Wanna play a round of squid game? Not the high-risk, life-or-death battle royale—the actual playground game. Featured in the first and last episodes of the mega-hit Netflix show with the same name, squid game is a fun activity that you can play in any open space with at least one other person. We're here to walk you through every aspect of the game’s setup, rules, and gameplay, so you can start having a killer time with your friends.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Game Setup

  1. 1
    Find a large, open area where you can play. You don’t need a top-secret room in a top-secret facility on a top-secret private island to play squid game with your pals—but you do need a good chunk of space to get the most out of this activity. Squid game is often played on big, sandy fields, but you can realistically play it in any wide, open, indoor or outdoor space.[1]
    • There aren’t any official dimensions or size recommendations out there for a squid game court. However, based on what we see in Squid Game, the squid-shaped play area looks to be about half the size of a traditional basketball court.
  2. 2
    Mark out the large, house-shaped body of the squid (section D). A squid game court roughly looks like its namesake, with a wide “body” and tapered “head.” Start by outlining the triangular tip of the squid’s “head,” along with the square base of its body. This large, house-shaped “body” is also known as section D.[2]
    • There isn’t an “official” way to draw out your squid game court. Just do whatever makes the most sense for your personal set-up, whether that’s drawing directly in the dirt, using spray paint, or taping out the parameters indoors.
  3. 3
    Outline a small circle overlapping with the squid’s head (sections A and C). The large, rounded part is section A, while the triangular tip inside of the circle is section C. Try to make the circle big enough to fit multiple people, especially if you plan to play with a lot of friends.[3]
  4. 4
    Draw another large circle at the base of the squid (section B). Stand on the horizontal line along the bottom of your squid. At the very middle of this line, mark out a circle that’s large enough for multiple players to stand in. About half of this circle should overlap with section D, while the other half should stick outside of the court.[4]
    • Section B should be the same size as section A.
  5. 5
    Sketch out 2 rectangles along the center of the squid (section F). Stand toward the middle of the squid’s body, where the 2 straight lines connect with the 2 angled lines. Mark out 2 long, horizontal rectangles at both of these points, leaving a short, 1 ft (30 cm) gap between them at the center of the court.[5]
    • These rectangles almost look like “eyes” on the squid.
  6. 6
    Attach a circle to the outer edge of each triangle (section E). Find the point on each side of the squid where the angled and straight lines connect—this should be around the end of each rectangle. Draw small, identical circles along each meeting point.[6]
    • These circles should only be large enough to fit 1 player.
  7. 7
    Divide into 2 even teams: offense and defense.[7] There aren’t any “official” ways to choose sides, though you could always take a page out of Gi-hun and Sang-woo’s book by deciding with a simple coin toss.
    • There’s no official dress code for this game, but it might help to have each team wear jerseys or matching colors so there isn’t any confusion.[8] If you really watch to capture the spirit of Squid Game’s finale, you could always don a nice suit and jacket—but with all the rough-and-tumble gameplay, we don’t recommend this!
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Game Objectives

  1. 1
    Win the game offensively by successfully stepping into Section C. As an offensive player, do your best to enter through section B while evading the other defensive players. The offensive team wins once any offensive player jumps with both feet into section C.[9]
    • In Squid Game’s version of the game, the offensive player has to say “Hurray” to officially win the game.[10]
  2. 2
    Eliminate all of the offensive players to win as a defensive player. Do everything you can to send the offensive players packing, whether that’s pushing or pulling them over a forbidden line or knocking them to the ground. The defense wins if they clear out the offensive players before any of them can make it to section C.[11]
  3. 3
    Enter the squid court through section B and avoid crossing forbidden lines. Think of section B as the front door or entry gate to the squid game court. This is the case for both offense and defense; all players must enter the play area through this opening—if you cross any other lines, you’ll be kicked out of the game.[12]
    • The only exception to this rule is the bridge, which you can enter through section E.
  4. 4
    Avoid being pushed to the ground. Only your feet are allowed to touch the ground at any point of squid game. Any player who gets pushed, pulled, or tripped to the ground is kicked out of the game.[13]
    • This rule applies to both offensive and defensive players.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Offensive Gameplay

  1. 1
    Start the game by standing in section A. Unfortunately, you can’t bunny hop over into section C and instantly win the game. Instead, you have to hop out of section A and go to the opposite end of the court, where you can enter through section B.[14]
    • Don’t be surprised if a lot of your game actually takes place outside the court!
    • No one goes first and you don't take turns in this game. Someone calls out to start the game, and everything happens simultaneously after that! It's a little chaotic—which is part of the fun!
  2. 2
    Hop on 1 foot outside of the court and in section D. This makes the game fairer for the defensive team and puts both sides on a level playing field. Feel free to move around on both feet while you’re in sections A, B, and E—these are considered safe zones.[15]
    • Squid game wouldn’t be all that difficult or fun if the offensive players could just sprint to the finish line!
  3. 3
    Jump across all of section F on 1 foot to play with both feet. These separated rectangles are also known as the court’s “bridge.” Any offensive player who successfully hops across this bridge on 1 foot is exempt from the 1-foot rule, and is allowed to move on both feet for the rest of the game.[16]
    • Always cross this bridge from left to right or right to left, starting from section E.
  4. 4
    Go into section C without being eliminated by the defensive players. Focus on hopping around the squid court without being pushed over, knocked off-balance, or forced over a forbidden line. The offensive team wins if any offensive player successfully makes it to section C.[17]
  5. 5
    Shove or push down defensive players if you have the opportunity. Eliminating defensive players will definitely make it easier to reach section C. If you feel comfortable and confident enough, try pushing some defenders to the ground or illegally forcing them over the court lines.[18]
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Defensive Gameplay

  1. 1
    Begin the game in section D. Enter the court through section B, along the base of the play area. Feel free to walk and run around on both feet while you’re in this zone![19]
    • Someone calls out when to start the game and everything happens simultaneously after that. This isn't a turn-based game, so it can be pretty chaotic—which is part of the fun!
  2. 2
    Move on both feet in sections D, B, E, and A. Defensive players are free to run around on both feet throughout most of the play area, including the circular sections.[20] However, this defensive advantage ends as soon as any player leaves sections D, A, B, or E. Outside of the court, defensive players have to hop on 1 foot just like the offensive players.[21]
    • Defensive players must stand on 1 foot when they’re on the bridge (section F) unless they’re standing in the small, central gap that’s part of section D. They can also only have 1 foot in the triangular section C.[22]
  3. 3
    Block offensive players from entering C by pushing them down or pulling them over a line. This is where the game can get pretty physical! Do whatever you can to knock offensive players to the ground or force them over a forbidden line. The defensive team wins as soon as you eliminate every offensive player.[23]
    • You can always try knocking the offensive players off-balance, too! If they put 2 feet on the ground before successfully crossing the bridge, they’ll be kicked out of the game.
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About This Article

Janice Tieperman
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Janice Tieperman. Janice is a professional and creative writer who has worked at wikiHow since 2019. With both a B.A. and M.A. in English from East Stroudsburg University, she has a passion for writing a wide variety of content for anyone and everyone. In her free time, you can find her working on a new crochet pattern, listening to true crime podcasts, or tackling a new creative writing project. This article has been viewed 42,283 times.
74 votes - 77%
Co-authors: 13
Updated: February 2, 2022
Views: 42,283
Categories: Games