Medium is a place for writers to share their stories, thoughts, and musings in a community that values independent and unique perspectives. Without the distraction of outside advertisements or sponsorships, Medium focuses on substance and authenticity. [1] Top Writer status on Medium is one of the best designations you can earn on the independent writing platform. We’ll go over the nuts and bolts of being a Top Writer and give you a few suggestions on how to earn the coveted title.

Question 1 of 10:

What does it mean to be a Top Writer?

  1. 1
    Top Writers are officially designated by Medium as being an authority in a certain category. When a writer receives Top Writer status, they will receive an email from Medium congratulating them on becoming a Top Writer on a certain topic. Top Writer's articles are featured on category pages and recommended to readers more often.
  2. 2
    There is no limit to the number of Top Writers. The good news is that there aren’t a limited number of Top Writers on Medium. Anyone can become a Top Writer if they meet the requirements. It will take commitment and dedication to your craft, but we've listed a few steps you can take to earn the title!
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Question 2 of 10:

How Do I Become a Top Writer?

  1. 1
    Determine a clear area of expertise. Because Medium designates Top Writers for different topics, you'll want to think about a topic you can cover with authority. You can get creative and diversify your writing as your following grows, but you will want to start your Medium blog by writing about a topic you know very well.
  2. 2
    Consult the tags on other Top Writer's sites. Tags are listed at the bottom of an article, and are used to label articles according to topic or area of interest. Identify a tag that resonates with your chosen area of expertise, and write articles using that tag as much as possible.
    • Tags are how Medium identifies the topic for which you will be a Top Writer. Consider finding tags that are less popular, or have less than 50 Top Writers already.[2] You can see who else writes under a tag by clicking on it. Or, use this link for a complete list of tags with Top Writer status: [1]
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Question 4 of 10:

How do I start writing on Medium?

  1. 1
    Make an account and consider joining the Medium Partner Program. It's free to make an account on Medium and publish articles.
    • Your articles are more likely to be recommended to readers and accepted to publications if you become a member and join the Medium Partner Program. Partner Program members are able to earn money on their articles by linking a bank account or debit card with a third-party service called Stripe.
    • Joining the Partner Program is free, but you must have at least 100 followers on Medium, and have published at least one article on the site. [3]
  2. 2
    Take a Medium writing course. There are lots of free professional, online courses to help you become a better writer and teach you how to navigate Medium. You can take a course specialized for Medium or one more focused on writing.
    • If you’re planning to primarily publish on Medium, taking a course specialized for this platform may be more worthwhile than a general writing course.
    • You can also take courses from current Top Writers to learn their tips and tricks to become a Top Writer. Many top writers include call to actions to sign up for their free Medium writing email courses in their bios and at the end of their articles.
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Question 5 of 10:

What are the perks of being a Top Writer?

  1. 1
    The Top Writer tag will appear on your profile. This tells readers that you are a trusted voice on your chosen topics. There are a couple of main reasons you want this title. As a Top Writer, you can shift perspectives and offer new thoughts on your topics as a validated, trusted source.
  2. 2
    Earn more money. Since Top Writer status is essentially Medium’s official stamp of approval, Top Writers typically attract more followers and more reads, which means they can earn more revenue from their articles.
  3. 3
    Expand Your Writing Circle. A Top Writer designation will not only identify you as a verified resource on the topic you’re writing about, but it could also open up other writing opportunities to collaborate with other publications or writers.
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Question 7 of 10:

How can I make my Medium articles easier to find?

  1. 1
    Add tags to your work. In addition to your main interest area, consider what search terms or keywords might lead a reader to your work.
    • Medium provides suggestions for adding tags based on your topic and popular searches. [4]
    • Make sure your tags relate to your pieces but also have a substantial amount of followers. You can find a list of popular tags along with their follower counts on Medium’s website.
  2. 2
    Publish consistently in the same topic or category. Top Writers are designated by category. You should try to publish consistently in the same tags to achieve Top Writer status for that topic.
    • While you can tag your article with whatever terms you'd like, not all tags are eligible for Top Writer status. A few tags that are eligible include Money, Productivity, Finance, and Self-Improvement.
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Question 8 of 10:

Do I need to publish articles in Medium publications?

Question 9 of 10:

How should I format my articles?

  1. 1
    Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to break up your article. Focus on readability!
  2. 2
    Use images sparingly. Typically, just one picture at the top of your article will suffice, but you may want to use 1-2 more as a visual break, depending on the overall length of your piece.
  3. 3
    Use shorter paragraphs whenever possible. Long paragraphs without any visual breaks do not perform as well.[6]
    • Publications will have specific formatting instructions. If you're submitting an article to a publication, be sure to research the publisher's formatting requirements. Most publications list their requirements on a "Submit Your Story" or "Write For Us" tab on their publication homepage.
    • Almost every publication will require titles to be written in Title Case and subtitles to be written in sentence case. There are lots of free tools online that will automatically format your titles correctly.
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Question 10 of 10:

Can my Medium articles get indexed on Google Search?

  1. 1
    Articles that align with Medium's mission will be accessible on Google search. Being featured in Google search means an article has been "indexed." Being indexed means that more readers will be able to find your account and stories through Google search, not just on Medium.
    • It can take time to reach the reader threshold to be indexed in Google search. Produce your best, most meaningful work, and avoid clickbait and spam content to improve your chances of having your work indexed on search.
  2. 2
    Medium discourages content that is focused solely on SEO. SEO or "search engine optimization" is the practice of improving the quality of writing with the goal of ranking higher in search gaining more traffic to your webpage.[7] .
    • Medium may consider hyper SEO-focused content as spam or clickbait, especially if it does not actively contribute to their mission of sharing independent, genuine thought. Be wary of "keyword-stuffing" your articles.[8]
  3. 3
    Becoming a Top Writer on Medium is not an impossible task. If you are dedicated to the process of earning the title, you'll get there! Be patient and trust your abilities and your readers and Medium will react in kind.
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About This Article

Emily Schmitt
Written by:
wikiHow Technology Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Emily Schmitt. Emily Schmitt is a Technology Writer for wikiHow. Emily is a tech and social media enthusiast who has written dozens of articles on popular apps and services. Emily has experience as an editor of the Davidsonian, the on-campus newspaper at Davidson College. She is currently enrolled at Davidson College, earning her BA in both English and Digital Studies. This article has been viewed 15,701 times.
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Co-authors: 6
Updated: September 16, 2021
Views: 15,701
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