After you’ve been in a relationship for a little while, you may want to show your affection in a different way. It’s completely normal to feel nervous when you first want to kiss your girlfriend, especially if you aren’t sure she feels the same way. While it may seem really stressful at first, giving your girlfriend a kiss is a great way to show her you care and make your relationship stronger. As you get more comfortable kissing each other, try mixing up your techniques to make it more fun. With a bit of confidence, you’ll be able to master your first kiss and many more to come!

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Finding the Right Time

  1. 1
    Freshen your breath beforehand. If you have the time, brush your teeth and tongue so your breath smells nice and fresh. If you need to get fresh breath even quicker, use mouthwash, a mint, or a piece of gum instead. Pick something with a spearmint or peppermint flavor since the fresh smell will last longer.[1]
    • Brush and floss your teeth daily so you’re less likely to have bad breath throughout the day.
    • Be sure to shower and put on deodorant as well so your whole body smells clean.
  2. 2
    Apply lip balm so your lips are soft and kissable. Dry and cracked lips may make kissing uncomfortable for you and your girlfriend. Find a moisturizing lip balm or gloss and rub it on your lips thoroughly. Choose one with a refreshing flavor, like mint or citrus, to help your breath smell better as well. Whenever your lips dry out or get chapped, apply the balm so they don’t get damaged.[2]
    • Use lip balm for a few days beforehand since it will take a little while for it to be effective on your lips.
    • Avoid putting on lip balm right before you kiss since it could make your lips slippery and the kiss messier.
  3. 3
    Wait for a quiet time where you’re alone with your girlfriend. While public places are fine for a quick peck, you probably don’t want everyone to see you during your first kiss. Wait for a time and place that’s more private so you can enjoy an intimate moment together. Some good times to try are at the end of a fun date or just while you’re relaxing and enjoying each other’s company.[3]
    • Public displays of affection may make your girlfriend uncomfortable as well as the other people around you.
  4. 4
    Check if she’s making eye contact and leaning in to see if she’s interested.[4] Even if you’re ready for a kiss, always see if your girlfriend is ready to take that next step in your relationship. Look if she’s leaning in closer toward you, casually touching you on the arm or leg, making deep eye contact with you, or looking directly at your lips. If she’s doing any of these, she may be signaling that she wants you to kiss her.[5]
    • If you aren’t able to tell from her body language, come right out and ask her for her consent. For example, you can ask something like, “Is it okay if I kiss you?” or “Would you like a kiss?”
    • If you want to kiss and your girlfriend doesn’t feel comfortable with it, respect her decision.
  5. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Going in for the Kiss

  1. 1
    Move in close to her to break the touch barrier. Whether you’re standing or sitting down, move your body closer to hers so you don’t have to lean in as far. As you reposition yourself, brush her leg or arm with your hand to show that you’re interested in taking things to the next step. You can even reach out and hold her hand if you want to make the moment feel more romantic.[6]
    • If you’re too far apart, you’ll have to awkwardly lean and the kiss won’t feel as intimate.
    • Physical touch is a great way to gauge your girlfriend’s interest in kissing as well. If you get closer and she pulls away, she may not be in the mood for a kiss.
  2. 2
    Make eye contact with each other. Look deeply into your girlfriend’s eyes and hold your gaze to connect with each other. As you’re looking into her eyes, quickly glance down toward her lips to let her know that you’re interested in kissing her. Your girlfriend may do the same to let your know she’s interested too.[7]
    • Caress her cheek or hold her hand while you’re looking into each other’s eyes to build a stronger connection.
  3. 3
    Lean your body toward her when you feel ready.[8] Once you determine that you both want to kiss, start leaning your body forward closer to hers. Keep your eyes open just in case she leans forward too so you don’t hit heads. When you’re about 90% of the way to your girlfriend, stop and let her come to you. That way, you’re not forcing the kiss on her and she still has the option to say no.[9]
    • Leaning in for the kiss can be one of the most nerve-wracking moments. Take a deep breath beforehand and act confident. No matter how it goes, know that it will be okay.
  4. 4
    Tilt your head to the side. After you lean in and she comes up to meet you, turn your head at an angle so your noses don’t bump into each other. That way, you’ll be able to kiss her a lot easier without anyone getting hurt.[10]
    • Most people turn their head to the right, but you can tilt your head either direction. Just make sure your girlfriend tilts her head the opposite way.
  5. 5
    Kiss her gently on the lips.[11] Put your top lip against your girlfriend’s mouth. Her bottom lip should line up with your mouth. Open your mouth slightly and gently press your lips against hers. Lightly squeeze your lips together to complete your kiss. String a few light and slow kisses together to make the moment feel more intimate.[12]
    • Avoid using your tongue or using too much force when you’re first starting to kiss so she doesn’t feel uncomfortable.
    • It can take a little while to get used to kissing someone, so be open and receptive to your girlfriend.
  6. 6
    Pull away after a few seconds to leave her wanting more. After a few kisses, slowly lean back so you’re slightly separated from your girlfriend. Look her in the eyes and smile to let her know that you enjoyed the kiss. If it seems like you both want to kiss more, catch your breath before leaning back in for another kiss.[13]
  7. 7
    Tell her something flattering afterward to break any tension. It may feel a little awkward after your kiss since you won't know what to say. Rather than sitting in silence, just give your girlfriend a compliment to make the moment feel even better. Let her know how good you're feeling as well so you can enjoy each other.[14]
    • For example, you can say something like, "You look so pretty tonight," or "I'm so glad I get to spend time with you."
  8. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Trying New Kissing Techniques

  1. 1
    Caress her with your hands. As you’re kissing, avoid letting your arms hang down limply at your sides. Instead, try running your hands down her back, along her leg, or on her hips. You can also cup her face in your hands, play with hair, or hug her tightly to feel more connected. As you get more comfortable kissing, pull her body closer to yours.[15]
    • Respect your girlfriend’s personal space. If she doesn’t like being touched in a certain place or pulls away, don’t try to force anything.
  2. 2
    Kiss her face or neck for something more playful. After kissing her lips a few times, pull away and try giving her a kiss on the cheek, nose, or forehead. If you want to make things a little more intimate, kiss your girlfriend’s neck a few times. As you’re kissing her, keep hugging her tightly so you’re close together.[16]
    • Be careful not to kiss or suck on one spot for too long, or else you’ll leave a hickey.
  3. 3
    Use your tongue if you want to make the kiss intimate. As you’re kissing her, stick your tongue out slightly so it goes into her mouth. Move the tip of your tongue around to run it around her lips or play with her tongue. As you both get more comfortable, stick your tongue in a little further to kiss her deeper.[17]
    • Using your tongue can make the kiss wet and a little messy. Mix up using tongue with quick regular pecks so you don’t spread as much saliva.
    • Only use your tongue if you’re comfortable with it.
  4. 4
    Bite her lip gently to add some passion. As you’re going in for a kiss, lightly pinch her bottom lip between your teeth and squeeze gently. Let go of her lip at the end of the kiss so she knows you’re ready to keep progressing. Take turns biting each other’s lip while you’re kissing.[18]
    • Be careful not to close your mouth tightly, or else you’ll hurt your girlfriend.
  5. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How can I kiss my girlfriend more romantically?
    Connell Barrett
    Connell Barrett
    Dating Coach
    Connell Barrett is a Relationship Expert and the Founder and Executive Coach of Dating Transformation in New York City. Connell has over five years of experience as an international coach who helps men connect with women by unlocking their best, true, most confident selves. He is the author of the Amazon bestseller “Dating Sucks but You Don’t,” and has appeared on Good Morning America, the "Today" show, Access Hollywood, and in Best Life, Cosmopolitan, and The Oprah Magazine. In 2019 he was named's “New York City’s Best Male Dating Coach."
    Connell Barrett
    Dating Coach
    Expert Answer
    If you want to be playful during your kiss, ask her to close her eyes first. When she closes her eyes, lean in for your kiss.


  • Do not be pushy or forceful if your girlfriend doesn’t want a kiss. Always get consent before you kiss someone.
  • Kissing can spread bacteria and infection, so avoid doing it if either of you are sick.[21]

About This Article

Connell Barrett
Co-authored by:
Dating Coach
This article was co-authored by Connell Barrett and by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising. Connell Barrett is a Relationship Expert and the Founder and Executive Coach of Dating Transformation in New York City. Connell has over five years of experience as an international coach who helps men connect with women by unlocking their best, true, most confident selves. He is the author of the Amazon bestseller “Dating Sucks but You Don’t,” and has appeared on Good Morning America, the "Today" show, Access Hollywood, and in Best Life, Cosmopolitan, and The Oprah Magazine. In 2019 he was named's “New York City’s Best Male Dating Coach." This article has been viewed 924,906 times.
123 votes - 78%
Co-authors: 91
Updated: February 14, 2023
Views: 924,906
Categories: Featured Articles | Kissing
Article SummaryX

When you kiss your girlfriend, lean your head close to hers and tilt your head so your noses aren’t bumping into one another. As you go in for the kiss, line up the space between your lips with her bottom lip. Keep your lips loose as rather than puckered tight. Once the kiss is finished, gently caress her cheeks and smile. If you two are comfortable with a regular kiss, try a French kiss. To learn more about kissing etiquette and how to prepare for a kiss, read the article below!

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