Whether you've turned your car into a '40s VIP lounge or you've just bought a car that is suffering from a case of the smelliness, getting smoke odors out of your vehicle can be done effectively with the right tools. Take a quick sweep of your car, then use a combination of chemical and natural cleaners to help snuff out the malodorous smell. You'll have your car smelling downright pleasant in no time.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Making an Initial Sweep Through

  1. 1
    Clean your mats with a carpet cleaner and vacuum them. A regular old carper cleaner should do a good job here, or you can spring for heavy-duty if the smell is particularly bad. Then go through the mats and give them a good vacuum.[1]
  2. 2
    Clean out the car's ashtray. It goes without saying, but it needs to be said. After cleaning the ashtray out, spray some ordinary air freshener into it out rub around with an absorbent kitchen paper. This will leave a thin layer of the air freshener in the ashtray. The layer is not enough for the ashtray to be flammable but it is enough to have retain a pleasant scent.
  3. 3
    Hang a car freshener or a vent clip in the cabin of the car. Of course, if you're trying to hide the fact that you've been cleaning the car, or that the car needed cleaning in the first place, then hanging a loud car freshener is likely to attract some suspicion. But if you're just concerned with removing noxious odors from your vehicle, then hanging an air freshener or vent can make a big difference.
  4. 4
    Put the car's heater and air into recirculate for 30 minutes. Unlock the doors, turn the engine on, and put your car's heat and air into recirculate while you clean the rest of the car. As you continue to clean the car and remove some of the smoky odors, the new, fresh air will recirculate throughout the entire cabin and improve the quality of air in your car.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Using Chemical Cleaners

  1. 1
    Go at it with fabric and upholstery cleaner. Fabric and upholstery cleaner, such as Scotchgard fabric and upholstery cleaner, does a pretty good job of neutralizing offending odors. Spray on seats, floor mats and even seat belts — pretty much anywhere there's exposed fabric. Following manufacturer's directions, scrub the cleaner into the fabric with a soft-bristled brush big enough to do the job.
  2. 2
    Go at your seats and carpeted area with a pet odor eliminator. It may sound odd, but it really works. Pet odor eliminators, especially those used to remove urine stains and (most importantly) smells, can work wonders. Try out a product like Nature's Miracle for a miraculous finish.
  3. 3
    Make use of dryer sheets. Dryer sheets also work to keep a car smelling fresh. Just place several sheets or a small, opened box of dryer sheets someplace in the car, like under the car's four seats. When exposed to heat from the sun, the dryer sheets will release a fresh scent. A box of dryer sheets will freshen your car for a long time and could be less expensive than buying numerous car fresheners.
  4. 4
    If the odor is still particularly pervasive, consider spraying a highly diluted cleaner through the heater ducts. Use Lysol, for example, or very low concentration bleach water, for best results. Find the air intake (typically under the hood right close to the windshield) and, with the fan on in the car, spray with a water bottle. This will clean out some odor that's stagnated inside the ducts.
  5. 5
    Give your car's fabric a timely shampoo. Apply the shampoo directly to the carpets and/or seats. Work the shampoo into the fabric with a brush or cloth (brush works best). Then vacuum up the remaining shampoo with an extractor, which you may be able to rent from an auto detailer or local supply store.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Using Natural Cleaners

  1. 1
    Make use of baking soda. Baking soda is a natural deodorant that has so many uses it's almost criminal. Especially for cars with fabric interiors, this option works great. For heavy-duty smells, you'll need about a whole one-pound packet of sodium bicarbonate. Here's what you do:
  2. 2
    Wipe the interior of the car, including the glass, with vinegar and water. To make the mixture, combine 1/4 cup of vinegar (white not cider) with 2 cups of water. Pour into your sprayer and shake. Mist the windows and the cloth interior with the vinegar-water mixture before wiping any any excess. As it's applied, mixture may be redolent of vinegar, but the vinegar smell wears off quickly once it's dried.[3]
  3. 3
    Try placing roasted coffee beans throughout the car for a day. If you don't like the smell of coffee, you may be out of luck on this one, although the tactic really does work. Place six paper plates strategically throughout the car; onto each plate, spoon one cup of roasted coffee, evenly spread out across the entire plate. Keeping the windows down about an eighth of an inch, allow the coffee smell to permeate the car on a warm, sunny day. After a day, remove the coffee beans and enjoy the smell of your latte... er, car!
  4. 4
    Use crumpled up newspaper. Although not a surefire way of removing bad smoke odors from your car, this method is reputed to work because newspaper is an odor absorbent. Crumple up a good number of old newspaper sheets and place them strategically throughout your cabin. Wait 48 hours for the newspaper to absorb all the smoke smells, and then remove the newspaper and recycle.
    • As much most of the methods detailed in this article, this method can work in combination with other methods. Use this method to increase your chances of removing odors while placing coffee beans in your car, for example, or when coating it with baking soda.
  5. 5
    Place activated charcoal in your car's interior to act as local filters. You can find activated charcoal at pet supply stores, health food stores, or even bigger department stores. Place a cup or so of activated charcoal, which comes in powder form, in a bowl, and then place that bowl in your car. Wait for a day or two, after which time the charcoal should have worked its magic and absorbed a lot of the smells of smoke from your car.[4]
    • Some animal products have activated charcoal in them, at far less cost. Kitty litter, for example, may contain it. In the end — it might be cheaper — and just as effective to place a bowl of kitty litter in your car rather than buy a huge supply of activated charcoal and only use it once.[5]
    • Activated charcoal is a quite strong natural odor eliminator. If you've tried using baking soda and it's not eliminated the smell of smoke completely, try this method. It should neutralize the odor very well.
  6. 6
    Try leaving a small amount of ammonia or vinegar in the car overnight. A cup or so will do the job. Ammonia is very harsh, so be sure not to bunk up in the car while the ammonia is work on eliminating the car's odors. After removing, open the windows and air out the car for an hour or two before using the car. Repeat this every night for a week or two if the odor isn't eliminated after a single use.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Other Options

  1. 1
    After the car has been cleaned, remove any residual odor with an ozone shock treatment using an ozone generator. Instead of masking the odor, the ozone generator will completely remove it. The ozone actually oxidizes and denatures the residual organic compounds causing the odor.
  2. 2
    Spend a little bit of money to have a professional worry about it. Getting your car detailed by a professional will cost a little bit more money, but you won't have to worry about removing the smell yourself, and you rest assured that the car detailer is drawing on a wealth of experience and resources in order to get your car back to its cleanest, natural state.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What is an ozone generator?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    An ozone generator is a small device that uses a high electrical discharge to create O3 (ozone), which is a strong oxidizer. It works on the same principle as a lightening strike during a storm; a lightening discharge creates ozone.
  • Question
    How do I repair a cigarette burn in the fabric?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    That all depends on the type of fabric. If it is vinyl it is possible that the burn could be repaired with a quality vinyl dye. In any other case the material may have to be replaced.
  • Question
    Any special tips on cleaning the car when almost all the surfaces are leather?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Ozium is a spray that covers everything and smells fresh, try that. You can get it off of Amazon.


  • Ozone generators can be harmful to your car's materials and dangerous to your health if used improperly. Read all manuals before using any ozone machine. It is extremely important that no person or animal be in the vehicle during an ozone shock treatment.

About This Article

Chad Zani
Co-authored by:
Auto Detailing Expert
This article was co-authored by Chad Zani. Chad Zani is the Director of Franchising at Detail Garage, an automotive detailing company with locations around the U.S. and Sweden. Chad is based in the Los Angeles, California area and uses his passion for auto detailing to teach others how to do so as he grows his company nationwide. This article has been viewed 1,528,777 times.
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Co-authors: 39
Updated: March 11, 2023
Views: 1,528,777
Categories: Car Interior Cleaning
Article SummaryX

To get rid of tobacco odors in your car, start by vacuuming the mats, floors, seats, and ceiling to remove potentially smelly residue, and spray over the areas with a fabric cleaner that neutralizes odors. Then, clean out the ashtray thoroughly, and hang an air freshener from the mirror or near a vent. Turn on the heat and recirculate the air in the car for 30 minutes to improve the overall air quality. For tips on using chemical and natural treatments to clean the car, scroll down!

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