Snuggling is one of the major benefits of sleeping next to your honey. One popular method is known as “spooning,” in which both partners lie on their sides, facing the same direction, and one person puts their arms around the other. However, this position can often results in the bottom arm developing “pins and needles,” or paraesthesia, which is caused by temporary lack of blood flow to a body part.[1] To avoid trapping your arm and having to wake your partner up to free it, you can modify your cuddling style to stay close but keep the blood flowing to both arms.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Spooning Without Trapping Your Arm

  1. 1
    Slide your bottom arm behind you rather than placing it under your partner. Having your partner lie on their side. Lie down beside them. Slide your top arm over their body and your lower arm behind you. This method allows you to easily change positions throughout the night without waking the other person.
  2. 2
    Sleep on your back with your partner resting their head or arm on your chest. This method typically works well for those who have broad or large chests. Often seen in films, it’s a romantic position common in new relationships.[2]
    • Both you and your partner should lie down on your backs in bed.
    • Ask your partner to slide toward you and lay their head on your chest.
    • With the arm underneath your partner, embrace them so that your partner’s body is positioned above your armpit area.
  3. 3
    Try propping yourselves up on pillows in order to allow room for your lower arm. The idea is to leave a gap under your partner where your arm can comfortably fit.
    • Sleep further down on the mattress and stretch your arm out above you underneath a pillow. Your feet shouldn’t hang off the bed but the extra space above your head will serve as a “landing pad” for your arm. This method requires some advance planning and the co-operation of your partner.[3]
    • Try modifying your mattress if you want to be really sure of creating adequate space.[4]
  4. 4
    Sleep back to back while still touching. This popular position still generates a feeling of closeness and intimacy. However, it allows you both to move your arms freely.[5]
  5. 5
    Communicate honestly about cuddling in bed. It’s important to find a position that works for both of you. While you are worrying about your numb arm, your partner might be hot and uncomfortable. Talk about what works and what doesn’t, and be open to trying new routines.[6]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Freeing a Trapped Arm

  1. 1
    Try to pry your arm gently from underneath your partner. If your arm is underneath your partner’s neck or waist, you may be able to gently remove your arm and free yourself by pushing your trapped arm down into the mattress and sliding it away.[7]
  2. 2
    Move your partner gently out the way in order to free your arm. Roll closer to your partner, as if you were giving them a tighter hug. Use the momentum of the embrace to roll them gently away from your arm, which you can then free.[8]
  3. 3
    Wake your partner up. If you can’t feel your arm and you can’t gently pry it loose, you might need to speak up. Be gentle but clear, saying something like: “Sweetheart, could you let me get my arm out from under you?” Even though it might feel awkward in the moment, remember that open communication is better than simmering resentment.
  4. 4
    Suffer in silence. If your partner is sleeping peacefully and your arm isn’t in too much agony, you might choose to wait it out. Sooner or later, he’s likely to shift positions, allowing you to free your arm. Loving relationships always entail sacrifices, and if you are able to offer one freely and without resentment, it can strengthen your bond.[9]
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Why won't any girl go out with me?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Girls look for people who are good communicators. Practice discussing all sorts of things -- particularly people-centered and emotion-centered topics. Become a good communicator. They'll notice.


  • See a doctor if your arm doesn’t regain feeling within five to ten minutes of being freed. Prolonged pins and needles can be a sign of a more serious condition.[10]

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216 votes - 76%
Co-authors: 28
Updated: January 15, 2023
Views: 402,051
Article SummaryX

To avoid trapping your arm while snuggling in bed, try having your partner lie on their side, then lie down beside them. Slide your top arm over their body and keep your lower arm behind you, rather than under your partner. That way, you can easily change positions if you need to without waking your partner. If you have a broad chest, lie on your back and have your partner rest their head or arm on your chest. With your arm underneath your partner, embrace them so their body is positioned above your armpit area. You can also try sleeping back to back so you can be touching while also keeping your arms free. For tips about how to prop yourselves up on pillows to keep from trapping your arms while snuggling, keep reading!

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