Smudges all over your gadget's touchscreen? Maybe the fingerprint trail for the latest, must-have game you are addicted to lies on your screen? Regularly cleaning your cell phone, tablet, MP3 player's touchscreen, or any other touch screen device is essential for its upkeep and longevity. Learn how to wipe away those smudges with ease and how to avoid doing things your touchscreen would not appreciate.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Cleaning with a Microfiber Cloth

  1. 1
    Choose a microfiber cloth. This is ideal for cleaning a touchscreen. Some devices will have such a cloth included or perhaps you can borrow one you use on your sunglasses.[1]
    • The cost of such cloth varies. For cloth recommended by companies for their products, the price can be considerably higher simply because of the recommendation. Look around for a good deal on such cloth or substitute with a cheaper but still effective microfiber cloth.
  2. 2
    Turn off the device before commencing to clean it. It is usually much easier to see where to clean when the device is switched off.
  3. 3
    Give the screen a once over by brushing it with the microfiber in small circles. This will remove the majority of simple imperfections.
  4. 4
    Only if truly needed, moisten a cotton cloth, even the corner of your cotton shirt, and repeat the small circular motions. It may actually be enough to just breathe over the screen and use that moisture to clean with.
    • Read the instructions accompanying the cloth you're using. Some of them need to be made slightly damp before use. If this is the case, skip this step and follow the cloth's instructions instead.
    • If dampening a cloth, it is best to use distilled water or a cleaner specifically designed for cleaning touch screens.
  5. 5
    Brush again with the microfiber cloth to finish off. Don't over-rub though! And if there is any dampness left, just leave it to air dry.
    • Do not put too much pressure on the screen when cleaning it.
  6. 6
    Wash the microfiber cloth. To wash the microfiber cloth, soak it in warm, soapy water. The warm water serves to open the fibers and release the grime that may have gathered. Scrub the cloth lightly while soaking it (not too hard or you will damage the cloth). After soaking, avoid squeezing out any excess water, let the cloth out to air dry. If you're in a hurry, you may want to blow dry it. Do not wash any screens with the cloth until dry (or lightly damp) to the touch.
  7. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Disinfection with Alcohol Gel

This method is good because the sanitizer kills all the germs. Please use this method sparingly!

  1. 1
    Get some alcohol gel. It is also known as hand sanitizer.
  2. 2
    Take a clean paper towel.
  3. 3
    Squeeze a little gel into the paper towel.
  4. 4
    Wipe down the screen.
  5. 5
    Use a clean microfiber cloth to remove smudges - but there shouldn't be any!
  6. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How can I clean a cell phone screen without damaging it?
    Mobile Kangaroo
    Mobile Kangaroo
    Computer & Phone Repair Specialists
    Mobile Kangaroo is a full service repair shop and Apple Authorized Service Provider headquartered in Mountain View, CA. Mobile Kangaroo has been repairing electronic devices such as computers, phones, and tablets, for over 19 years, with locations in over 20 cities.
    Mobile Kangaroo
    Computer & Phone Repair Specialists
    Expert Answer
    I'd use a disposable lens-cleaning wipe. If you don't have one of those, pour a few drops of isopropyl alcohol in a microfiber cloth. Wipe the screen gently, and then dry it off with a clean cloth.
  • Question
    Could a microfiber cloth damage the screen?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No, microfibre cloths are designed to not leave marks or scratches on surfaces such as glass or plastic.
  • Question
    I can't use a microfiber cloth because I don't have any and my mom already went to the store, so what's another technique I can use without having to go to the store?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you do not have a microfiber cloth and the cleaning can't wait, a cotton cloth or corner of a shirt will do.


  • Never use the spit and rub cleaning method. It will only create grime on your screen that you will have to clean later.
  • Don't press too hard on the screen when cleaning or you might damage the display.
  • Never use anything containing ammonia to clean the touchscreen with unless the manufacturer has specifically stated a product. Ammonia can damage the screen.
  • Never use paper towels or tissue paper. They contain wood fibers that will scratch any plastic surface. You may not see the scratches the first time, but over time your screen will look like you used very fine steel wool to clean it which will leaving it looking dull and somewhat fuzzy.
  • Avoid using anything that is abrasive when cleaning a touchscreen.
  • Avoid spraying liquid or water direct on the screen; there is a risk of liquid leaking into the device and damaging it. Instead, always spray the liquid onto the microfiber, squeeze to remove any excess liquid, and then wipe.

Things You'll Need

  • Microfiber cloth or a similar, soft and lint-free cloth.
  • Distilled water or commercial touchscreen targeted cleaning agent.


  1. Mobile Kangaroo. Computer & Phone Repair Specialists. Expert Interview. 11 September 2019.

About This Article

Mobile Kangaroo
Co-authored by:
Computer & Phone Repair Specialists
This article was co-authored by Mobile Kangaroo. Mobile Kangaroo is a full service repair shop and Apple Authorized Service Provider headquartered in Mountain View, CA. Mobile Kangaroo has been repairing electronic devices such as computers, phones, and tablets, for over 19 years, with locations in over 20 cities. This article has been viewed 948,643 times.
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Co-authors: 100
Updated: September 16, 2021
Views: 948,643
Article SummaryX

The best way to clean a touchscreen is with a dry microfiber cloth. Rub the screen in small circles with the cloth to remove any smudges and marks. If a dry cloth really isn't cutting it, you can try slightly moistening the cloth with distilled water or a screen cleaner. To sanitize your touchscreen, apply a little hand sanitizer to a paper towel, then carefully wipe down the screen with it. For more tips, like how to clean a microfiber cloth, keep reading!

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