Looking for a quick escape when things get a bit overwhelming? Sensory or calming bottles are the perfect DIY project for kids, adults, those with ADHD or sensory-processing problems—so pretty much anyone! The awesome thing about this craft is you can fill them with whatever you'd like, creating a happy little world in a happy little bottle, and all you need are a few basic ingredients. So, grab an empty plastic bottle and some glitter and keep reading—we have some sensory bottles to make!

Things You Should Know

  • Make a sensory bottle out of a clear plastic bottle (bought or reused), water, clear liquid soap, and fun add-ins like glitter.
  • Add sequins, water beads, pom poms, or whatever you’d like to your sensory bottle—as long as it floats, it works!
  • Create a lava lamp-inspired sensory bottle using water, food coloring, and baby oil.
Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Creating Your Sensory Bottle

  1. 1
    Fill a plastic bottle about a ¼ of the way with water. Choose a clear cylinder shaped bottle, or clean a plastic water or soda bottle to recycle and use. If your bottle has a narrow opening, try using a funnel, so you don’t spill the water.[1]
    • Make sure to remove the label on a recycled jar so you can see everything clearly inside the bottle later. Simply peel it off and wipe away any sticky residue with Goo Gone.[2]
    • Glass bottles or jars could be used but aren’t recommended, especially if the sensory bottle’s for a child, because they can easily shatter.
  2. 2
    Add your dry ingredients and/or food coloring to the bottle. Glitter, sequins, and food coloring are just a few add-ins you can put in your sensory bottle. These will be the things that you can shake up and watch float inside the bottle.[3]
    • Try adding a mix of things with different weights to give your bottle more movement.
    • A small amount of add-ins goes a long way, but know that you won’t be able to add more later after sealing the bottle shut.
  3. 3
    Fill the rest of the bottle with clear liquid soap. When you shake sensory bottles up, everything inside stirs up and floats around, creating a mesmerizing visual. Liquid soap is a perfect base for sensory bottles because it helps the items stay floating even after you shake the bottle up. Simply squeeze the soap into the water and add-ins mixture until you reach the tippy top.[4]
    • As an alternative, fill the bottle completely with water and add a few spoonfuls of clear liquid glue, dish detergent, or corn syrup. Glue and corn syrup will cause an even longer float, while dish detergent will suspend fine glitter.[5]
  4. 4
    Glue the lid onto the bottle and let it sit overnight. Now it’s time to ensure that all your sensory goodies won’t fall out of the bottle when you shake it around. Squeeze a thick line of E6000 glue around the lip of the bottle. Tightly screw on the cap, and leave the bottle alone for at least 8 hours, so the glue dries.[6]
    • If you don’t have E6000 glue, super glue is a great alternative.
    • Once the 8 hours are up, you’re free to shake your bottle any way you’d like!
  5. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Customizing Your Sensory Bottle

  1. 1
    Choose different types and colors of glitter for a more interesting look. Who doesn’t love glitter? This sparkly craft item is the most popular sensory bottle add-in because of its versatility and reaction to light. If you’re unsure what type of glitter to add to your bottle, check out these tips:
    • Use fine glitter to color the bottle’s liquid and for overall shine.
    • Use chunky glitter for a visible disco effect.
    • Use a mix of glitters for a dazzling and enchanted look.
  2. 2
    Pick out sequins of all shapes and sizes to add variety to your bottle. These shiny pieces of foil are an excellent choice for a sensory bottle—they’re basically giant pieces of glitter! Plus, they come in a ton of shapes for making themed bottles. Take a look at these ideas:
    • Seashell sequins give a blue and golden glitter sensory bottle a beach-y theme.[7]
    • Butterfly sequins add a bit of magic to a sensory bottle with multicolored glitter.
    • Star sequins give a galaxy-inspired sensory bottle with black food coloring a bit of sparkle.
  3. 3
    Create a mesmerizing and light-absorbing effect with water beads. These beads may not look impressive when dry, but once they’re hydrated, they’re like miniature, squishy orbs! Their light weight helps them float inside sensory bottles, and their multiple colors can match any theme.[8]
    • Hydrate your orbs before making your sensory bottle or plop them in dry. Just note that they’ll be a bit smaller if they hydrate inside the bottle.
  4. 4
    Plop pony beads into your bottle to add more color. This classic craft item is buoyant, making it a perfect addition to just about any sensory bottle. They easily suspend in the liquid, and their hollow center lets smaller objects like glitter pass through them.
  5. 5
    Include pom poms for fluffy spots of color. These fuzzy and fun craft items come in a variety of colors and sizes. Add a few of a specific color to a themed bottle, or plop a few handfuls into a bottle with just water.[9]
    • Pom poms are very light and may get stuck in bottles with glue or soap bases.
  6. 6
    Add a fun surprise with googly eyes. If you’re making a bottle fun of bright colors and random add-ins, try tossing a few googly eyes in there! These are sure to put a smile on your face whenever they float by, and you can even add an array of sizes.
  7. 7
    Use dried foods like rices and beans for a fun and quick filler. If you don’t have craft items on hand, no worries! Dried rice, beans, and pastas can be just as much fun. Simply add them to your sensory bottle and watch how they interact with the water.
    • These dried food items may expand or disintegrate in your sensory bottle over time as they are perishable once hydrated. Make a new sensory bottle if anything starts to change color or stink.
  8. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Making a Lava Lamp Sensory Bottle

  1. 1
    Fill an empty clear bottle halfway with water. Buy a plastic cylinder bottle, or recycle a used plastic water or soda bottle. Use a funnel to pour the water into the bottle.[10]
  2. 2
    Put about 10 drops of food coloring into the bottle. Pick the color of your “lava.” Carefully stir the bottle to see if the color is to your liking. If it’s not, add more food coloring.[11]
    • Try mixing food colorings to make your own unique color.
  3. 3
    Fill the rest of the bottle up with baby oil. Oil and water don’t mix, and their polarization creates a mesmerizing lava lamp effect. Simply use your funnel to fill the bottle to the top with baby oil.[12]
  4. 4
    Screw on the cap and shake. And that’s it! You’ve created your very own lava lamp sensory bottle, and now all that’s left to do is watch the bubbles move and grow.
    • Hold a flashlight up to the bottom of your sensory bottle to make the lava glow.[13]
    • Consider securing the top of your bottle with a line of E6000 glue, so it doesn’t pop off while you play.[14]
  5. Advertisement

Things You’ll Need

Filling Your Sensory Bottle

Making a Lava Lamp Sensory Bottle

About This Article

Aly Rusciano
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Aly Rusciano. Aly Rusciano is a Creative Writer based outside of Nashville, Tennessee. She has over ten years of experience in creative, academic, and professional writing. Aly’s writing has been nationally recognized in the Sigma Tau Delta Rectangle and featured in Blue Marble Review, The Sunshine Review, PopMatters, and Cathartic Literary Magazine. She graduated from The University of Tennessee at Martin with a BA in English, focusing in Creative Writing and minoring in Theatre. This article has been viewed 3,096 times.
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Co-authors: 2
Updated: October 25, 2022
Views: 3,096
Categories: Crafts
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