Wondering how much your desktop or laptop computer is worth? We'll show you how to determine your computer's resale value so you know how to price it when it's time to sell!


  1. 1
    Determine the make, model, and specifications of your computer. In order to determine the resale value, you must know the exact details about the features of your computer.
    • Consult with the manual for your computer to determine its features; such as the manufacturer name, model, processing speed, hard drive size, memory, the size of the screen, the type of disk drive it has, and more.
    • Examine the computer itself to determine its features if you do not have access to the computer's manual. This can be done by looking for the manufacturer's logo on the computer, then powering on the computer to review its System Properties menu. For example, if you are selling a computer with a Windows operating system, right-click on the "My Computer" icon from the desktop, then select "System Properties."
  2. 2
    Access the eBay website. EBay will allow you to search for the prices of computers of your same make and model that are currently being sold, as well as previous listings for computers that have already been sold.
    • Visit the "PC World" website provided to you in the Sources section of this article, then scroll down to the "Common Questions" section of the web page.
    • Click on the embedded link within the "Common Questions" section that reads "eBay's home page" to access eBay's website.
  3. 3
    Search for listings of computers that match your make and model.
    • Enter the model and manufacturer's name of your computer into the eBay search field, then press the "Search" button. For example, if you are selling a Dell Inspiron Mini laptop, enter this exact criteria into the search field.
  4. 4
    Refine the search criteria based on your computer's condition. Specifying whether you have a used or new computer will provide you with more accurate resale values.
    • Place a check mark within the box next to "New" or "Used" below the "Condition" section in the sidebar located on the left side of the web page. The website will automatically update and reload new results based on the criteria you indicated.
  5. 5
    Browse the search results to determine your computer's resale value. Although the prices of computers displayed will vary from seller to seller, you can determine an accurate price range for the value of your computer.
  6. 6
    Review eBay's completed auctions. This procedure will display the prices that buyers have paid for the same make and model of computer. This step can only be done if you have an eBay account.
    • Scroll to the top of eBay's website, then click on the "Sign in" link to sign in to your eBay account. If you do not have an eBay account, click on the "Register" link to sign up for eBay.
    • Click on the "Advanced" link to the right of the "Search" button to access the advanced search tool.
    • Enter your computer's manufacturer name and model into the search field, then place a check mark next to "Completed listings."
    • Click on the "Search" button to review listings or auctions that have been completed, which will list the final prices for computers of your make and model that have already been sold.
  7. 7
    Use an online appraisal tool to determine your computer's resale value. A variety of websites exist that allow you to enter your computer's features and specifications to have the resale value calculated.
    • Go to any Internet search engine and type in a keyword phrase such as "appraise my computer" to locate websites that offer an appraisal tool or feature.
  8. Advertisement

Things You'll Need

  • Computer manual

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 9 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 142,255 times.
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Co-authors: 9
Updated: December 7, 2022
Views: 142,255