There are a few ways to paint and finish stainless steel. You can make your project stand out using techniques such as paint, powder coating, wax, patinas, or varnish. Paint can be a bit difficult because the finished surface of stainless steel is completely smooth and so the cohesion process is more difficult. However, if you prefer different a color or texture then paint is certainly an option.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Preparing to Paint

  1. 1
    Buy your paint. Use a high quality, oil-based paint. You can either spray, brush, or roll it on depending on what look you are trying to achieve. Buy the appropriate painting tools depending on which tool you want to use.
    • Spraying the paint on will give it the smoothest look, rolling the paint on will add a little texture, and brushing the paint on will add a ton of texture.
  2. 2
    Get the right wax. You can find many high-quality waxes at a home improvement store that are specifically made for metalwork. Ask for that type of wax when you go to buy it. You will use the wax after the painting is finished for a final seal.
  3. 3
    Scruff up your stainless steel. If your stainless steel is relatively new and hasn’t already had years of abuse, you may need to do some damage to it yourself. Stainless steel has such a smooth finish that the paint has a hard time sticking to it.[1] If your stainless steel has been scuffed up over years of use, the paint might stick. Otherwise you will need to use a sander to scuff up the paint.[2] You don’t need to destroy the stainless steel, just add some scuff marks to simulate normal usage.
    • You can rent a sander from your local home improvement store.
    • If you don’t want to rent a sander you can try doing manual abrasion. Grab a wire sponge and spend some time scraping at the stainless steel with the sponge. This may be able to simulate scuff marks too.
  4. 4
    Clean and prep your stainless steel. You need to rid the stainless steel of any grease, dirt, or other debris.[3] It’s a good idea to use a specialized steel cleaner or a degreaser, both of which can be found at a home improvement store. If you use a cleaner, note the drying time listed on the bottle. Wait that amount of time before continuing your project.[4]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Painting Your Stainless Steel

  1. 1
    Buy primer. Use any kind of primer that is rated for stainless steel.[5] Primer has a special bonding agent that allows it to hold to most substances, but you still need to get a high-quality stainless steel primer. This will give you the smoothest result.[6]
    • White primer is recommended for most colors, but if you are painting your stainless steel a very dark color you might consider a darker primer.
  2. 2
    Apply your primer. If you want a very smooth application, consider renting a spraying machine from a home improvement store. You can also use a paintbrush but you might leave ridges from the brush. Apply one coat of primer over the entire area you plan to paint.[7]
    • If you are using a sprayer, hold the nozzle 12 to 18 inches (30.5 to 45.7 cm) away from the stainless steel. Try to use a wide mist.
    • If you use a sprayer, make sure you paint in one direction. You may have ridges, but at least the grain of the paint will look consistent.[8]
    • Let the primer dry before you start painting.
  3. 3
    Begin adding layers of paint. You’ve already completed the hard parts. Now all you need to do is add layers of paint to your stainless steel. Once your primer has dried you can start adding layers, but you should wait for each layer of paint to dry before you add a new one. Two or three layers should do the trick. Once again, you need to make the decision between a paintbrush and a sprayer. If you used the paintbrush to apply primer then you should use the paintbrush to apply the paint too. [9]
    • If you like the ridges and texture that a paintbrush offers you can also consider using a rag to add additional textures.
  4. 4
    Let dry. Consult with the directions on the paint you bought so you know how long it takes to dry. Once it’s dry, you’re good to go.
  5. 5
    Wax the steel once it is completely dry. Apply a thin coat to the whole area that you painted and let the wax dry until it has a hazy look to it. Now take a clean dry cloth and buff the wax. This will add a final seal.[10]
    • It's okay to use automotive wax.
  6. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Considering Other Options

  1. 1
    Visit a professional powder coater (look in the yellow pages). This is an electrostatic process where plastic/epoxy powder is deposited in a very thin layer all over the surface and then baked on. The advantages of powder coating are flexibility, a very wide range of colors and textures, and the ability of the powder to adhere to small voids and cracks on the surface without drips or runs.
  2. 2
    Choose the perfect patina.[11] These are chemical formulations made to cause surface changes and coloration to metal. Some are used hot, while others are applied cold, there are many to choose from and they also allow you to highlight your project while maintaining a natural finish. Often waxes are applied afterwards to provide a final seal.
  3. 3
    Varnish your metal. Marine varnish is another way to put a final coat on your metalwork. Varnish has the advantage of being easy and forgiving to apply, however your work will have an obvious "clear-coated" look that is not always desirable. Varnish is very easy to touch up later and to redo as maintenance at a later date without changing the overall finish.
  4. 4
    Try nail polish. For painting small areas or writing on your metal, nail polish sticks very well and looks great. It comes in every shade imaginable, though, red hues are more widely available.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can I apply varnish to painted surfaces?
    Beth H.
    Beth H.
    Community Answer
    To apply varnish on top of paint, make sure the paint is dry. Use a paint brush to add one thin layer of varnish and let it dry. To add a second and third coat, let the varnish dry, sand the piece down with fine-grit sandpaper and add another thin coat of varnish.
  • Question
    Can l paint my stainless steel fire pit that has a few rust spots?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Sure. Just try to brush off the rust as much as possible with a wire brush first and make sure you use high heat rated paint.
  • Question
    My kettle has a rust spot inside. How can I get rid of it?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Use distilled vinegar mixed 50/50 with water and soak the rust area overnight or longer depending on the thickness of the rust. Use a stiff brush or steel scouring pad to remove the rust.

wikiHow Video: How to Paint Stainless Steel

About This Article

Kevin Snow
Co-authored by:
Commercial Painting Professional
This article was co-authored by Kevin Snow. Kevin Snow is a Commercial Painting Professional and the Owner of Ridge Painting Company. With over 12 years of experience, he specializes in painting commercial facilities and new build constructions. Kevin and his team are fully licensed and insured. This article has been viewed 656,690 times.
7 votes - 72%
Co-authors: 23
Updated: March 26, 2023
Views: 656,690
Article SummaryX

To paint stainless steel, you’ll need a high-quality oil-based paint, a primer rated for stainless steel, and a metal wax to help seal your paint job. To get started, gently scuff up the surface of the steel with a sander or a steel wool sponge. This will help the primer and paint stick better. Next, use a steel cleaner or degreaser to get rid of any dirt, oils, or grime, which can prevent the paint from adhering properly. Allow the steel to dry completely when you’re done. Before adding any paint, apply an even coating of oil-based primer to the stainless steel object or surface. Spray primers tend to give the smoothest, most even coverage. While white primer works well with most paint colors, you may want to choose a darker primer if you’re planning to use a very dark paint. Once the primer is completely dry, add a layer of paint. You can either use spray paint or apply the paint with a brush or roller. Wait for the paint to dry, then add another layer. You may need to apply 2 or 3 layers to get the kind of coverage you want. Once you’re happy with your paint job, cover the painted area with a thin layer of metal or automotive wax to seal and protect the paint. After the wax dries, buff it with a clean, dry cloth to give it a nice shine. To learn more ways you can paint stainless steel, scroll down!

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