If you're looking for a low-maintenance, long-lasting addition to your plant collection, you might love growing your own saguaro cactus! Our handy how-to guide will tell you everything you need to know about growing your own saguaro seedlings.


  1. 1
    Select a container for your saguaro cactus seeds. Choose a small- to medium-sized plastic planting pot with drainage holes.[1]
  2. 2
    Mix soil and fill the pot. Saguaro, like other cacti, need extremely loose, loamy and coarse soil that is free of organic fertilizers like manure.
    • Combine 1-part each of sand, peat moss, turf soil and garden loam.
    • Fill the pot 3/4 full of soil.
  3. 3
    Place holes in the soil for the seeds.[2] Poke several small holes in the soil 1 inch (2.54 cm) apart using a pencil. Make the holes about 1/8 inch (0.4 cm) deep. Place the saguaro seeds in the holes and lightly pinch the soil closed over them.
  4. 4
    Cover the seeds.[3] Place plastic wrap securely over the pot. Poke holes in the plastic wrap to aerate the soil.
  5. 5
    Place the pot at room temperature or warmer in a location that is well lit, but not in direct sunlight.
  6. 6
    Keep the seeds moist. Sprinkle water over the soil every 10 days so the seeds don't dry out. Even when growing from seed, cacti do not like too much water, so do not water more than every 10 days.
  7. 7
    Remove the plastic wrap. After 4 to 6 weeks, you will be able to remove the plastic wrap. Keep the saguaro seedlings moist by watering once a month.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Where can I buy the saguaro seeds?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can buy them online from sights like Amazon.
  • Question
    How do I pot on the saguaro cacti seedlings?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Poke several small holes in the soil one inch apart, using a pencil. Make the holes about 1/8 inch deep. Place the saguaro seeds in the holes, and use cactus potting soil.
  • Question
    Does the cactus produce its own seeds?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The fruits produced by cacti after the flowers have been fertilized vary considerably. Many are fleshy, although some are dry. All contain a large number of seeds.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 10 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 74,912 times.
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Co-authors: 10
Updated: October 22, 2022
Views: 74,912