Empty toner and ink cartridges generate a lot of waste each year. If you want to reduce your carbon footprint, while helping a worthy cause in the process, there are a lot of options for donating toner and ink cartridges. A variety of websites allow you to mail in your empty toner and ink cartridges and put the money towards charity. You can also look for local charities in your area that take ink and toner cartridges. If you're concerned about the waste you generate, look into reusing cartridges and using less ink and paper overall.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Finding a Larger Charity

  1. 1
    Explore Recycle4Charity. Recycle4Charity is one of the oldest online virtual recycling centers in the United States. At Recycle4Charity, you are provided with free prepaid UPS shipping boxes and labels. You can send empty toner and ink cartridges in for free and the money from your cartridges goes to charity.[1]
    • Recycle4Charity donates money to charities of their choosing. For 2016, they are supporting Smile Train, which helps poor children in the United States get free cleft lip/palate surgery.[2]
    • If you're looking to start a donation program through your business, you may be able to pick your own charity program if your company qualifies.
    • For more information, you can e-mail Recycle4Charity at info@recycle4charity.com.
  2. 2
    Look into Empties4Cash. Empties4Cash functions a lot like Recycle4Charity. You get free prepaid UPS boxes, which you can use to mail in empty ink cartridges. You will receive cash back for your cartridges 2 weeks after your shipment arrives. However, you can also choose to support one of the causes listed on the Empties4Cash website, sending the money from your donations to a charity.[3]
    • If you click on the "Support a Cause" button on the Empties4Cash website, you will find a list of the charities Empties4Cash works with.[4]
    • Once you choose the cause you want to support, you'll send an e-mail with your first name, last name, and shipping address.
  3. 3
    Try Cartridges for Kids. Cartridges for Kids is a recycling program that pays schools and non-profit organizations the cash it receives by collecting recyclables from electronics, including ink and toner cartridges. You do have to make sure the cartridges you're donating have at least a $15 value before mailing them to the Cartridges for Kids headquarters. You can browse price listings on the Cartridges for Kids website to make sure your cartridges add up to at least $15.
    • You can have shipping labels for your package e-mailed to you, and then print them out at a local print shop.
    • You can request labels by e-mailing CFK@CFKtoday.com. Labels should include all the necessary information to get your cartridges to Cartridges for Kids.
  4. 4
    Get cash and donate to a charity of your choice. Recycle4Charity and Empties4Cash both allow you to receive a check or cash for your donations. If you're not interested in supporting any of the charities listed, consider getting cash back for your cartridges and simply donating that cash to a charity of your choice.
    • Check with your local recycling center. See if you can recycle ink cartridges for cash. You can then use this cash to donate to a charity of your choosing.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Donating Locally

  1. 1
    Start a fundraising program for a local charity through a larger website. If you want to donate to a specific charity, you can start a fundraising program through one of the larger websites listed above. There are other websites, such as FundingFactory, that allow you to set up a fundraiser for an organization that collects cartridges.
    • FundingFactory is an organization where you can register your organization for free. Then you can donate cartridges to that organization through FundingFactory.
    • If there's a local organization you believe would benefit, volunteer to start a FundingFactory page for them.[5]
    • The eRecycle Group is an online organization that provides money for empty cartridges.
    • Various non-profits, schools, and other organizations can register for eRecycle and have members send in their cartridges.
    • Cash from eRecycle donations will be allotted to your organization.[6]
  2. 2
    Help your business donate ink and toner cartridges to charity. If you work in a business and notice you produce a lot of empty cartridges, you can start a program to donate these cartridges to charity. Cartridges for Kids allows your business to register with their program, after which you'll be sent free shipping boxes. You can send your empty cartridges to Cartridges for Kids, and the money made will be donated to schools and non-profits working with Cartridges for Kids.
    • Most companies that promote recycling for charity are willing to work with businesses.
    • Try calling or e-mailing some of the above charities and see if you can set up a donation system with your business.
    • You can also simply ask your business to have a collections box for empty cartridges.
    • You can take the initiative to get cash back for these cartridges, working with a local recycling center or one of the above organizations.
    • You and your co-workers can then mutually decide on a charity you should donate that money to.
  3. 3
    Research a variety of local charities. If you want to donate to a local charity, do your research. Spend some time visiting non-profits and charities in your area. Browse websites and talk to members of these organizations. Try to find a charity that matches your values.
    • If you want, you can simply get cash back for your cartridges and pass that cash back to your chosen charity.
    • You can also volunteer to set up an online program through one of the above organizations. This can streamline the donation process.
  4. 4
    See if any local schools or non-profits are taking ink and toner cartridges. Keep an eye out on recycling drives run by local schools and non-profits. As more and more people are realizing toner and ink cartridges can be recycled for money, many fundraising drives take ink and toner cartridges as donations. You may see donation boxes asking for recyclables, including cartridges, at local schools, churches, and community centers. This can be a quick and efficient way to dispose of cartridges while helping a worthy cause.
  5. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Exploring Other Options

  1. 1
    Reuse your ink and toner cartridges. If you're worried about producing too much waste, you can actually reuse most ink and toner cartridges. Stores like Walgreens and Costco will often refill cartridges for you. This cuts back on plastic waste, and may also save you some money.[7]
  2. 2
    Use less ink and paper. You can also work on using less ink and paper overall to reduce your carbon footprint. Try to fill out forms electronically when possible. Avoid printing out things like plane and bus tickets, instead relying on a digital bar code you can pull up on your smart phone. If you print things out to read them later, try to transition into reading from a screen.
  3. 3
    Look into other recyclables you can donate. Ink and toner cartridges are not the only recyclables you can donate to charity. Anything that can be recycled, like cardboard, cans, and bottles, can usually be donated to charity. Be on the lookout for recycling drives in your area. Give your recyclables to organizations in need.
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Does Master's Manna in Wallingford, CT accept empty ink cartridge donations?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No. Staples and/or Office Depot are the best, they reward you $2 per cartridge. However, if you have a pile, you'll likely be limited to returning 10 cartridges per month.
  • Question
    Who takes used cartridges in the 34655 Zip code?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Staples and/or Office Depot are the best, they reward you $2 per cartridge. However, if you have a pile, you'll likely be limited to 10 cartridges per month.
  • Question
    Can you suggest a drop off spot for toner cartridges in the Tampa, Fl area?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Staples and/or Office Depot are the best, and they reward you $2 per cartridge. However, if you have a pile, you'll likely be limited to 10 cartridges per month.

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Updated: September 9, 2021
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