Psychic mediums have the ability to sense and communicate with beings and energies in other dimensions, including the spirits of people who have died. They are often called upon to help people who have unresolved questions for loved ones who have passed away.[1] Psychic mediums may use meditative channeling, palmistry, psychometric, or readings from tarot cards or crystal balls to facilitate communication with those in other dimensions. This article includes information on what it means to be a psychic medium, how to improve your psychic abilities, and how to use your abilities in the service of others, whether they be people or spirits.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Determine Your Aptitude for Becoming a Psychic Medium

  1. 1
    Know what it means to be a psychic medium. Psychic mediums perceive spirits in other dimensions using one or more of the following abilities:[2]
    • Clairvoyance. Clairvoyant mediums can see spirits, auras, objects and places that are not perceptible to others. People who have passed away may appear to them in visions, or they may be able to vividly sense a place to which they have never been. Make sure you are very careful of what to say to spirits. If your using any tools are materials to help you, and if you don’t close the session properly, it could let out a spirit. Good or bad. Most of the time it’s the bad ones trying to get out. Psychic mediums see these visions with their third eye, located between the two physical eyes. Everyone has a third eye, but the average person's is closed or too weak to use.
    • Clairaudience. Clairaudient mediums can hear messages from the "other side," either physically or psychically. They can communicate with spirits that are thousands of miles away, or in another dimension altogether.
    • Clairsentience . Clairsentient mediums experience psychic communication through pure knowing. They get surges of knowledge given from the spirits, that they then interpret.
  2. 2
    Determine your level of psychic ability. Everyone has some level of psychic abilities, which help us intuit other people's feelings and connect with our spiritual side. Consider the following questions to help you determine your level of psychic ability:
    • Are you a natural psychic medium? Some people begin seeing visions, hearing messages, or strongly feeling the presence of spirits from a very young age. They don't necessarily know what they are experiencing until they get older. The natural psychic mediumship is exceedingly rare.
    • Are you clairvoyant, clairaudient, or clairsentient? Perhaps you feel on the cusp of developing abilities in one of these areas. You're sensitive and receptive to feelings, emotions, and communications from others, and you've had experiences that you consider to be paranormal.
    • Are you interested in becoming a psychic medium, but have never had a paranormal experience? It's possible to work on particular skills and open up the possibility of flexing your psychic muscles. With some practice, you may be able to open and strengthen your third eye.
  3. 3
    Conduct research on psychic medium ship. One of the best ways to figure out whether you have the capacity to become a psychic medium is to read accounts written by other mediums. Decide whether you recognize yourself in their stories and experiences. Learn as much as you can about the history and practice of psychic medium ship.
    • Read books by psychic mediums, and watch shows that feature them, to get a sense of the paths psychic mediums have taken.
    • Talk to a psychic medium about his or her experiences. Psychic fairs are good places to meet mediums.
    • Beware people purporting to be psychic mediums who may not be the real deal.
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Method 2
  1. 1
    Heighten your awareness. The psychic medium ship is about being open to communication from the "other side." Try the following methods for raising your awareness and opening your third eye:[3]
    • Pay attention to your intuition. Don't dismiss your dreams. Acknowledge the odd feelings and urges you feel. Recognize the various energies that affect you throughout the day.
    • Spend quiet time by yourself every morning. After you wake in the morning, before starting your day, spend time allowing thoughts and emotions to wash over you. Don't control what comes; welcome and absorb it. Open your mind to the possibility of receiving communications from energies generated outside yourself.
    • Try free writing. Write what comes to your mind the moment it arrives. Don't judge the words, and avoid editing them. Read back over what you wrote a few hours later. The messages you receive from other beings won't always be clear, but writing them down may help you find patterns.
  2. 2
    Try actively communicating with spirits. A good way to start is by finding a medium ship circle, a group of mediums who gather to receive messages from the other side. This will give you an introduction to the setting that should be arranged for effective communication. Once you're comfortable with the process, try it on your own, or invite other mediums to join you.
    • Set up a room in a quiet part of your house. Dim or turn off the lights. A few candles may help create a spiritual setting.
    • Say a prayer or chant to ready the space for communication and call on spirits to join the circle.
    • Recognize the presence of the spirit or spirits that join you. Allow yourself to receive images, words, feelings, smells - whatever the spirits wish to communicate.
    • Ask the spirit to identify itself. When you receive an answer, confirm it out loud. Continue communicating with the spirit by asking questions and receiving answers.
    • Know that at this early stage you will not be able to control the effect the communication has on you. You may feel frightened, or you may experience pain. As you develop your skills as a medium, you'll be better able to control the way you communicate with the other side.
  3. 3
    Consider taking a workshop or course in the psychic medium ship. Bookstores and spiritual centers in your area may offer educational resources. Do online research and attend psychic fairs and conferences to find out more about workshops, classes and even certifications for new psychic mediums.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Share Your Psychic Abilities With Others

  1. 1
    Offer to work with someone to facilitate communication with his or her loved one. If you have a friend or family member who is distressed about unfinished business with someone who has passed away, offer to use your abilities to help him or her.
    • During the séance or trance period, note that as a medium you should not ask too many questions of the person you are helping. A good medium never asks the client to tell them the name of the deceased or any details; otherwise, it is not a valid reading. It is up to you to validate the deceased loved one's name, occupation in life, birth date, physical description, how they passed, and so on.
    • Remember that doing a psychic reading is a big responsibility. It can be a very emotional process for all parties involved.
  2. 2
    Consider starting a business as a psychic medium. It is possible to have a very successful career as a psychic medium once you're confident in your abilities. Build a website to advertise your services. Set up a room in your house or rent a space to be used for the purpose of holding sessions with clients.
    • Be sure to incorporate your small business according to the laws where you live.
    • Talk to other mediums about the business models that have worked for them, including how much they charge for each reading.
    • Participate in psychic fairs and conferences. Print business cards and pass them out at psychic fairs and conferences, or sign up to set up your own table.
  3. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How can I see my own aura?
    Jennifer McVey, Cht
    Jennifer McVey, Cht
    Spiritual Director
    Jennifer McVey is a Spiritualist, Seer, and the Spiritual Director of Spiritual Answers and Solutions. With more than 22 years of experience, she specializes in manifesting, ghosts and spirit attachments, hypnotherapy, channeling, and spiritually based life coaching. Jennifer has also published 13 Affirmation Image and six Word Search Puzzle books in spirituality and self-help and has produced over 600 audio sessions.
    Jennifer McVey, Cht
    Spiritual Director
    Expert Answer
    Put your hand up in front of your face and spread your fingers wide. Between your fingers, look in that general direction and unfocus your eyes. All of the sudden, you'll automatically see something that looks kind of blurry or a little fuzzy. That is the energy that matches your physical body.
  • Question
    How can I open my third eye?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can open your third eye by doing meditation, going into nature, being more creative, gaining more intelligence and becoming more aware of your own feelings and what is going on around you. You will feel much more relaxed once you have opened your third eye.
  • Question
    How can I kill my fear of ghosts?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can cleanse your home of negative energy with sage or sweet grass. You can also perform a smudging ceremony, although this is best done by respectfully approaching a spiritual First Nations person. You can also perform a salt ceremony to protect your home. Lastly, you'd want to meditate regularly, psychically surround yourself in white light, and tell any negative energy that it does not have your permission to interfere with your life.


  • If you are serious about developing your skills, it is highly encouraged to find a skilled teacher who can assist you in a Psychic Development class or one on one. Psychic skills can be very powerful and should be used wisely.


  1. Jennifer McVey, Cht. Spiritual Director. Expert Interview. 21 December 2021.
  2. Jennifer McVey, Cht. Spiritual Director. Expert Interview. 21 December 2021.
  3. Jennifer McVey, Cht. Spiritual Director. Expert Interview. 21 December 2021.

About This Article

Jennifer McVey, Cht
Co-authored by:
Spiritual Director
This article was co-authored by Jennifer McVey, Cht. Jennifer McVey is a Spiritualist, Seer, and the Spiritual Director of Spiritual Answers and Solutions. With more than 22 years of experience, she specializes in manifesting, ghosts and spirit attachments, hypnotherapy, channeling, and spiritually based life coaching. Jennifer has also published 13 Affirmation Image and six Word Search Puzzle books in spirituality and self-help and has produced over 600 audio sessions. This article has been viewed 950,132 times.
19 votes - 80%
Co-authors: 53
Updated: March 8, 2023
Views: 950,132
Categories: Paranormal Beliefs
Article SummaryX

If you’d like to become a psychic medium, work on developing your psychic abilities, like seeing auras or hearing messages from spirits. You should also be highly sensitive and empathetic in order to facilitate communication between a grieving person and their loved one. To heighten your awareness of psychic energies, practice a quiet activity, like meditation, every day to keep yourself open for psychic communications. Additionally, try writing down whatever comes to your mind the moment it arrives, since they may be communications from the “other side.” For more advice, including how to determine whether you’re clairvoyant, clairaudient, or clairsentient, keep reading!

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