Airports can sometimes be as foreign as the destination one wishes to travel to, or in other cases it can be someones everyday office as they jump on and off flights in their career. No matter what brings you to an airport, there are valid nuances to employ whilst you sojourn in the areas, gates and zones of the facility.

Part 1
Part 1 of 9:

Prior to Arrival

  1. 1
    Be prepared. Whether you're picking up a loved one or flying to Hawaii, it's important to prepare and familiarize yourself with the anticipated areas you will be in. You should collect a map of the facility at the entrance or print one off Online to see where you are and where you are going. Airports are notorious for bewildered faces and stressful last-minute marathons to board and check-in.
    • If you prepare yourself prior to getting to the airport by familiarizing yourself with the company you're flying with, the terminal and times; you will save yourself half the trouble and you will be able to venture through the airport calm and composed.
  2. 2
    Exercise punctuality. There are many positive ramifications when it comes to arriving on-time to an airport. You are able to comprise yourself, know what you are doing and be equipped. Being punctual and prepared are two very vital steps to exhibiting a poised demeanor and conforming to the practice expected in and around the airport facility.
    • Aim to arrive at least two hours before a domestic flight, and three hours before an international flight, but consider arriving earlier if you’re checking luggage, or if you’ll be travelling during a peak travel time (such as summertime or during a major holiday season). [1]
  3. 3
    Pack lightly for on-board luggage. There is nothing worse than having to lug around a gargantuan bag of stuff in an airport, and whilst boarding. It does take up a lot of room and looks very awkward to carry. Try and bring a light and tightly packed bag with only the essentials you will need on the flight. It's merely a way to take up as little space as possible, and allow others to have some room.
    • Plus, packing your on-board luggage lightly will mean you won't have too many belongings to picket while you are walking around.
    • If you have scales at home, weigh all your luggage prior to arrival so that you’ll have some estimation of how much you have compared to how much you are allowed to bring, going by what your check-in documents disclose.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 9:

Checking In

  1. 1
    Wait in a single file line. It is surprising how many people don't understand the premise of forming a single file line. It is morally civil and systematic to wait in a line at the point that you started from, knowing that the people in-front of you have waited longer. At no point should you push-in or jump ahead of the line. Seeing as how you should ideally be early, wait patiently and you'll eventually reach the check-in counter.
  2. 2
    Have all documents ready. It's important while waiting in line to have your Identification documents and other relevant papers ready, as this will save the time of ruffling around in your luggage and thus taking up other peoples time in line. You will be seen as primed if you have everything you need ready to go.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 9:

Security Check-point

  1. 1
    Respect personal space. Sometimes, in environments that are highly stressful, people can sometimes parade a big show called " I don't know what I'm doing". At this time, they involve people around them, and this can be seen as gauche and insolent. No matter how polite you may be, avoid involving others and asking them impromptu questions. Rather, you should stick to yourself in a dignified nature.
    • For example; You may be highly stressed at the security checkpoint with bags and bags of belongings and things dropping everywhere. You are involving people around you because they would feel an innate burden to help you pick it all up. If you were prepared and only had a comprised satchel of all your needs, then you wouldn't require the assistance of others and would be able to glide through security smoothly.
    • Respecting personal space comes under making an environment for other people comfortable and well-flowing. By being the composed person in line ready to help someone if they need it, rather than being that person, your respectful demeanor and polite civility won't go unnoticed.
  2. 2
    Listen and follow instructions. While passing through security screening you may be given various instructions or even be chosen to be tested with drug and bomb examinations. During both of these times, it's important to relax and be patient, understanding and cooperative. Seeing as you will be punctual, there's no reason to feel pressured by either of these events occurring.
  3. 3
    Keep your belongings to a minimum. As indicated earlier, carrying bags of stuff that need to be submitted at security can be time consuming and just plain extensive. It's important that you can glide in and out of security and be fully aware of everything you are carrying on you to save the time of explaining, deliberating and waiting for whether you can keep that bottle of 'whatever'.
  4. 4
    Declare your things. You've probably seen airport shows where people who have been overseas forget to declare or choose not to declare items that can cause significant discrepancies to a federation or country. If you do have items that would be of interest to security personnel, you need to make sure that you affirm the items to save you, the company and authorities the time it takes to screen you thoroughly.
    • Remember that security personal aren't entirely worried about the flight you need to catch in ten minutes, they are more interested in methodically checking you. If you have brought something that causes 'warning bells' and you knew it, you have caused yourself some uncomfortable minutes to writhe.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 9:


  1. 1
    Keep all of your belongings close. It's important that if at any time you are at the airport and you need to use the bathroom, you carry your belongings with you into the toilet, or if you aren't by yourself, that you get someone to mind them for you. Note that an airport is a public space, and there are many opportunities for thieves to target vulnerable people who forget this telling principle.
  2. 2
    Wait patiently. If there is a line, wait patiently. Whether you are a gentleman or a lady, always offer a senior citizen, disabled or pregnant women for females, a cubical before yourself. You will most likely be showered with appropriate veneration by the individual or even other patrons.
    • Remember that good decorum facilitates the idea of a composed behavior that accommodates for the comfortable environment of others around you, and that in turn results in you being highly revered in a situation and makes you feel responsible.
  3. 3
    Wash your hands. It should go without saying, but many people do purposely forget. You may want to touch as little as possible while visiting a public restroom, but at the bare minimum you should have your own hand sanitizer to use. It stops the spread of diseases like Hepatitis A, and the common Cold and Flu.
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Part 5
Part 5 of 9:

Interacting with People

  1. 1
    Speak nicely to others. Sometimes, you might be spoken to spontaneously by other patrons and it's important to listen and answer to the best of your ability. While answering and speaking to people, you don't need to be to thick-skinned and snap back a response. It's highly likely that you will never see this individual ever again. If asked where certain places are or what the time is, help the person reach the answer they seek and then be on your way.
    • Doing this will show that you are welcoming and approachable. Find the comfortable median between being a pushover and conceited. Finding the middle digit will show that you are a well rounded person. You won't be used, but you won't be cruel.
  2. 2
    Be mindful. It's important to be smart when speaking to other people, because as harsh as it sounds, everyone is guilty unless proven otherwise. With today's technology and refined pick-pocketing tactics, by the time you arrive and board, your bank account can be emptied or identity could be stolen. The gangs that run these assignments are professional and seasoned criminals that target large scale airports with one focus in mind. It's important to be mindful of people around you and where their hands and eyes are. See the 'Warnings' for important tips in regards to criminal activity.
  3. 3
    Avoid personal talk. If someone asks you where you are from or other questions that have personal connotations to them, you can kindly decline answering them. Also, be sure to keep passports and other documents hidden well when sitting near or around people. It only takes someone 2 to 3 quick questions or glances to search you up on a very handy database for a criminal called Facebook.
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Part 6
Part 6 of 9:

Visiting Airport Cafe's and Shops

  1. 1
    Use inside voices at all times. Whether you are travelling by family, couples or alone, it’s important to practice using inside voices to avoid disturbing others around you. If you speak in a calm tone, it's a matter of fact that you will approach a stressful situation with a clear mind and a purer ability to reason.
  2. 2
    Keep your hands to yourself. It may sound like a childish instruction, but the important premise of keeping your hands to yourself while visiting shops and such go a long way. It diverts you from handling something that might break, drop and who knows what else. Aim to only grab and carry things that you are certain to purchase in these shops.
  3. 3
    Use manners. Remember to say "Please" and "Thank you", as it is standard decorum. Sometimes people do forget when they are out of their comfort zones.
  4. 4
    Eat the right things. Avoid consuming foods that may result in unforeseen bowel movements. You will most likely feel terribly uncomfortable while you wait in the terminal or during the flight; and in some cases, you might make the passengers in close proximity feel that way too. Rather than drink copious amounts of water prior to the flight, take regular small sips to ration out the likelihood of you needing to use the lavatory, depending on the duration of your flight.
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Part 7
Part 7 of 9:

Gates and Terminals

  1. 1
    Use headphones. Sounds are a great way to experience an electronic device. However, pings, clicks and swipes do get irksome after a while and can intrude on the people around you. Everyone has their own music tastes as well, so even though blaring Michael Jackson is your norm at home, in an airport, most people will want to stopover or wait in peace.
  2. 2
    Control your child (if you have one). One of the hardest things for a parent is to teach a child is how to behave in public spaces. However, it isn't an impossible task, and it's important to do so prior to visiting an airport, let alone a plane! Children are usually the main fault when it comes to proper composure and etiquette in an airport.
    • Strange environments may be stressful or exciting for children, however, as a parent, it is vastly important to insure that your child is where you can see them at all times. Inform your child if they are old enough about everything you are doing to keep them up to date with the trip. It saves the constant questioning and interrupting as to where and what they are doing next.
    • Remember to reward the child for well-esteemed behavior and discipline them for noncooperation. You should never discipline your child in public places, let alone an airport. It does put others around you on edge, humiliate the child, and it can also result in them having adverse social ramifications later in life.
    • For example, you can promise your child that when you get to the hotel or accommodation, they will be rewarded a treat if their behavior is constantly compliant throughout the ordeal. If they were not, let them know they won't be getting a treat and instead losing a privilege (For example, no iPad or iPod for one day of the vacation).
    • If you have an infant, insure you escape to quiet areas of an airport to settle the child down. Most airports have family rooms that you can resort to, rather than interrupting people around you with screaming and crying.
  3. 3
    Take up as little room as possible. Rather than dumping all your belongings down and taking up an entire seating arrangement, try to keep your belongings by your side and allow for people to sit. As the boarding time draws imminent, more people will arrive and the terminal will fill up rapidly.
  4. 4
    Avoid being scared to seek assistance. If at any point in your visit you get lost, you lose something or you're just totally bewildered; you can find a help desk to get some clarity. Remember to also notify an airport officer if you break something and there is dangerous glass or chemicals. In addition, if you or another member of your group vomits or misses the bathroom, it's common decorum to tell someone so that they can clean up the mess.
    • Don't think that you will be judged, and also avoid dwelling on the humiliation. This is something that most airport officials deal with everyday.
    • If you miss your flight, it gets canceled or you can't find your gate and they are boarding, you need to be able to familiarize yourself with the airports uniform or the closest help desk to get the latest information so that you can dodge any potential stress attacks.
    • If you happen to see an individual participating in reckless behavior and/or causing a hazard to you or someone else, you need to be able to contact airport security. Security in an airport is one of the highest trained in the world. Note down the particular event and key things or clothing the person or group was wearing. It's important to describe people in a frank and honest way. Describing people in situations like criminal activity is understandably not a time for perfect political correctness; " They were of a European descent with long scraggly hair" is plausible.
  5. 5
    Be humble to celebrities. Sometimes, especially in international airports, you may get the occasional superstar that steals the attention of almost everyone. If this happens while you’re at the airport, it’s important to be calm and not act ridiculously by chasing them, screaming, or carrying on. If you do have the opportunity to see a personage in the flesh at the airport, it's important to treat them with respect. If they are someone you admire, it's fine to ask for a quick signature; but comprehend that their schedule is far more rigid than yours, and in most cases you may be on holidays but they are actually at work. They may have flown for many hours, so they are probably tired and maybe a little not in the mood for their number one fan.
    • Keep your distance when getting close to the entourage. It's more than likely that the paparazzi will be more focused on getting their million dollar snap than avoiding a collision with you.
    • Hold yourself from running at the celebrity. Generally, their body guards are tarnished for their unsympathetic and in some cases, brutal defense techniques.
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Part 8
Part 8 of 9:

First Class Lounge

  1. 1
    Mingle. If you have the rare opportunity to fly first class in luxury, then you will most likely have the privilege of residing in the first class lounge at the airport. This is a place where you can socialize with other people, share the destination you are going, and listen to others.
  2. 2
    Be polite to your host or concierge. These people are highly trained and equipped with well-esteemed communicating and facilitating skills. They will be able to help you each step of the way, from checking in to boarding. Be courteous and respectful, and avoid being too demanding when requesting various things.
    • It's seen to be a great quality if you are able to remember your concierge or host’s name. They will remember yours, so show them your erudition by recalling theirs.
  3. 3
    Smile graciously. Don't forget to smile and show you are having an enjoyable time, because mor than likely, you will be. It is most likely that you will be seated on the plane first through a separate boarding platform, so remember to smile at people who board the plane from economy as they pass you. This will show you aren't to preppy and that you acquire a mannerly nature.
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Part 9
Part 9 of 9:


  1. 1
    Be patient. Sometimes when the boarding call is announced, many passengers think it's appropriate to jump up and get in line first. Relax and remember that your seat is reserved for you. The plane still needs to board special needs, children and first class passengers before the line even budges. If you are in economy, it's important to exercise patience and wait in line. You will eventually get seated.
  2. 2
    Have your boarding pass ready. To save the time of the airline, other people and yourself, it's important to have your ticket ready to go and not at the bottom of your carry on luggage.
  3. 3
    Speak clearly and politely. It's a good idea to say "thank you" and respond clearly and warmly if and when the flight attendant welcomes you on board. Try reading their name badge and when they say something like " Good-Morning Mr Smith, Welcome aboard; Your seat is 4 rows down on the left", reply with something like " Thank you for your help Gloria, I hope to see you during the flight sometime", rather than the common " Thanks", or in some cases, nothing at all.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can I pay to go into the first class lounge even though you I'm not flying first class?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    At some airports you can, but you may not be able to at others. Check the airport's website for more details.
  • Question
    What if I am 9 years old and don't have anything to do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you don't have anything to do, you can try to read or play games on your technology. You can also ask your parents to walk around with you while you wait, and grab some food or a drink.
  • Question
    How do I prearrange assistance for getting to my gate?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You have to inform the airlines on what kind of assistance you will need. When you get to the airport, they will be ready to help you. Your best bet is to contact them directly.


  • Don't take anything from anyone. At no point in your visit should you accept any mysterious parcels, pamphlets or items. Do not leave an airport with something a person gave you, even if it was from the bottom of their 'heart'. It's important to think smart and be proactive. It's not just in the movies that criminals undertake large scale operations but they start small in an airport with an innocent person like yourself. Criminals can implant GPS trackers, drugs or even explosives in an item they may have said that you 'dropped'.
  • Try not to wear the best designer clothing you have in your wardrobe. Criminals target the individuals who come across as wealthy. Wear things that are of a comfortable and casual appeal.
  • It is much better to be safe and aware than sorry.
  • Avoid flashing any form of personal identification in the open, or tucking it away in a place where people can see you're keeping it.
  • Keep your belongings where you can feel them, and avoid keeping your mobile phone in a back pocket. It can take a weathered thief a split second to steal your mobile phone with all your personal information. Having 'track my phone' apps aren't going to prevent it from going missing, and they may not even help to track it. Be smarter than the criminals; they are dumb but they are smart.
  • Try to keep as little money in your account as possible. Keep only the amount you think you will need, or transfer cash from one account to the accessible one when you enter a store or line up and have identified how much you need. It sounds like a paranoid approach, but you will thank yourself if in the event that you are a target.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 16 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 43,249 times.
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Co-authors: 16
Updated: February 14, 2023
Views: 43,249