There are times when we all have a little trouble with school. This bag will help you with things like a runny nose, a sudden period, or dehydration.


  1. 1
    Grab a small makeup bag or small purse and fill it with these essentials. The bag should be small enough to fit in your school bag or locker, but big enough to hold everything you need. and be able to open and close
  2. 2
    Body spray or perfume: You want to smell good at school, and you never know when you might suddenly have to run for PE, in an emergency or just want to smell fun and fresh
  3. 3
    Petroleum jelly: Perfect as a lip balm for cracked lips, adds definition to your eyebrows, makes your eyelashes look longer, and moisturizes severe dry skin (which is really the only time you'll ever moisturize at school!), is a good make up remover and eases off stuck rings, amongst many other things!
  4. 4
    Make up: if you want to fix up during lunch and recess to stay glamorous. If you're trying to save space in your bag, a stick of concealer and a little petroleum jelly will cover up any major problems until you get home.
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    Lotion: To keep your hands silky and smooth.
  6. 6
    Hand sanitizer: Perfect for lunch time hygiene, or if you just touched a piece of gum under the desk.
  7. 7
    Mints or gum: To keep your breath fresh. If your school doesn't allow gum, then it's probably better to bring mints.
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    Pads or tampons: All girls over 11 should carry these with them at school. Try hiding them in a zipped bag. Bring a fresh pair of knickers/underwear in case your period comes unexpectedly and spotting occurs.
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    Tissues: There will be a time at school when you will need a tissue, and if your teacher doesn't have one, these always come in handy.
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    Pain relief: For headaches, pain and cramps. Only bring these to school after asking a parent and making sure your school allows pain medicine.
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    Hair ties: Essential if your primary one snaps. To save room, wrap these around the grip of your hairbrush.
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    Water bottle: Stay hydrated! Water will also increase your memory by up to 30%, helping you achieve a better grade!
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    Mirror: Just in case.
  14. 14
    Brush: Always carry a brush if you are wearing your hair down, or even just having a bit of a bad hair day.
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    Sunblock: When the sun shines, you'll always be happy you have this, whether you have light skin or dark.
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    Money: Only use in emergencies, like if you forget your bus or lunch money. Don't keep more than 10 dollars, in case you lose it or it gets stolen.
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    Phone: Try not to use this in school. Some schools require you to keep phones in your locker or cubby. Only use a phone in an absolute emergency.
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    Mini first aid kit: This is a great thing to carry around, in case you fall and can't get any help. If you don't own one, put a couple bandaids, some cotton swabs, and a little anti-infection alcohol into a small ziploc bag .
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    Baby wipes: Clean up mascara train tracks left by tears and makeup smudging. They are also great for cleaning spills and stains from your clothes, can be used to freshen up after sports and can be used a toilet paper substitute when you're stuck.
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    Small, pocket umbrella or folded raincoat: You never know when you'll be caught in a sudden rainstorm!
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    Snack: There is going to be a day when you forget your lunch and you've got no money to buy anything. Keep something with a far-off expiry date, such as granola bars or dried fruit, for emergencies like this.
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    Deodorant: Freshen up after sports. Get a deodorant in a spray version, which can be used as an air freshener if the need arises.
  23. Advertisement


  • If you carry medication don't show everyone and go to either the toilet or medical room when taking it. Find out the school rules for carrying medication and never carry more than one or two doses, or however much you need for one school day.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 20 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 31,924 times.
89 votes - 86%
Co-authors: 20
Updated: December 12, 2022
Views: 31,924
Categories: School Stuff