Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about a dragonfly’s metaphorical meanings

So, you’ve been noticing dragonflies more than usual—they just seem to be popping up everywhere! Well, is this a sign? What do these sparkly-winged creatures mean? Dragonflies have a range of different spiritual meanings, but they all revolve around one word: change. We’ll take you through all the possible spiritual and cultural meanings of a dragonfly in this article so you can figure out what it means to see or dream of one.

Things You Should Know

  • A dragonfly is a motif or symbol for change, transformation, and rebirth.
  • Dragonflies are ultimately symbols of change and adaptability. They represent prosperity in Chinese culture and tragedy in Swedish traditions.
  • If you dream about a dragonfly, it may be a sign to take the initiative to spark an upcoming change, like asking out your crush.
Section 1 of 4:

What does a dragonfly mean spiritually?

  1. Dragonflies are symbols of transformation, change, and rebirth. These iridescent flying creatures remind us to bend with change and continue to sparkle no matter the hardship. They’re commonly seen near water, where they lay their eggs. With large fish and predators stalking their homes, dragonflies shouldn’t stand a chance, yet they do. Their perseverance shows us that we can adapt and transform, moving with the water and wind, despite what stands in our way.[1]
    • Dragonflies are born as water-swelling larvae or nymphs and go through a similar metamorphosis as butterflies.[2]
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What a Dragonfly Represents in Different Cultures

  1. 1
    In Native American culture, dragonflies are the souls of passed loved ones. These beautiful winged creatures symbolize hope in a time of grief. They’re a physical sign that someone you love has peacefully passed into the spiritual realm and is content and happy.
    • In the Hopi and Pueblo tribes, dragonflies were also known as medicine animals and associated with healing and transformation.[3]
    • In the Navajo tribe, the dragonfly represents water and can be seen sketched on rocks near bodies of water.
  2. 2
    In Japanese culture, dragonflies are a symbol of courage and happiness. Also known as Tombo, the dragonfly is an empowering emblem believed to be the spirit of the rice plant.[4] Dragonflies often appear in Japanese art to represent the country as a whole or an individual’s perseverance.
    • Akitsushmi is an alternative name for Japan and means Dragonfly Island.
  3. 3
    In Chinese culture, dragonflies show prosperity. This winged creature is a symbol of good fortune and luck, especially when it comes to finances. Some believe that if they see a dragonfly, they’ll gain wealth.
    • Dragonflies are often used in art and decor when decorating a space using feng shui to bring prosperity into the home.
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    In Indian culture, dragonflies are visionaries. They represent a spiritual presence guiding you toward your higher self. Because of this, dragonflies may appear on jewelry pieces or tattoos to symbolize intuition and perseverance.
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    In Swedish culture, dragonflies predict injury or tragedy. It’s thought that when you see a dragonfly, something horrible will happen to you. This darker meaning behind the beautiful creature emphasizes its universal symbol of rebirth and transformation.[5]
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    In Vietnamese culture, dragonflies are symbols of hope. The Vietnamese believe these iridescent creatures are signs of a new beginning. They’re a reminder that you must always have faith, as there’s always a positive when there’s a negative.[6]
    • The Vietnamese also see dragonflies as passed loved ones reminding us to be happy and hopeful in our waking lives.
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    In Danish and Portuguese cultures, dragonflies are dark omens. These creatures may appear to be beautiful and innocent, but these cultures believe they’re a symbol of dark Satanic power. Because of this, dragonflies are often called the “devil’s needle.”
    • This cultural meaning may stem from the fact that when a dragonfly dies, they lose their color, alluding to a false illusion or deception.
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What does it mean when a dragonfly lands on you?

  1. 1
    Change is coming your way. Like butterflies, dragonflies go through a metamorphosis. If a dragonfly lands on you, you’re about to undergo a transformation—perhaps spiritual, physical, or financial. Take a deep breath and accept this change with open arms.
    • Try to look at the positives rather than the negatives.
    • Remember, every change is a learning experience and a chance to grow.
  2. 2
    It’s time to step out of your comfort zone. Dragonflies represent a new beginning and a chance to grow. Take one landing on you as a sign to try something new or take a path you wouldn’t normally take—you never know what amazing things lie ahead!
    • For instance, ask your friend out to coffee, go to the party, or pick up a book in a genre you don’t typically read.
  3. 3
    Slow down and reflect. Life is full of hustle and bustle, and it can be easy to get caught up in the action and forget about yourself. Use this dragonfly as a sign to reflect on your inner truths and strengths.[7]
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What does it mean when you dream about a dragonfly?

  1. If a dragonfly appears in your dream, prepare yourself for change. Dragonflies are symbols of transformation, and they may allude to a real-life transition in your dreams.[8] Think of the context of your dream, and use that to uncover what change you need or will make.
    • For instance, if a dragonfly zips by after you get a failing test grade, try changing up your study habits.
    • If you notice a dragonfly while doing something wildly out of your comfort zone, it could signify that you need to be more adventurous in your waking life.
    • If a dragonfly is spotted in a dream about your crush, maybe it’s time to take the leap and ask them out.

About This Article

Aly Rusciano
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Aly Rusciano. Aly Rusciano is a Creative Writer based outside of Nashville, Tennessee. She has over ten years of experience in creative, academic, and professional writing. Aly’s writing has been nationally recognized in the Sigma Tau Delta Rectangle and featured in Blue Marble Review, The Sunshine Review, PopMatters, and Cathartic Literary Magazine. She graduated from The University of Tennessee at Martin with a BA in English, focusing in Creative Writing and minoring in Theatre. This article has been viewed 2,601 times.
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Co-authors: 7
Updated: January 9, 2023
Views: 2,601
Categories: Paranormal Beliefs