Many teens report not getting enough sleep because of early school start times.[1] Showing up to school without necessary rest can sometimes mean drifting through classes, unable to focus on your work. Understandably, many students choose instead to sleep in class. This can frustrate your teachers, but when you feel like you truly can't stay awake, there are many ways to fall asleep in class.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Falling Asleep

  1. 1
    Wait until class has started. If the bell hasn't rung and you are already dozing off, you're more likely to draw attention to yourself. Hold off until roll call is finished and a few minutes of discussion has passed. This tactic allows the teacher to feel confident that their students are paying attention. Once the first few minutes of class have passed, you'll have a better chance at sleeping undetected.
  2. 2
    Take off facial accessories. This step depends on your sleeping posture. If you intend on putting your face or head down on the desk, this is a must. Whether you wear eyeglasses, prescription sunglasses, or have facial piercings, you'll most likely want to remove them. Otherwise you risk breaking them and/or causing harm to your face while sleeping.
    • Keep your glasses nearby in case you are called on and need to read.
    • Facial piercings are harder to remove; consider taking them out before class so it is done safely.
    • If you don't want to remove any piercings, choose a position that doesn't put pressure on them. This will prevent any cuts or bruising to the face.
  3. 3
    Find a comfortable position. The two things to consider here are your comfort, and how much you want to risk being obviously asleep. Consider your relationship with the teacher, the likelihood of punishment if caught, and whether you can handle those consequences.
    • Put one elbow with your arm standing up on the desktop. Put the side of your head in your hand like Rodin's The Thinker statue. This position is good if you need to be ready to snap quickly back to focus.
    • Cross your arms on the desktop and lean forward, burying your head in your arms. If your neck gets tired, switch it from side to side. Be aware that the teacher is more likely to notice you in positions like this.
    • Put both elbows on the table with your arms lifted straight up and clasp your hands together like someone praying. Lean your head forward onto your hands and sleep. This position makes it harder to achieve a deep sleep; however, the added benefit is you appear to be deep in thought, potentially about the class.
    • Fold your arms across your chest and lean back in the desk seat. This position's benefit is that is takes pressure off your lower back. Consider bringing a small support to maintain the curve of your spine, an important part of good sleeping posture.[2]
  4. 4
    Use a makeshift pillow. Desktops are often hard and uncomfortable; sleeping on your arms can be painful and cause them to go numb over time. Another option is to use a pillow. However you're better off not bringing and using an actual pillow as this could draw unwanted attention, and disrespect the teacher.
    • Use your backpack as a sturdy head support. If it is uncomfortable, rearrange the objects inside to make a better pillow. Removing items with awkward or overlarge shapes (like a basketball) may be necessary.
    • Use your jacket or sweater for a softer pillow. Rolling clothes into a ball shape can take a flat, soft fabric, and turn it into a more robust head support.
  5. 5
    Bring your feet off the ground. Elevating the legs, whether you're sitting or lying, reduces pressure on the veins, relaxing them and encouraging blood flow. This will help your body relax and lead you off to sleep.
    • Consider stacking your textbooks for the day beneath your desk as a repurposed footstool.
  6. 6
    Adjust to the noise level. While some are quiet and focused, many classrooms are often full of conversation and don't provide the ideal environment for falling asleep. You can adapt to this by trying to sleep in noisy places where you don't have to worry about the teacher.
    • Go to the movies, ride city public transportation, go to a talkative café. Try falling asleep in active places and learn to let go of the worry that comes from hearing many noises.
    • Wear earplugs. If you can't fall asleep at all, consider getting a traditional sleep aid.[3] Keep in mind this is a big risk because you can no longer hear the teacher.
  7. 7
    Do silent breath work. Breath through the nose, into the belly, to a count of four. Hold it for seven seconds. Exhale very slowly through the mouth for eight seconds. The "4-7-8" breathing technique is based on Ayurvedic practices from India and different doctors claim that it can help relax and lead anyone into sleep.[4]
    • Monitor your breathing so that it is not too loud. Ideally, this is a silent technique for relaxing and helping yourself fall asleep in otherwise disturbing environments.
  8. 8
    Listen to soothing music. Put in a set of earplugs and play music that is relaxing to you. For instance, instrumental tracks of falling rain, crashing waves, and forest animals are often used for this purpose. Slower songs between 60 and 80BPM (beats per minute) are generally more likely to induce sleep.[5]
    • One downside to this tactic is you won't be able to hear the teacher if they call on you. Consider only wearing one ear bud.
    • Native American flute music, binaural beats, and meditative chanting are more examples of music used to induce sleep.
  9. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Sleeping Secretly

  1. 1
    Make eye contact with your teacher. Listen attentively to your teacher at the beginning of class. This might give them the impression you're focused. The goal here is to subtly encourage them to feel like they don't need to worry about you or pay attention to what you're doing.
    • Know that many teachers – especially those more experienced – won't be so easily fooled.
    • Consider staying awake for a longer amount of time and offering to answer a few questions. Some teachers will feel satisfied with your participation and focus on other students from that point on.
  2. 2
    Pick a seat out of the teacher's eyesight. You can do this in two ways: pick a seat with someone larger sitting in front of you, or strategically observe the angle of sight from the teacher to your seat.
    • Find a classmate whose body would normally block you from the teacher's sight even if you were sitting up straight. This way it will be less noticeable that you're sleeping.
    • Sit in different desks and look at the teacher's desk. Are you in their direct line of sight or their peripheral vision? Are there a number of angles that other students are blocking? You want a seat that is not easy to see.
  3. 3
    Wear a nasal strip. This is especially important if you snore. In order to stay covert you need to eliminate any noise coming from your desk; getting caught snoring could lead to an embarrassing situation. Choose a brand with clear or transparent material so that it is not obvious to your teacher.
    • Nasal strips are a small piece of self-adhesive tape that pull the nostrils apart, keep the nasal passage clear, and prevent snoring.[6]
    • Nasal dilators are also available should the strips not work for you.[7]
  4. 4
    Stay half-focused. Don't allow yourself to fully relax and go into deep sleep. Depending on how comfortable you are disrespecting the teacher, or potentially being embarrassed and/or punished, you need to keep half an ear open. This way you'll be more prepared to jump to focus if the teachers calls on you.
    • Pay attention to how deep you are resting. If you start to forget the room you're in, pull your awareness back and sit up for a brief moment.
    • If you are in serious need of sleep but have to be prepared to engage in class, change your position every 5 minutes to prevent falling asleep completely.
  5. 5
    Pretend you're reading. Some postures – like the thinking and praying positions – will work better with a prop. Keep a textbook or notebook visibly in your lap to give the impression that even if you're not looking forward, you're focused on the studies at hand.
    • Make sure to use the textbook or notebook for the right class. When students study for different classes it annoys some teachers (i.e. having your chemistry book out in English).
    • The book should be placed so that your gaze appears to be directed at the book. For example, don't have your book on the right leg while you are nodding off and looking to the left.
  6. 6
    Wear a hooded sweater. This limits the amount of your face that is visible to anyone in the room. You'll be able to hide the fact you're sleeping more easily if your features are withdrawn into your clothes.
    • Some teachers do not allow students to wear hoodies or hats in class.
  7. 7
    Wear a pair of false eyeglasses. Different toy companies produce glasses with open, focused eyes printed on the lenses. These are a tad gimmicky, but if you're farther away from the teacher, they may give them impression that you're looking forward while behind the lenses your eye are closed.
    • Novelty toy stores, costume shops, and many online vendors sell the glasses.
    • Look at all your options and choose the glasses whose painted eyes most closely resemble your own.
  8. 8
    Wear dark sunglasses. There are some medical conditions that necessitate wearing sunglasses all during the day to prevent overexposure to light. Without a Doctor's note, some teachers may refuse letting you wear sunglasses in class. Nevertheless, if you are willing to try this method, you could pass unnoticed. If that's the case, your eyes will be entirely hidden and you can sleep assuming you sit up and aren't called on during class.
    • Reasons many people give for wearing sunglasses indoors center around light sensitivity and discomfort in bright light, know as photophobia. These include acute iritis, corneal abrasions, glaucoma, and meningitis.[8]
    • Although adults and children alike create fake Doctor's notes, this is not advised. Don't risk the trouble it could cause you.
  9. 9
    Enlist a friend to help you. It is hard to know what the teacher is doing while you're asleep. Ask a close friend to sit next to you or behind you so they can easily pinch you or get your attention. This will decrease the likelihood the teacher catches you.
    • If the teacher is walking near you, have the friend nudge you.
    • If the teacher has called on you, have your friend pinch you to communicate it's more serious.
  10. 10
    Talk to your teacher. Sometimes the best option is not to try and hide your fatigue, but instead approach your teacher directly. Explain to your teacher why you are tired and ask if you can please rest. If there is a legitimate reason you have to sleep, they may be understanding and allow it; or ask you to go sleep in the nurse's office so as not to disturb class.
    • Some possible reasons may be, “I've had a really rough day and I need to put my head down for a minute to recover,” or ““my parents were yelling at me all night and I really need to rest for a few minutes. I apologize in advance if I fall asleep for a few minutes.”
    • When approaching your teachers openly like this, it's also best to have a plan for catching up on whatever you miss while sleeping. You can set your smart phone to record lecture in class or organize with a friend to read their notes. Share this plan with your teacher.
  11. Advertisement


  • Class sleepers are some of the most common prank targets. Because they do not notice what is happening around them, some teachers (and other students) will take the opportunity to mess with you.
  • If you're caught, expect a range of consequences. These could range from detention, in and out of school suspension, and further consequences from your parent or guardian.

Things You'll Need

  • A Jacket
  • A friend (trustworthy)
  • Headphones
  • Earplugs
  • Sweaters
  • Sunglasses

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262 votes - 65%
Co-authors: 61
Updated: February 27, 2023
Views: 104,865
Categories: Class Distractions