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Shii-Cho, also known as Form I, the Way of the Sarlacc, or the Determination form, is one of the seven forms of lightsaber combat. It was mastered by swordmaster Cin Drallig. With dedication and practice, you can learn this form yourself. Read on to get started.
Learn the zones of attack.
There are six zones of attack used to describe the moves in lightsaber combat. These are:
- Zone 1 - the head
- Zones 2 and 3 - the right and left arms and sides, respectively. Also refers to the right and left sides of the front torso.
- Zone 4 - the torso, specifically the back.
- Zones 5 and 6 - the right and left legs, respectively.
Learn the basic parry for each zone.
Zone 1 - a horizontal parry, in front of or above the head.
- Zones 2 and 3 - a vertical parry, with the lightsaber handle held near the chest or waist, and the blade pointing upwards. Less commonly, a drop parry (blade points downwards) with the handle held near the head.
- Zone 4 - a drop parry with the handle held behind the head.
- Zones 5 and 6 - a drop parry with the handle held near the waist.
Know that the basic attack for each zone is at right angles to the basic parry.
Always move forwards.
Try to link your attacks together fluidly.
Learn the disarming strike and the Sarlacc sweep.
In keeping with Jedi philosophy, the disarming strike attempts to disarm the opponent instead of killing them. It consists of a strong attack at your opponents weapon, in an attempt to rip it from their grasp - or chop it in half. The Sarlacc sweep is a rapid, sweeping movement designed to hit as many enemies as possible.
Use Shii-Cho against multiple enemies.
Because of it's broad, sweeping movements, Shii-Cho is suitable for use against multiple opponents. However, a single opponent can easily find and exploit flaws in your attacks. In addition, the second lightsaber form, Makashi, was specifically designed for lightsaber-to-lightsaber combat. Do not use Shii-Cho against a Makashi user.
Community Q&A
QuestionIt says, "Basic Parries." Are there more?Community AnswerYes. But, in most situations, such as a thrust or a swipe, a simple parry or dodge is sufficient.
QuestionHow exactly do I perform the Sarlacc sweep?Community AnswerThe Sarlacc sweep is very similar to creating a figure 8 on either side of you with a jump rope. If you practice doing that, then performing the Sweep will seem easier. With a lightsaber, perform the same motion you would with a jump rope, except place one hand over the other as you "sweep" to the other side of your body.
QuestionWhy does it spell the word practice "practise"?TorpiTop AnswererIn every form of English except American and perhaps Canadian English, "practise" is the verb and "practice" is a noun. A medical practioner owns a practice, but practises medicine.
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About This Article
wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 12 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 34,873 times.
30 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 12
Updated: July 8, 2022
Views: 34,873
Categories: Star Wars Fandom