The National University of Singapore is a well-respected research college recognized by multiple organizations as the best school in Asia.[1] Though the university’s acceptance rate is quite low, just about anyone can apply and compete for a spot.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Meeting the Admissions Requirements

  1. 1
    Apply using A Level results if your country offers them. If you live in a country that offers Singapore-Cambridge Advanced Level exams, such as Singapore and the UK, you may apply to NUS using your A Levels as the primary admissions criteria. For consideration, you’ll need to earn good passes in the following areas:[2]
    • H1/H2/H3 content subjects in 4 different areas, with 1 or more of the subjects coming from a contrasting field of study.
    • A or AO content subjects in 3 different areas.
    • A General Paper or Knowledge Inquiry. If you choose to complete a Knowledge Inquiry, you will not be required to complete an H1 curriculum subject.
    • AO or H1 project work.
    • A Mother Language Tongue paper or examination.
  2. 2
    Submit your polytechnic diploma if you earned it in Singapore. If you graduated from a polytechnic school located in Singapore, you may submit your diploma to fulfill your primary admissions requirement. In addition, you must submit the results of your Singapore-Cambridge GCE O Level exams.[3]
    • During the admissions process, your polytechnic results hold a weight of 80% while the results of your O Levels hold a weight of 20%.
  3. 3
    Send in your diploma if you graduated from NUS High School. The NUS High School of Mathematics and Science is a feeder school to the main university. Therefore, if you obtained a diploma from the high school, you can use it to fulfill your primary admissions criteria.[4]
    • NUS High School applicants must also achieve high marks on a Mother Language Tongue exam or paper.
  4. 4
    Apply using your IB diploma if you earned it from an accepted school. If you successfully completed an International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, you may use it to fulfill your primary application requirements. Though you do not need to complete a Mother Language Tongue requirement before applying, the university expects admitted students to do so before obtaining their degree.[5]
    • If you are a Singapore citizen or resident, you may apply using a diploma obtained from any accredited IB World School.
    • If you are an international student, you may only apply using a diploma obtained from a Singapore-based IB School.
    • For a full list of accepted schools, visit the International Baccalaureate Organization’s official website.
  5. 5
    Check the international requirements if you don’t live in Singapore. NUS offers 27 unique admissions processes for students applying from foreign nations. To make sure you meet the school’s official requirements for students from your country, visit Some potential requirements include:[6]
    • Passing the ACT and SAT exams.
    • Completing the Indian Standard 12.
    • Earning a Unified Examination Certificate.
  6. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Submitting an Application Online

  1. 1
    Visit the NUS Office of Admissions’ official webpage. To submit an application to the National University of Singapore, visit the college’s official website and click on the link that says ‘Apply to NUS.’ Additionally, you can reach this page by going to[7]
  2. 2
    Select which application you wish to submit. Once you’ve reached the Office of Admissions’ webpage, scroll down and click on the application category that best suits your needs. The site includes A Level, Polytechnic Diploma, NUS High School Diploma, IB Diploma, International Student, and Transfer Student sections.[8]
    • NUS does not accept print applications.[9]
  3. 3
    Fill out an online application. After selecting your application category, click the small button labeled ‘Apply Now.’ Then, follow the on-screen instructions to complete your official application. Most NUS applications have about 15 sections and require a variety of info including your:[10]
    • Personal and contact information
    • Academic qualifications
    • Extracurricular accomplishments
    • Preferred course selections
  4. 4
    Pay for and submit your application. Check over your application to make sure there are no grammar, spelling, or informational errors. Then, select a payment method and submit your application. Each NUS application costs between 10 and 20 Singapore dollars to submit.
    • Though currency conversion rates vary constantly, the application fee currently costs between $7.62 and $15.25.
  5. 5
    Send in additional forms if necessary. After submitting your application, download the official Application Checklist for your submission category. Compile any documents requested by the form, then scan and upload the documents to the URL listed at the bottom of the checklist.[11]
    • Some documents you may need include your identification papers, exam results, and academic transcripts.
    • Look for the application checklist on your degree program’s Application Forms & Procedures webpage.
  6. 6
    Check your admission status online. Once you’ve submitted your application and any other necessary forms, you can keep track of your admission status by visiting To view your status, you’ll need to know your 8-digit application number and your personal identification number.[12]
    • If you receive an offer of admission from the university, you can accept it from the admission status page.
  7. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Is it difficult to get into NUS?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    The National University of Singapore is a well-known and well-respected research college, so getting into it is really difficult. That's why their acceptance rate is so low. However, almost anybody can apply to attend the school. If you meet all of the requirements, there's always a chance your application will be accepted. In fact, NUS offers 27 unique ways for you to get admitted to the school, so check out their website to see what specific requirements you need to satisfy.
  • Question
    How can I get a scholarship in NUS Singapore?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    The best way for you to get a scholarship to NUS is to apply using A Level results. These are the Singapore-Cambridge Advanced Level exams, which are offered in certain countries such as Singapore and the UK. They're a difficult battery of tests, but if you do well on them, then you're much more likely to earn a scholarship to attend NUS.
  • Question
    What is the criteria for admission in NUS?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    There are actually 27 unique ways you can apply and be accepted into NUS. Some of the most common ways include using your A Level results, submitting your polytechnic diploma if you earned one in Singapore, an NUS High School diploma, or an International Baccalaureate diploma. However, there are tons of other ways for you to be admitted. Check out their website to see if you satisfy some of the requirements to get in.

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Co-authors: 5
Updated: March 28, 2019
Views: 55,853
Article SummaryX

To apply to the National University of Singapore, visit the college’s official website and click on the link that says ‘Apply to NUS.’ From there, locate the type of application you wish to submit and fill in all the requested information. Once you’re ready to submit, check your spelling and grammar, then pay the 10 to 20 SGD application fee and send in the paperwork. Finally, scan and upload any additional papers requested by the degree program’s application checklist. To see if you meet NUS’ admissions requirements for local or international students, read on!

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