Whether you're taking your driver's test or you've been driving for years, there are plenty of great reasons to learn to back into a parking spot. The biggest reason is safety—a 2020 study found that a full 90% of parking-related serious injuries and fatalities happened because someone was backing out of a parking spot.[1] While it might take you a little practice, reverse parking is a pretty simple skill to master. Read on to learn the easiest way to back up into a parking space.

Things You Should Know

  • Pull forward to the third line past the spot where you want to park.
  • Turn your wheel in the direction of the parking spot as far as you can.
  • Look over your shoulder in the direction your car is moving as you slowly reverse into the parking spot.

Find a good parking spot.

  1. Look for a spot that's not between 2 other cars. In a crowded parking garage, this might not be an option—but it's always going to be a lot less stressful if you only have to worry about one car rather than 2. If you're going to be parked overnight, make sure there's plenty of overhead light so there's less of a chance that your car could get broken into.[2]
    • If you're in a larger lot with no stops between the rows of spaces, look for a spot where you can pull through to the next row. That way, you'll be nose-out in a spot without having to back at all.
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Drive 2 spots past the spot where you want to park.

  1. Line up your rearview mirror with the outside line of the second spot over. You can also think of this as the third line. Just start your count with the line between the spot where you want to park and the one next to it. That third line gives you a visual reference so you always know how far to pull forward to turn in perfectly. Pull up with the side of your car no more than 1 foot (0.30 m) away from the openings of the spots or the bumpers of the other parked cars.[5]
    • This visual reference works for most 4-door sedans. For a smaller car, line up your front bumper with the third line. Have an SUV or truck? Try lining your front bumper up to the fourth line.
    • Practice this a few times and it'll become automatic. Then, you'll be able to back in perfectly and it'll only take a few seconds longer than if you'd pulled in.
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Turn your head to see where you're going as you reverse.

  1. Glance in all directions, especially in busy parking lots. Always look in the direction your car is going—even if you have a backup camera. If you get too close to neighboring cars for comfort, stop. Pull forward a bit and turn your wheel just a little in the opposite direction (away from the spot) to give yourself a little room, then keep backing.[7]
    • Be careful about relying too heavily on your backup camera. If you're taking your driving test, you probably won't be allowed to use it. Besides, you'll actually be able to see where you're going much better if you turn around.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What if the car steering wheel is too sensitive?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    You'll have to get used to how sensitive your steering wheel is—that differs among cars. But for this method, it doesn't really matter, because you're turning your wheel all the way towards the parking spot until it locks. Then you'll unwind it until your wheels are straight by turning in the other direction.
  • Question
    What happens if I crash my car?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you crash your own car, you can call your insurance company and arrange to have any damage fixed. (What your insurance will cover, if anything, depends on your plan.) If you hit someone else's car, you can either wait for them to come back so you can exchange information, or leave a note with your name and number for them to contact later. Never leave a car that you've hit without giving the driver some way to get in contact with you to correct the issue.
  • Question
    How can I avoid hitting the cars on the road when leaving a parallel parking spot?
    Community Answer
    Make sure your turn signal is on before pulling out. This will let the cars behind you that are already on the road know of your intentions.

About This Article

Ibrahim Onerli
Co-authored by:
Driving Instructor
This article was co-authored by Ibrahim Onerli and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD. Ibrahim Onerli is a Driving Instructor and the Manager of Revolution Driving School in New York City. His mission is to make the world a better place by teaching safe driving. Ibrahim trains and manages a team of over eight driving instructors. He specializes in teaching defensive driving and stick shift driving. This article has been viewed 649,883 times.
10 votes - 82%
Co-authors: 15
Updated: October 25, 2022
Views: 649,883
Article SummaryX

To reverse into a car parking space, start by driving about a car length past the space. Next, put your car in reverse and turn the wheel all the way to the right. Before you move, check your mirrors and look around the car to make sure there are no pedestrians or obstacles in your path. Once you know the space is clear, gently apply gas to turn your car towards the parking space. When your car is in line with the parking space, turn your wheels straight and slowly reverse. Make sure you keep checking your mirrors while your car is moving. For more tips, including how to parallel park your car, read on!

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