Kurdistan is a region currently divided into four parts, lying in Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey, with Iraqi Kurdistan being the most autonomous. The three main dialects of Kurdish people are Kurmanji (Northern Kurdish), Sorani (Middle Kurdish), and Kalhuri (Southern Kurdish). Sorani is spoken by a total of approximately 10 million people in Iraq and Iran. All of them are in the Iranian language family. It is the most widespread speech form of Iraqi Kurds, and is the language of a plurality of Kurds in Eastern Kurdistan. Soranî is usually written in the Arabic script, from right to left, but also has a Romanized form which we will address here.


  1. 1
    There are very few online resources for learning Sorani. Here are a few expressions, words and phrases to get you started:[1]
  2. 2
    Learn the key words:
    • Yes: Bale
    • No: Na
    • Thank you: Supas
    • Please: Tkaya
    • And: Woo
  3. 3
    Learn some phrases.[2]
    • Good morning: Bayanit bash
    • Good Afternoon: Niwarot bash
    • Good Evening: Ewarat bash
    • Good Night: Shaw Shad
    • Good day: Roj Bash
    • Goodbye: Xwahafiz (Xwa= God / hafiz= protect)
    • Hello: Slaw
  4. 4
    Learn some common questions and answers.[3]
    • How are you?: Choni? to choni?
    • I am okay: Bashm(Turkish) chaakem (Iraq)
    • I am very okay: Zor bashm
    • I am not okay: Bash nim
    • I am ill: Naxoshm
    • Where are you? Lakwey?
    • Where do you live? Lakwey azhit?
    • I live in England: La Englestan azhim
    • How old are you?: Tamant chanda?
    • What is your name?: Nawt chya?
    • Where are you going?: Bo kwe aroy?
    • I go to work: Achm bo îsh
    • When are you coming back?: Kay yatawa?
    • I come back evening: Eawara demawa
    • What is your job?: îsht chya?
    • Did you arrive: Gayshti?
    • I am going: Arom
    • What?: Chi?
    • How many?: Chand?
    • How many brothers have you got?: Chand brat haya?
    • I have one brother: Yak bram haya
    • Have you got children?: Mnall't haya?
    • How are you doing?: Bashee?
    • Fine thanks, and you?: Bash'm supas ey to?
    • Do you know what I mean?: Te agate?
  5. 5
    Learn what to call people.[4]
    • You: to (pronounced 'tå')
    • I:m: (A little bit complicated)
    • My: Add "m" to noun ending ("My nose" becomes "lut[m]")
    • Mum: Dayk
    • Dad: Bawk
    • Sister: Khoshk
    • Brother: Bra
    • Paternal uncle: Mam
    • Maternal uncle: Khal
    • Girl: Kch
    • A girl: Kchek
    • Boy: Kur (pronounced 'kooorr')
    • A boy: Kurek
    • Teacher: Mamosta
  6. 6
    Learn the names of some foods.
    • I eat: Khwarden axom
    • Rice: Brnj
    • Tea: Cha
    • Coffee: Qawa
    • Water: Aaw
    • Soup: Shorba
    • Okra: Bamya
    • Yogurt: Mast
  7. 7
    Learn a few other key words.
    • Car: Sayara (Old Kurdi) Aotomobel (New Kurdi)
    • Life: Zhyan
    • Country: Walat
    • City: Shar
    • Village: Ladey
    • House: mal / khano
    • Nation/ tribe: Khell
    • Place of first date: Shweny khwazbyeny yekem
    • Child: Mnall
    • Shirt: Kras
    • Day: Roj
    • Kiss: Mach
  8. 8
    Learn some expressions
    • You are beautiful: To Jwanit
    • I am going: Min Arom
    • Do not go: Marro
    • Come on: De wera
    • Come to me: Wara bo laymn
    • I swear to God: Ba xwa
    • For example: Bo nemoona
    • Good luck: Baxtawar
    • You are a very nice girl: To kcheki zor jwani
    • You are a very nice boy: To kureki zor jwani
    • I love you: Khoshm aweyt (xoshm aweyt)
    • Life is nice: Zhyan khosha (Zhyan xosha)
  9. 9
    Learn some descriptive words.
    • Together: Pekawa
    • In: la naw
    • Above (on): sar
    • Below (under): zher
    • Beside: Tanisht
    • Back: Psht
    • Go: Bero
    • Nice: Khosh
    • OK: Bash
    • Many/very: Zor
    • Pain: zhan
  10. 10
    Learn a few major body parts.
    • Head: Sar
    • Neck: Mel
    • Eye/ eyes: Chaw
    • Nose: Loot
    • Mouth: Dam
    • Eyebrow: Brä
    • Ear/ ears: Gwe
    • Hair: Qzh
    • Cheek: Roomat
    • Hand: Dast
    • Shoulder: Shan
    • Chest: Sng
    • Breast: Mamk
    • Abdomen: Sk
    • Umbilicus: Nawk
    • Foot/ feet/ lower limb: qach
    • Fingers: Panja
    • Back: Psht
    • Knee: Azhnoo
  11. 11
    Learn to count.[5]
    • 1: yiek
    • 2: doo
    • 3: ce
    • 4: chwar
    • 5: penj
    • 6: shash
    • 7: hawt
    • 8: hasht
    • 9: noh
    • 10: de
    • 11: yanza
    • 12: dwanza
    • 13: syanza
    • 14: chwarda
    • 15: panza
    • 16: shanza
    • 17: havda
    • 18: hazhda
    • 19: nozda
    • 20: bist
    • 21: bist u yak
    • 30: ci
    • 40: chl
    • 50: penja
    • 60: shast
    • 70: hafta
    • 80: hashta
    • 90: nawa
    • 100: saa
    • 101: saa u yak
    • 1000: hazar
  12. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    What does "chawakam" mean?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Basically it is translated as "my eyes", and is used as a friendly or romantic speech.
  • Question
    How do I say "I miss you" in Sorani?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    In Sorani you can say "Bert dakam", pronounced /b/ /e/ /r/ /t/ /d/ /e/ /k/ /e/ /m/.
  • Question
    How do I say "I love you too" in Sorani?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can say I love you too like this:'mnish xoshm awet' pronounced mee-nish hosh-m aw-yet.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 29 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 184,124 times.
367 votes - 93%
Co-authors: 29
Updated: February 9, 2023
Views: 184,124
Categories: World Languages