve your physical condition. Make sure you're working out everyday, building up muscles and strength. Also, practice exercises you're likely to run into at boot camp, such as pushups, planks, sit-ups, chin-ups, burpees, and running.
    • Eat well. Focus on lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean dairy. Feed your body good fuel so that you can build up a strong body.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Learning the Ropes

  1. 1
    Accept the new routine. When you're at Marine boot camp, they are trying to level the playing field. That means everyone is going to dress, eat, sleep, and clean the same way. You may not be able to tie your shoes the same way you always have or even shower the same way. You'll need to accept new ways of doing things.[5]
    • You may find it hard to adjust at first. Just take it one step at a time, and if you find yourself overwhelmed, take a few calming, deep breaths.
  2. 2
    Make friends with fellow recruits. Surviving boot camp will be much easier if you make friends along the way. You're all suffering through it together, and you can lean on each other for support. Plus, being in the Marines means being a part of a team, so the sooner you start acting like your life depends on those around you, the better.
  3. 3
    Look to your drill instructor for an example. Your drill instructors will do their best to be an example of how you should act, dress, and speak. If you're unsure about what to do, take a cue from them.[6]
    • That doesn't mean you should order people around like them. However, you should model your dress after them, as well as how they carry themselves and how they project their voices when speaking.
  4. 4
    Pay attention in class to avoid getting in trouble. Part of your basic training will be learning about the history of the Marines. That means you'll be spending some hours in the classroom, and your drill instructors will expect you to be awake and attentive in class. If you're caught drifting, you'll likely get into trouble, which means punishments like incentivized training.[7]
    • Incentivized training usually involves things like burpees, pushups, running, and planks.
  5. 5
    Live by the Marine's value system. The Marines has a value system that you will be required to live by. When you're in boot camp, you'll be taught that value system and expected to adopt it. Listen closely to what the drill instructors say so that you know how to act and what's expected of you.[8]
    • For instance, respect for yourself and those in authority is absolutely key in the Marines. You may disagree, but you still must be respectful.
  6. 6
    Teach yourself discipline to make Marine life easier. The Marines will teach you discipline, but only if you're willing to learn. Whenever you have the time, work through the things that need to be done first, such as shining your shoes, scrubbing the bathroom, or working on your laundry. To help it stick, think about the consequences if you don't get those things done. You may end up doing incentivized training or kitchen duty. Make sure these things get done before you do anything else, such as sleeping, chatting, reading, or writing a letter home.[9]
  7. 7
    Follow the rules to stay in your drill instructor's good graces. The Marines have specific rules to follow, and you'll have a few extra ones you'll need to follow in boot camp. It's imperative to learn and follow those rules, as you can be washed out if you don't. You'll also have somewhere to be at all hours of the day, so be ready for a set schedule.[10]
    • For instance, you're not allowed to smoke or drink in boot camp.
    • Of course, one of the main rules of boot camp is to listen to and follow the orders of your superiors.
  8. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Adjusting Your Speech

  1. 1
    Keep quiet unless spoken to so you don't get in trouble. Generally, the more you say, the more likely you are to get in trouble. Keep anything you say, especially to your drill instructor, short and to the point. “Aye, Sir” or “Aye, Ma’am” is what you say when you’re given an order to do something. “Yes, Sir” “No, Sir” or “Yes, Ma’am” or “No, Ma’am” is what you say when you’re asked a question. You never say “Yes, Sir“ or “Yes, Ma’am” When given an order to do. Something during Basic training. When you successfully get out of Basic Training, Aye is no longer used, along with Sir. Sergeants work for a living. You don't call your Drill Instructors Sir when you pass Boot Camp. Only Marine Corp Recruits who are in Basic Training are allowed to call anyone higher than them “Sir”, Including Sergeants. Besides that you call enlisted men and woman by their ranks. [11]
  2. 2
    Refer to yourself in the third person. In boot camp, you drop the personal pronouns like "I" and "me," and you use third person instead. For instance, you'll say things like "This recruit agrees," rather than "I agree."[12]
    • You'll speak this way because you're emphasizing that you're becoming part of whole. "I" and "me" reflect an individual, and when you remove those pronouns, it helps you realize that you're part of the team now. Team work is a huge thing within Marine Corps History.
  3. 3
    Project your voice when speaking to your superiors. Part of being a Marine is learning to project your voice. In fact, you'll be encouraged to yell or speak very loudly when responding to your drill instructors. This requirement isn't arbitrary. War zones are notoriously loud, and you need to be able to hear orders and other Marines when you're on the ground.[13]
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Developing the Right Attitude

  1. 1
    Remember that criticism is not personal. You're going to be yelled at. You're going to be pushed beyond what you think your limits are. You're going to be given extra drills or other tasks when you fail. However, keep in mind that's not personal. Your drill instructor is doing their best to prepare you for life in the Marines, and that means they need to push you hard.[14]
  2. 2
    Do not argue or talk back to your drill instructor. Sometimes, what your asked to do may seem silly or arbitrary. It doesn't matter. What your drill instructor says, goes. If you argue, you'll only end up getting in trouble.[15]
    • For instance, if your drill instructor asks you to shine your shoes again, even if you just did it, you shine your shoes again. They are trying to instill discipline and a respect for authority, and the sooner you learn that, the better.
  3. 3
    Write to your family when you feel homesick. It can be tough to be away from your family, particularly if it's your first time. You're bound to get homesick and miss the comforts of home. One of the best ways to combat this homesickness is to stay in touch with your family as much as you can. Writing letters and emails is the best way you can keep in touch, as well as calling when you can.
  4. 4
    Stay in the moment so you don't get overwhelmed. Boot camp is challenging, and if you look too far into the future about how much time you have left, you can get overwhelmed. Focus on what you have to do in each moment, not what's ahead in the next day or week.[16]
    • For instance, you'll likely have several long hikes that take place over a couple of days. If you keep thinking about what's ahead, you'll only feel more tired and overwhelm. Focus on putting one foot in front of the other instead.
  5. 5
    Become a part of the group. In the Marines, the individual disappears, and you become a part of the collective whole. That means you need to learn to work together with other recruits instead of focusing solely on yourself. Help out your fellow recruits when you can, so you come together as a team.[17]
    • For instance, if you see another recruit having a hard time during a run, fall back a bit to encourage them.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can you get hit or punched by your drill instructor in basic training?
    Community Answer
    No, drills instructors cannot physically assault new recruits. If this happens, report them to the Commanding officer.
  • Question
    Why do drill instructors yell so much?
    Community Answer
    Drill instructors yell at recruits to break them down and make a soldier out of them. Don’t take the yelling personally, drill instructors are trying to help you succeed in the army.
  • Question
    What happens upon completion of boot camp?
    Community Answer
    When you graduate from basic training, you are now a marine. After graduation from basic training, you will be deployed to wherever you and your squad are appointed.

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Updated: August 10, 2021
Views: 21,067