Newborns can be exhausting for a number of reasons, and chief among them is their erratic sleep patterns. It seems like infants are intent on waking you up and keeping you up, and never at the right time–daytime. While it’s a fact that newborns naturally wake up and go to sleep on short intervals, the good news is that you can encourage your baby to follow a sleep cycle that more closely follows your own. Here are 12 tips to encourage your newborn to sleep at night and stay awake during the day, so that you can stay well-rested yourself.

Things You Should Know

  • Help your newborn stay awake by playing with them and keeping them engaged.
  • Expose a newborn to daylight and keep the lights low at night to get them used to day and night cycles.
  • Allow a newborn to get a healthy amount of sleep each day.
  • Ask for help taking care of your newborn if you’re feeling exhausted or overwhelmed.

Expose your newborn to natural sunlight.

  1. Sunlight provides great stimulus for a newborn, and helps keep them awake. Getting babies outside also helps your newborn start to recognize daytime versus nighttime, which will aid in establishing healthy sleeping habits.[1]
    • “Stimuli” are anything that might interest or engage a newborn, and are key in making sure they stay up and alert.
    • Try a walk in a stroller, or play in the grass at a park.
    • Avoid exposing your newborn to direct sunlight for extended periods of time.[2]
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Space out your newborn’s meals.

  1. A full belly helps a newborn fall asleep, so use that to your advantage. One of the best ways to make sure your baby stays up during the day is to get them sleeping more at night. A baby that’s been “snacking” or having light meals or short breastfeeding sessions might not want to eat before bed. Gradually space out your newborn’s feeding times so that you can coordinate a full meal right before bed.[8]
    • If your newborn gets fussy for a snack, try distracting them with toys.
    • Be careful not to neglect your newborn’s needs, and do take care to feed them regularly.

Let your baby cry it out at night.

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How can you teach a baby it's time for bed?
    Julie Wright, MFT
    Julie Wright, MFT
    Parenting & Baby Sleep Specialist
    Julie Wright is a Marriage and Family Therapist and the co-founder of The Happy Sleeper, which offers sleep consulting and online baby sleep classes. Julie is a licensed psychotherapist specializing in babies, children, and their parents, and the co-author of two best selling parenting books (The Happy Sleeper and Now Say This) published by Penguin Random House. She created the popular Wright Mommy, Daddy and Me program in Los Angeles, California, which provides support and learning for new parents. Julie's work has been mentioned in The New York Times, The Washington Post, and NPR. Julie received her training at the Cedars Sinai Early Childhood Center.
    Julie Wright, MFT
    Parenting & Baby Sleep Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Try doing a goodnight activity just before you put your baby down to sleep. You might go around to different things in your baby's room, like their toys and decorations, and say "good night" to each one. Your baby will learn that this activity means it's time for bed.

About This Article

Lisa Greaves Taylor, CCCE, LCCE, CD (DONA)
Co-authored by:
Certified Doula & Childbirth Educator
This article was co-authored by Lisa Greaves Taylor, CCCE, LCCE, CD (DONA) and by wikiHow staff writer, Luke Smith, MFA. Lisa Greaves Taylor, CCCE, LCCE, CD (DONA) is a certified childbirth educator, birth doula, and founder of Birth Matters NYC. With over 10 years of experience, Lisa specializes in labor support, postpartum wellness, and education in the first few months of parenthood. She is a certified childbirth educator with both the Childbirth Education Association of Metropolitan New York (CEA/MNY) and Lamaze International. Lisa served on CEA/MNY’s board for 5 years and was named CEA’s Ellen Chuse Childbirth Educator of the Year in 2018. Lisa is also a DONA-certified labor support doula and a professional member of Evidence Based Birth. This article has been viewed 8,400 times.
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Co-authors: 4
Updated: February 21, 2023
Views: 8,400
Categories: Baby Sleep
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