Although the Windows XP compatibility mode is great for running old games, it is sometimes not very useful. Here's a foolproof way to run your old programs.


  1. 1
    First, try, a much easier, faster and less performance-consuming way is to try compatibility mode. This is usually done by right-clicking on the shortcut of the application intended. Select "Properties" and then the "Compatibility" tab. From here you can set a program to run on your current Windows OS in such a way it will not cause any problems with your modern OS (e.g. Windows XP) -- In theory.
  2. 2
    Another, more definite way to run your old programs is to actually RUN the old system. A quick and easy way to do this is to download virtualization software (Innotek VirtualBox, QEMU or Microsoft Virtual PC 2007)
  3. 3
    After installing one of these, it will ask you to make a new Virtual Machine and a virtual hard disk. Make them.
  4. 4
    Here's the clincher. For this part you need a Windows 98 CD or a CD Image of one. Insert it into the Virtual Machine and install Windows 98 on your virtual computer.
  5. 5
    Simply install your old program on the old operating system and run it. Running Windows 98 on top of your current OS shouldn't be too much of a burden, but when using processor-intensive applications, large installations or playing games you may need to temporarily turn off your Virtual Machine.
  6. 6
    You can always switch from Windows 98 to your OS by pressing the 'host' key. This varies from software to software, but the defaults for Microsoft Virtual PC and VirtualBox are Right-Alt (normally 'Alt Gr') and Right Ctrl respectively
  7. Advertisement


  • Your computer may appear to run more slowly when running this new guest operating system. If so, just remember you can always power it off!

Things You'll Need

  • A Windows 98 CD or CD image
  • Minimum system requirements:
    1. 64 megabytes of RAM
    2. 500 megabytes free hard disk space

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 17 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 137,945 times.
12 votes - 84%
Co-authors: 17
Updated: March 22, 2022
Views: 137,945
Categories: PC Games